VN - Ren'Py - Completed - A Promise Best Left Unkept [Bonus S2 Ep 9-11] [Hangover Cat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not the biggest fan of NTR games and that's because most of the games end up with an ending that's super depressing and unfair and always the antagonist wins when I decide to play NTR games it's mostly for the curroption of the female character that fall little by little but in this game gives something new to this genre many NTR games have empty characters that are just there to get cheated on but in this game all of the characters have motivations beliefs and wants you get to explore in each ending the past of every character like the MC, his girlfriend relationship with her mother and even the antagonist there is a lot of hot scenarios like the "Rule" system that Laura and Luca (MC's girlfriend and the antagonist) has set up, the endings are satisfying because you have endings where the girlfriend end up a slut and other endings where the main characters win the art is great by different artist every art of every single artist in the game is unique and the characters feel real and intresting I'm not a fan of NTR games but this developer won my intrest I can say the same things about his previous game, it's great to see new developers bring something new to the table and win over people who aren't fan of NTR, the corruption part of the girls is done right not too slow but not too rushed it has the right pase and it's realistic and believable I reccoment everyone to give this game a try even if you are not an NTR fan
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The rating is too low, it should be on the top games on this site but I feels like the rating is low because it might not be a game for everyone despite its qualities.

    The qualities :
    - it's an amateur project that feels like a professional one, it's complete, the graphics are good, the sounds are good, the story is not half-baked.
    - The corruption is particularly well done, slow burn, well written erotica.
    - There are many sex scenes very arousing, the feminine sounds, the images are good, animations good enough.
    - The psychology of the characters is well developed, really interesting, despite the tropey hentai logic needed to make it a porn game.

    What makes it a game not for everyone is that where most NTR focus on the sexually arousing aspects of cheating, here all the sexual corruption leads to a story where someone is trying to utterly destroy the main character for the sake of it and that you'll most likely side with him : despite his weakness he is pure and it's exactly why the antagonist wants to destroy him, because he resents his purity.

    Watching one of the worst ending can feel like a traumatizing experience because the game makes everything to make you empathize with this MC who tries his best, isn't some weak beta with a micropenis caricature but ends with his life fucked because someone really wants to destroy him for the sake of it and for a despicable reason that feels like "If I'm not capable of love, I'll destroy any chance of being loved for you".

    But if you end up watching all of the endings, the game becomes something else that is quite rare with porn games : they are not so much routes trying to cater to different fetishes but a way to dig deeper in the psychology of the different characters : you need to do the Aya route to see her becoming the most interesting character, the only one who truly sees the main character for who he is and love him for it.

    For me, the game felt first like an arousing experience, then a traumatizing one and after played all the endings, like a catharcic experience and it's, I think, what makes this game particularly good : it makes you care about its characters and wanting to watch all the endings to find what the best outcome could be for them, you understand why Laura, who has deep weakness and insecurities, can betray the MC and why, you see that the MC always retain something pure in him even when he falls himself and Aya, who is even more ruthless than the antagonist is like his negative mirror, a psychopath who found someone who is what she can't be and instead of him, decided to protect him at all costs.

    In conclusion : it's good, it can be traumatazing because some endings are bleak without any light at the end. It's worth to play all the endings because the writer really poured love into its characters who end up staying with you for a few days after playing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Denpa San

