Can someone help me with these?
I cannot Charm Davy after defeating him
I am unable to save Leanne after defeating the demon
Mom and Gabby disappear after I Charm Gabby
Kylie only appears in the schoolyard and I dont Know where or how to find her afterwards
Miku disappear after I try to charm her
Witch Jessica disappears after the seanse
Ok, let's see:
1. As far as I know, it's currently still not possible to charm him - you can however transform him into a woman.
2. Have you tried to follow the steps in the walkthrough (it's located in the help folder) and if so, where exactly are you stuck? By the way, if I recall correctly, some time needs to pass (a day or two) before you can charm her.
3. Have you tried checking the TV station - they should be there during the day and home at night, as far as I know.
4. If you charmed her, then she should have sent you a sms telling you to call her when you'll be at Cherise street during mornings.
5. Miku should wait for you in the attic of your home after you tried to charm her.
6. I think you probably didn't try to help her or check why she screamed and she ran away - again refer to the walkthrough.
7. You do know there's a pretty detailed walkthrough located in the help folder of the game, right?