Murder path, followed the guide and something weird happened. Anita showed up in the Park even though I teleported to the estate, I had no choice but to get shot and sent to the hospital. The rest of the story went as usual except for the Ritual: since I was already sent to the hospital by Anita, the explosion at the hotel did not trigger the "you lose conscioussness" pop-up and I wasn't sent to the hospital. My book is now missing and since I already recovered it from the teacher after meeting Anita, there is no way for me to recover it even though events at the police station imply that Mr.Beasley has it.
When I go to school and talk to him, he has nothing to say and the book is not there.
I am unsure what the issue you are describing is for Anita, do you mean you teleported by got the event, or just that when you visited the park next she was there? The second case is perfectly normal, you can teleport to avoid her but if that is what you want to do then you must continue to avoid the park
There are several fallbacks for the book, try Sarah. Diane White can also have it
Otherwise open the cheat menu, select view items, check the items in game and the book (item 4), where is it? Sarah is 192, Mr Beasley 11, 75,76,77 (one of those).