    "love has it's limit, but pain, hate and bitterness are bottomless pits"
    btw, a netorase bonus scene would be nice. i have a few more left so maybe there is one. and i get that it's not in harrys personality but that's what the bonus scenes are for
    but now i've seen everything this game offers.
    aya catharsis hits so nice after playing the main stories. holy fuck, perfectly done, aya is amazing. (gunna make it hit even harder on "aya edition")
    i wish there was more ffm scenes, even scenes with aya or sandra where rarely really ffm. also, there just wasn't enough of laura taking initiative, even in the parts where she started enjoying it. a nice idea would be an route where laura becomes so into it she even meets lucas energy (not domination as such, but meets his level and isn't entirely submissive) (there is an ending like this, but it wasn't really embraced until the end). i'd also like more active teasing of harry on some routes, but i think the aya edition will (hopefully) capitalize on the hinted sadism of aya. i also liked some of the teasing play, for example laura and luca in the office behind his back, especially if aya is involved in some. my favorite scene was during the double date party where aya does karaoke. could do with more outfits.
    but this game is so good, i struggled even getting horny because the characters stories was too heart wrenching. but that's not a bad thing, i can take the scenarios with me elsewhere, it's fantasy fuel for sure.
    the characters play of each other so well. aya distracting you from laura and luca is so good, especially since she's doing it under the impression it's for harry. or the way luca masterfully corrupts laura by emphasizing the weakness of those around her (she is more successful than them yet feels she has to live up to there standards), how she's brought down to their level, capitalizing on her repressed frustrations (harry loving her for said success, not for being the woman she wants to be), all of which are shown to us slowly over time. i love ayas "other voice", it kinda adds alot to her perspective scenes, it was a great idea adding two sides to aya. sandra was amazingly written, and her relationship with laura was mindbending. she seems to be in a situation where she grew out of her past, and realized what she really wants. but laura trying to drag her back down because she now believes it's what's true. after her mother made her what she is today in the first place. and the way harry is sought after by both sandra and aya, but because of his loyalty, he pushes them away into these situations. the emphasis on "perfect to a fault", framing perfection as a weakness. edit: i forgot to mention, the jealousy in this game, isn't so much expressed by the "cucked" harry, but by the "bull" luca. he is jealous of harry, because harry finds happiness just for being himself, whilst luca never had happiness. luca has devoted his life to ruining harrys because he's jealous harry has a "perfect" life and luca thinks he will never be loved for who he is. there is one line that's like "i can only find happiness by causing misery" which implies his happiness literally relies on harry. it's nothing to do with the girls.
    such a great game, may have ruined ntr for me because i doubt it can be topped, i hope to see more like it. cum counter, like 2 whilst playing it because my heart was in my stomach most of the time and most of the sex scenes lacked initiative on the part of the girls. but it makes up for it in scenarios to take away with you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    That's some REALLY good NTR right there.

    This guy that made your childhood shit just came back to ruin your adulthood, how committed he is !
    Slow-paced corruption, multiple POVs, actual human beings that act as so (it's still a hentai game, they're all crazy). The art is very good, the girl's hot and you love to see her slowly change.

    Top tier.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a masterpiece, it is an emotional rollercoaster and it has lots of different endings with different characters'plot interwining. It also has good endings which give the choices you make more weight.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I tried.

    I haven´t expectations about the game, actually it seems to me like one of the same boring games with the traditional story. I was so wrong, everything in this game is really well done.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a master piece! I remember leaving the patron about a year ago when the patrons kept voting against any type of good ending for the MC and now I regret it. The creator realized that it would have destroyed one of his best characters and decided to just create a different game to fulfill those votes.

    The game now as it is has all sorts of endings and it tells a great story. I wanna thank the creator and apologize for not believing in them and their vision. I just went over all the endings and I am truly happy with the result of all of the.

    Go buy this in steam. I did and is now in the list of my favorite games out there.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing and multiple endings are what take it a notch up compared to other NTR games. The characters are super fun, and Aya's corruption is going to be incredible to explore too. Also for hidden sex fans. 100% recommend this to lovers of NTR
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Not perfect, but a great NTR story with a ton of scenes and I enjoyed it enough for a 5. Variable quality due to some inconsistency in the art but when it's hot it's very hot, and there's enough here that even a few ropey animations and CG's do not harm the experience too much. And Laura is so so fine.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    WTF was that ending bro, that was the Biggest blue ball I ever had. Like Why did She have to do that?? I came here for hardcore Ntr, but the 180 at the End, I am so Mad rn, that I can't even think properly..
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    DR YOS

    This is the best porn games that show fetish ntr The text is literally amazing, like the previous game, The Edge of Many thanks to the developer for this masterpiece, and I hope in future games you make part of the game focus on netorase Stay tuned for the upcoming games, good luck
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Started out great, basically deconstructing the genre in a very creative way by having a strong-willed main girl and realistic dialogue. There was some NTR logic here and there, but it doesn't break the suspension of disbelief.

