Have to ask if we could maybe get a sneak peak into your plans for the future concerning this game?
I would in particular like to know what will be the final few spells in the book
I have some ideas for the final two spells one could be a telepathy spell and the other could be a time based spell
The last discussed ideas over at the Hypnopics Collective are
Currently (but not necessarily all)
- Aunt Brandi
- Mr Tanika
- Resolve Elian
- probably Lucy and Seraphina
- Jesse
- romancing Sarah for non-murder paths
- properly integrate/involve Catherine and her revenge on Mr Beasley, so a more complex transform process
Story-wise I want to progress more on the Hellgate and such and some clues and information can come from Elian, Jesse, Lucy and Sera. But this is really going to be integrated with the final Kurndorf resolution.
On spells I have no clear idea, I had one time planned a sprt of drain spell to break through some defences or to gain mana. The mana thing largely became the expanded role for Tina. The other has really fallen more into the plot for the characters in question. For instance Elian, no spell will suffice, you need her complete name. Jessica will again need something different if you are not going the ally path
I did consider a summoning type spell (not for demons but other creatures in the thin sacred clearing) but this is not really a monster-girl sort of game.
The spells were originally added to allow expansion for future, not due to a plan for them, and there is still a fair bit that can be worked for some of the existing ones.
New spells really need to be added based on a story concept, to so solve a problem, to corrupt to enchant etc. At this time I have no such idea/plan