Stuck again. I have the pass through walls spell and am supposed to get more info from Monique but don't see an option.
Please allow that all the walkthroughs are slightly out of date, the current version is 14.8 while the latest one was written for version 14.7.
So use the walkthoughs as help if you are unsure what to do or the solution for puzzles, but generally pay attention to what people tell you, and check your phone and the notes, you will get an idea there of what is needed.
For instance here it is possible the option has changes or slightly delayed. Also events differ a bit between the paths, for nstance is Sir Ronald dead? If so you are on the murder path, otherwise the Apprentice or Consipracy path. Generally the Apprentice is the easiest path, Murder a but more difficult and Conspiracy the hardest.
So if you see no option, wander around and have a chat with people, options will open up and things can present themselves. Keep multiple save games just in case.
Some suggestions
- visit the Wild ranges periodically
- visit the History Classroom occasionally and search the books, new ones get returned and popup giving clues and things to research
- drop the Book in your room and pick it up again for a bonus
- any item can be dropped in your room if your inventory is getting full
- if in doubt, save the game and try using a spell. The solution to a lot of problems in the game is your magic
- be nice to Kate