    The tension slowly builds up as we reach the middle of the story, and then...

    Words can't describe how shockingly abrupt and nonsensical Aya's corruption was. Both her and Laura were written very well, but Aya specifically felt different. She had this strong determination and will to fight that made her character feel very realistic—maybe too realistic.

    NTR logic is one thing, but straight up butchering a character like this is just shameful. The author realized too late that they wrote Aya too good, so the only way to NTR her was to come up with the most moronic and baffling contrivances the human brain can possibly conceive, immediately turning Aya's character from a 10 to a 0 in the span of ONE SCENE.

    Spoilers, I don't care. Aya gets raped. And no, it's not the cutesy rapey rapey we see in Japanese VNs. It's just actual rape, dark and cruel, in a setting so charged with negativity that I forgot I was playing a game meant to arouse. Somehow, however, she ends up cumming, and we all know that that's always the point of no return in NTR. She fights back and threatens to call the police, but NTR logic prevents her from doing anything.

    And that's what sucks. This game pulls you in by being different from other NTRs, only to become just another NTR by commiting a crime against good writing. Maybe I'll revisit this game one day and get all the endings just to confirm if the choices even matter at all, but I'm done for now. Got a bad taste in my mouth.

    And now they're making a second game focused on Aya, because butchering her once wasn't enough =D

    But at the end of the day, if you have low standards and don't care about suspension of disbelief, you'll probably like this. Have fun.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the game made me like NTR genre. PPl already said so much about its great features already so i will skip it.

    The later choices of the author made me hate this game. Im already not a fan of VN type of games. In my opinion, they lack gameplay elements. But this game was on another level for me storywise so i overlooked it. Even though it pained me to drown into the unending text. I saw the opportunity and bright future of this game in the early stages of its development.

    But, but, but... It failed me. Even though there is a lot of different routs, we've never been granted the option to get back to the antogonist. Im not gonna argue about generic NTR genre logic here. I know both author and this community is in love with the genre. But it doesnt make a truely realistic story and a genunine choice to the player. Choose this rout, ur gonna get cocked; choose another, ur gonna get cocked in a different way etc. Illogical, uncapptable. Both protoganists are not that stupid. Their feelings to each other is very strong. There had to be a way to overcome the bad guy. I dont know, dont give us the hints for that route, cut it so short, make it so scenewise very limited. This is a great turn off for me so this game lost its precious place in library and became my most hated game of all time. Even though it has got great animations, story. Illisounary choices were downside of this game imo.

    Im sad. Im very sad im giving this game a negative rewiev. This game had very special place in my heart but shouldnt end this way.

    Farewell, HangoverCat. Never wanna play your games again.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I finally decided to give this a try, and if you're an NTR lover, you'll probably be satisfied. It definitely delivers what you would expect from an NTR game. I've played a lot of NTR, like A LOT, but this game was honestly frustrating for me to read. I didn't even feel that attached to the main heroine, but the betrayal really set something off in me. I think it's because the author encapsulated the cheating parts very well, especially with all the face-to-face lying. That lying to the MC's face felt so realistic. It legitimately made me think about when my ex cheated on me several years ago. There are *good* endings for the MC, but they aren't that good. The bad endings made me utterly miserable. I'm giving this 4 stars because this game was actually able to make me angry. Kudos to the author for evoking emotion inside of me in an adult game, and stay away from this if you don't wanna be traumatized or feel depressed.

    TLDR: Sex scenes are hot, but story made me too angry/depressed to jerk.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    There's NTR and there's trauma porn.

