Can someone please tell me how to use the cheat flags to set mom for the incest path on apprentice? I almost finished every path/arc and got to charm sister and I chose the option to go for mom as well but the masturbation scene with mom never happened even after telling her I'm on a relationship with sister, and asking demon about mom etc...
So now I've charmed almost everyone but mom >_<
Also is it still not possible to charm Sarah and Lauren on apprentice path?
Cheat flag won't help you and you'll only have her as a place holder. You'll need to do her event, which requires her to leave the house for work. The Walktrhough's Mom incest route is outdated.
Make sure to SAVE before you even attempt this, as I'm not sure I remember everything in the right order. Took me ages to figure it out.
So basically, what you have to do is allow her to go to work. From then on, you wait until she asks you to get her clothes. You do that, but chose the sexy ones. Make sure to deliver them before the end of the day. You should have a scene where Gabby talks to you about her necklace and it's special hypnosis effect. After that's done, use "give" to hand the clothes to the mom and make sure to mention she looks sexy.
From then on, wait until night and then enter the TV station once, use Pass to get into the offices, look into Mom's office. You can watch the whole scene it doesn't matter. After that, check Gabby's office, find her day planner which talk about a press conference. When you're done, leave, wait until daylight and talk to the Mayor about it. She'll set it up, but there are some things you need to do first. The event is timed, so make sure to complete the next steps before 6pm the following day.
From here on it's a bit harder to remember as I just went through the motions, reloading saves after saves until something clicked lol.
Talk about Hypnosis to a few people. One of them was Monique, Ms. Titus about the book where she'll say Gabby took it but didn't return it, then go to the New Age Shop and ask to buy a Hypnosis book. Go home and read it.
Wait for the night and go back to the offices where the Mom and Gabby are. There should be a new scene where he discovers the true power of her necklace. Watch all the scenes and leave. Wait until morning when the School opens and go to Mr Beasly. Charm him and have him reveal everything about hypnosis and Gabby's necklace to you as well as how to counter it. Read through his dialogue as I'm not sure if there is anything specific in there that you might need. Then go to Town Hall and speak with the Mayor to start the conference. Talk to Sarah if you want (can't charm her) and then you can choose the Mayor for some sexy scenes. Finally, the third scene is where you'll speak to Gabby. Go through all of the options and you should be able to charm her. She will drop her necklace for you to pick up.
And finally, just go to Gabby's house. The mom is waiting there for you. Use the necklace first to weaken her and the Charm to start the process. It doesn't matter what you click, there is only one path.
As for Sarah and Lauren, just go to cheats and choose the Soft (or if you want Hard) Murder Path. Then you can charm them easily. In this same path, you can also charm Sofia (garage chick) through an event, but that's a whole 'nother story. Once you're done, you can switch back to Apprentice and they will still be under your charm.