In your bedroom? I am not aware of any issues like this. Can you
- go to bed
- hit F12 and check the javascript console. Are any errors logged
Are you saving to file or just the normal save.
- save to file and the saves are recorded in your default download folder for your browser. To load you need to load a file as well
- otherwise it should work. Do you have anything blocking localStorage or indexDb? At the top of the save screen there will be a message like 'saving using localStorage' and a link to change. Try and click the link and see if you can save now
compiled.js:440 [Deprecation] 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead.
setupMods @ compiled.js:440
compiled.js:748 loading mod:
compiled.js:724 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'LSDAuto' exceeded the quota.
at setSaveGame (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/Javascripts/compiled.js:724:426)
at Save (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/Javascripts/compiled.js:726:383)
at passTimeDay (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/Javascripts/compiled.js:954:26)
at WaitforForDayNight (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/Javascripts/compiled.js:957:85)
at sleepForNight (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/Javascripts/compiled.js:962:310)
at closePopupWindowNow0 (<anonymous>:1:520)
at HTMLDivElement.onclick (file:///D:/Games/A_Spell_For_All_14.11/ASFA%2014.11/index.html:1:1)