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Dec 4, 2018
Oh joy. Just can not wait.

I'm seriously interested: if authors of such stories seriously think that writing shitty relationships - where lovers hate each other - is actually sexy and worthy of a porn game, then why they don't just start with them?
Why the constant bait and switch?

Where are all the stories with the girl hating her boyfriend's guts from the very start?
And a guy that's a piece of shit towards his girlfriend?
So sexy.
Can't wait to jerk off to a bunch of poisonous spiders locked in a can.

Character progression, my ass...
I mean I get it. The tragedy of the fallen relationships could be very powerful.
But first, you are writing a porn game. This tragedy - the main thing about your story - should be sexy. And making the FMC act like a piece of shit doesn't make me harder.
It makes it harder to fkn watch her scenes.

No, it's not.
Don't place arbitrary walls on the genre.
NTR is about jealousy. Period.
Like any other genre in the storytelling - it's about one emotion.
Everything else - how to bring that emotion to life - is up to the author's own discretion.

And you should know that. Most of the NTR stories don't even involve the lovers breaking up. These are minority.
And that's for a reason.
To break up a couple you need to diminish their love for each other. But that will diminish jealousy. Cos why the hell would you be jealous when there's no love?
So, to force your plot to snowball, you need the jealousy to grow along with your word-count. And for that, you need the love to grow (at least in the perception of the reader).

That is the safest and the most solid approach:
The more you write, the more reasons you give for lovers to love each other - and the more reasons you give for lovers to get jealous of each other.
At the same time.

It's just this story's doing it separately, for some reason.
First, there's a bunch of updates with absolutely no jealousy involved - only love is shown. So it's a snooze-fest for months.
Then, the love train came to a complete halt - and we were introduced to some valid reasons to be jealous. But now there's a bunch of hate in the relationships, for 'reasons' - so now jealousy doesn't work. Because why the hell would I be jealous of the hateful snake?

It's simple, really.
You see beautiful relationships - you want them to work out.
You see toxic relationships - you want them to break up as soon as possible.
There's no room for jealousy - or even tragedy - in the second one.

I mean it's just the simplest approach, of course. You absolutely can make the couple to break up - but you need to make it actually work in a porn game. Cos of the reasons from above.
Or else your story's second half would always be worse than the first half.
And that should never be the case.

I don't think people reference to these types of stories as 'netorase'.
The guy will google 'netorase', watch some swinging with 0 tension, fall asleep, and'll be left disappointed for the rest of his life. :HideThePain:

For example, if in this game Harry was fully aware of what was going on, but couldn't stop it cos of the real danger it posed for Aya - so he, let's say, was working in the shadows to help her get out of it as much as he can, while dealing with his own emotions. Causing his mental to go nuts more and more, but still fighting - if not for his love, then at least for his loved one's well-being.
So Harry fights for his love, while his own demons tearing him apart from within.
Aya fights for her love, while her own demons tearing her apart from within.
And antagonist fights to tear their love apart.
You can do a lot of stuff with increasingly deteriorating mental <=> but clear objective that will never falter. But will twist into something new.

If I understand correctly that is the type of the 'curveball' the guy was asking for.
And I don't think that people would label it as NTS.

If I'm wrong, could you bring some examples of NTS stories that you think of?
I like the genre myself, so I'd always appreciate a reference to a good story.
damn that was long read but i agree, NTR is exciting when the lovers still in love with each other. if the story got dragged on for too long and the girl no longer feels anything from the act it'll be just cheating.


Jun 26, 2023
ntr doesn't need to be short and it doesn't need to have people loving each other. it's more than just "jealousy" it involves betrayal, loss, and other such things.

if the wife has another man's child while dead bedrooming/bitching and nagging the husband as they constantly have secret sex with their lover it's NTR not "just cheating". the most hard ntr is when the love is one-sided towards the female and she doesn't give a shit about the person she got stolen from even intentionally harming them casually. you're just trying to insert some netorase shit into this under the guise of it being "real netorare". if you want love and jealousy go jerk to netorase and stop pretending you're the authority on netorare.
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Sep 13, 2021
ntr doesn't need to be short and it doesn't need to have people loving each other. it's more than just "jealousy" it involves betrayal, loss, and other such things.

if the wife has another man's child while dead bedrooming/bitching and nagging the husband as they constantly have secret sex with their lover it's NTR not "just cheating". the most hard ntr is when the love is one-sided towards the female and she doesn't give a shit about the person she got stolen from even intentionally harming them casually. you're just trying to insert some netorase shit into this under the guise of it being "real netorare". if you want love and jealousy go jerk to netorase and stop pretending you're the authority on netorare.
No one is an authority on anything.
People just voice their opinions here - cos it's entertaining to talk about.
No one's putting a gun to your head. :sneaky:

...the most hard ntr is when the love is one-sided towards the female...
...If we ignore the female part.

That is actually a good point. One-sided love IS a part of NTR genre.
//meaning authors mark such stories with an NTR tag.
Albeit... very small part. You can count the stories with 'one-sided love' under the NTR tag - I doubt it will reach even a double-digit %.

But you like it.
And your feelings are absolutely valid.
That's what these discussions are for.

But that's not what this game is about. It was never a one-sided love.
Why we were building a loving relationship for months - with 0 'bitching', mind you?
If it's so sexy, why not do the 'bitching' from the start?

I can ask you again: how many stories - NTR stories - are there where one partner is "dead bedrooming/bitching and nagging" from the very start? So people who start reading know exactly what type of read they opened up.

If it's so sexy - you're writing a porn game - make your story 'sexy' from start to finish.
Why not?

Maybe because:
if the wife has another man's child while dead bedrooming/bitching and nagging the husband as they constantly have secret sex with their lover it's NTR not "just cheating".
Yeah it is.
It's literally the definition of cheating.
And there's a separate tag for it. Kinda for a reason.
Maybe a 'wife' thing is clouding your judgment, idk - try reading the same sentence, but with a 'husband' instead.

And I, for one, find boring cheating, well, boring.
But I also find tentacle sex boring. It's alright. I just don't read these.
The real problem is that Aya promised something more than just boring cheating sex between 2 assholes.

Look, you like what you like.
No one's forcing you to get horny for gay-frogs.
But you just not describing this story. Aya was the one with the 'one-sided' love. She was never bitchy. She was never nagging. She was the one running after Harry the whole time - and she was ready to turn mountains for her love.
Why are YOU reading such a story?
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May 19, 2020
Yeah, there were no choice yet, in comparison with the original game. Not sure if they will appear here
I mean... I've heard that Hangover is going to make more than one ending for Aya's route so the logical answer is for choices to appear at some point in the game.
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