    The story and visuals are fantastic, but very little about this game is satisfying to play. I completed several of the endings and they were either ambiguous or objectively awful for our supposed protagonist Harry.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 10/10
    Plot: 10/10
    Characters: 10/10
    Art: 10/10

    This VN traumatized me, seriously, whoever wrote this is insanely talented in the NTR genre. Try this only if you are willing to live with a scar with the rest of your life.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of NTR VNs and RPGs and this is probably the best one out of all I've played. The art is super good and there are multiple really good artists that make cg for the game. Most sex scenes are animated and the voice acting/ sex sfx are top notch. It's not your simple generic boring nice guy gets his girl stolen by a chad with a big dick which is a really nice change from what most NTRs are. The main heroine Laura has her own issues and the MC Harry has his own issues and the bull of the story just takes advantage of both of their issues in a really satisfying way that is more than just Laura falling for his big dick. All in all, great story, great scenes, great characters. And there is another version of the game in development right now that focuses on the other girl, Aya and that's shaping up to be just as good if not better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed Version: Steam 1.0.0 - With the restauration patch applied. So no kick-able mini-dogs in what I read.

    The first thing anyone needs to know about this VN, if they didn't read the description already, is the fact that it's a NTR focused VN. This means we have the nice guy, a certain Harry. His girlfriend, Laura. Then the guy that wants to take said girlfriend, Luca. On top of that, there's also a second girl who has feelings for Harry, Aya, who makes things more complicated.

    Because it's a NTR VN, you can expect some of the usual tropes. Luca has a massive dick that's bigger than Harry's. Harry can't please his woman anywhere near as well. There's plot holes you can drive a truck through to enable an unrealistic blackmail scheme that steadily leads Laura into the depths of depravity.... You know, the usual stuff...

    If that kind of stuff bothers you, and if you REALLY don't like NTR, you should obviously avoid this VN... Maybe.

    What makes this VN interesting from other NTR silliness out there is that the dev actually tried to give some good reasons for the situations the characters get into. Harry had a willful ignorance problem since he was young that only got worse due to Luca's bullying. Luca's a mafia kid with issues. Laura has family issues because of her mother and ego problems. Aya's has issues of her own.

    Before moving on, I will say that this a pure VN, with only some choices in it. Because of that, there is NO gameplay to review and the experience is all about the story and the art. Because of that, objective rating for it pretty much impossible, aside from the massively good point to it that it has an ending guide included to let anyone get all the endings easily if they want too. How long that'll take will obviously depend on reading speed and on how much re-reading anyone wants to do, if they want to do any for any of the scenes when going back for different choices and different routes/endings.

    -----------------From this point forward, there WILL be spoilers-------------------

    It's the characters' issues that allow the events of the VN to happen without us readers needing to completely work out our suspension of disbelief into exhaustion to ignore how ridiculous it all is. Harry's issues are what make it possible for him to ignore enough of the warning signs of what's happening with Laura. Laura's issues are what allow Luca to to get in her head as much as his dick gets in her cunt. Luca's issues are what cause him to be a douche and to target Harry and Laura in the first place. Aya's issues... well... that's a whole other kettle of fish all of its own...

    Point is, while it's unlikely to find people like these, and so many of them in one place at that... it's not entirely impossible that such a group of people wouldn't degenerate into the perfect storm of lewd events presented in the VN.

    More importantly, the VN also goes the extra mile to show at least to some extent what can happen if various characters actually overcome their issues to some degree or another. Well. Except Luca. Harry gets one route where he's able to win Laura back. Laura gets one route where she kills Luca for trying to make Harry suffer...

    Aya gets to own everyone, ever, repeatedly.... >.>" Seriously. It's to the extreme where it seems like the Dev REALLY likes Aya more than any other character in the game. It's kind of weird actually... Just.... Play the thing if you want to know. This review will get way too long if I get into the madness that is Aya.

