Ren'Py - A Skinwalker Fantasy [v0.14a] [TheSkinFlayer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far with a promising premise.

    I really like the art despite what the other commenters might say. Honestly high quality pixel art that shows the artist put a lot of love into this project.

    As with most indie porn games the instructions could always be a bit clearer. Didn't know I could click on the houses next to the forest for a bit and wasnt sure if clearing the forests were a part of progressing the story/sex scenes.

    Hope there is more dog action and I love the focus on the creampied pussies after the deed, as well as the facial expressions.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.14a] review

    This is a game that gives me conflicting feelings. On the one hand there are a lot of issues with it in its present state, but on the other hand the concept and potential are amazing, and I could easily see this turning into one of the best games on here

    Sleep sex - still just sleep molestation, not actually sleep sex. BJ is as far as you can go

    Story - This is one of the areas where the game really shines. The concept and execution/writing of the story is by far the biggest selling point for the game. Becoming a skinwalker and running around the town impersonating people and tricking their loved ones into having sex with you? That's a brilliant concept, and it is certainly realized in what exists in the game so far. Writing so far is better than most other things on the site by a good margin.

    RPG mechanics - to start with, the game is set up in typical RPG style. You have a character you can name, equip items, determine stats, fight, level up, etc. The framework for this is extremely robust, but some of the implementation leaves something to be desired. It may just be a symptom of being early in development, but the RPG elements like items, perks, and character upgrades, don't feel like there is a lot to do with them and don't have a huge impact on the game.

    Leveling up in an RPG should make you feel stronger, noticably, you should be able to beat enemies that gave you trouble previously much faster. But, even after 4 level ups in this game, it didn't feel like the fights really changed that much. I still did similar damage, and the enemies could still hit me pretty hard, so it ends up lacking the satisfaction of progression that is typically the reason to include RPG elements in the first place

    Also there is a weird system where by fighting in an area you gain control over it, but at the moment there isn't any reward for gaining that control, and it takes ~50 battles per area to reach 100%. Hopefully the amount of fighting required is scaled down in the future, and rewards are introduced.

    Art - this is one of the other major drawbacks at the moment. Holy hell does this game deserve wayyyy better art than it got, it almost looks like it was made in paint

    Content - Currently there are maybe 6-7 sex scenes in the game, as well as a sleep sex mini game (although the sleep sex game does stop short of allowing you to actually have sex with them which is disappointing). In between scenes there's not a lot of sexy content, and you'll mostly be doing story stuff or fighting in the RPG section. Be aware that bestiality is a large proportion of the currently available content

    Overall - Definitely worth playing in its current state. If the developer is able to polish this up a bit and keep providing new content this is going to turn into something amazing
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable so far, with a good mix of game play and sex scenes. Curious how love/corruption will work later on and if we'll get more people to bring into the fold. EitherwayLooking forward to how it will build out.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Mid game with interesting concept. You play as a skin walker who is on the search for one of its missing kin and must infiltrate the nearby town to discover what became of them. Decent RPG elements with fights and dialogue paths based on your characters skills. Combat could use a bit of rework as there is an unnecessary amount of extra clicks. Expect some grind to progress the story whether that is from combat or increasing corruption levels of your victims. The biggest weakness of this game is the art which is poor at the best of times. All the characters look as they though they were made in paint and I wouldn't be surprised if they were. Overall the game isn't bad but I can't see it winning any awards any time soon. If you like monsters, transformation, or sleep sex give this game a try. It'd give it a 2.5/5 but the site doesn't allow for that so 3/5. Not bad. Needs improvement.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very good , definitely worth your time.
    Premise is fairly unique and provides a lot of erotic possibilities.
    Story is interesting and easy to follow. The mystery is engaging and the game doesn't waste your time with endless loredumps, like so many other projects do.
    Gameplay is solid, although since game is incomplete it can feel a bit grindy. Important thing is, core gameplay is here and is good.
    Porn is good, outside of being incomplete there isn't really much to complain about.
    Map could use some work though. Finding small house next to a forest was a bit challenging.
    Overall this is a great showcase. If development continues definitely has the ability to become classic.