    The only utterly major plot-hole that I have problems with, personally, is how the blackmail happened in the first place. Mainly because poor security like what's described in the company that Laura and Harry worked with didn't exist in minuscule companies 10 years ago in post-communist shit-holes. Aka the country I live in. It's literally impossible that a tech company would be THAT bad and exist for longer than two weeks... I've seen friggin' super-markets with better security. Ten years ago. Ugh.

    That's the one major bad point of the writing. Aside from that, it's pretty ok given the usual NTR shenanigans.

    Moving on.

    Another problematic point with the VN, in some-ways... is the art. By that, I don't mean to say that all of the art is bad. However, there were several artists working on the characters, the scenes, so on and so forth, to the point where how a character looks in any given scene can vary pretty wildly in terms of style. Personally, I enjoyed most of the artwork with a couple of exceptions... but the inconsistency could potentially be grating.

    I will add this. Personally, NTR isn't really a kink for me. I dive into these games and VNs for two reasons. One, they often get awesome art. Two, they do one thing pretty well... and that's show the descent of a girl from some form of normality into complete sexual insanity. This VN does both of those things pretty damn well. There's a ridiculous amount of eye-candy, and Laura's fall is slow, methodical and makes sense. It takes a whole month for her to break, and even then, she only completely does so when Harry himself (and in one case her mother) fucks up.

    It's not JUST the fact that Luca's a manly stud with a huge cock.

    On top of that, Harry isn't just a generic nice-guy. His dick is consistently described as over-average in size, and the VN shows that if he gets the experience for it, he can a good lover himself while still keeping all the good character traits that make him superior to Luca as a person.

    Hilariously, in a sense, there are endings where he basically gets NTRed away from Laura as the real prize, by Aya.

    This is probably the first VN... or game in general tbh, where the GUY actually gets taken away from the girl and the girl is made to suffer. I honestly never saw that before... but then again, as I said, NTR is not really much of a kink for me, so I don't especially seek it out unless something draws my attention to it for some reason or another. (Like metric tons of good reviews and a nearly 300 pages long thread.)

    All in all, I definitely recommend this VN for NTR lovers, but also for people that like moral degeneration, cheating sex, and just all around good hot art and hot scenes.

    Just, unless you're genuinely a NTR fan, don't play Harry's perspective more than once, not only will you miss out on most of the scenes... but you might want to facepalm too much because of the cringe... because boy does that guy have some moments where he makes you think that he absolutely deserves to be cucked...

    That's pretty much all so I'll leave with...

    Ye gads I hate this fucking tiny review window. Site Admins. Please improve this!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good art and nice voice acting in the scenes. Brain dead MC I just tuned him out I fail to believe someone can be this pathetic all around. The endings were different enough and The FMC was super hot all throughout, Aya was ok she was kinda just there most of the time but it seems like she will get her own route later which is cool. I kinda wish the story had a better MC with more choices available bc the "good" ending was lack luster imo. Either way the scenes, art, and VA carried more than enough(a bit more variety in the VAs lines and moans would have been elite).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    a promise best left unkept version 1.0

    this is easily one of the best netorare focused game i have come across.
    this game has 5 routes and 12 different endings.
    you can play the game from male mc perspective only (for mysety focus) or play from mc perspective+heroines
    i think the choices in the game are very impactful and logically alter the characters thoughts and actions, since the male mc is the only one making the choices, the heroines are the ones who are mostly affected
    this game is part 1 of apblu where the main heroine is laura, she is the main focus of the corrupion.
    there is another main heroine-aya, she is very involved but does not have as much focus as laura since there will be more content for her in part 2(in development)
    there are good endings, tragic endings and something in between.

    this game has a lot of content, dialogue, scenes, a lot of them are animated
    there is moaning in this game but no voice acting.
    the art is really great, but since this game has multiple artists it might be con for most
    the story starts as a classic ntr, douche blackmails the heroine but from there the choices determine how will it continue, since this game has an option to jump to the part where each routes start, it's very convenient continue playing for different endings.
    because there are also good endings and a capturing story i think even people who don't like netorare can enjoy.

    i think hangovercat purrduction has done a great job, i also highly recommend his other games:)