RPGM - A Struggle with Sin [v0.5.8.7] [Chyos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Best RPG game out here, with some others.
    it has an interesting world full of npcs with their daily routine and secrets, a great writing (with few grammatical errors), and many choices to do.
    I think A Struggle with Sin best quality is freedom, you can do whatever you want and you can approach characters and quests in various ways.
    (Also some choices will have an effect on the characters, world and main protagonist of the story)
    The world building is pretty good and the story (Althoygh still in progress) shows potential.
    The graphic is also excellent, while the model are not somethingreally spectacular but they are still really good.
    The gameplay is your typical RPG turn based combat, it’s nothing new but it seems the creator will put other wepons and styles of combat, there are also minigames, a crafting system and actions that require skill checks like in Dungeon and Dragons.
    Sex scenes are good, some better than others, there is an NTR option that can be turned off, but I recommend to put in on (Even if you dislike NTR) because it gives a sense of risk and reward much bigger, most of the times NTR happens when you fail to do something and winning is a pleasure and a relief and it feels earned. (Of course, if you really dislike NTR or are scared and emotional, switch it off)
    Overall the game is phenomenal and has now many content in it
    I highly recommend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a while now. It's surprisingly good. It has some issues with grammar but those are easily fixable so I'm not taking a star off.
    The world-building is serviceable, the characters are all hot and unique. The writing is good.
    The music and sound-effects add to the atmosphere. The graphics do look old but there are plenty of animations so there's that.
    Bonus is a fact that the update cycle makes other devs like me look like chumps
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Asmodeus Daeva

    What more can I say that havent told yet?
    Thanks to the good review of Debasser Pixer below, I jump into the game and I have to say, I really liked.

    This is a game meant to be played and not just for the fast fap purpuse.

    I was looking for a good RPGM adult game, so when I saw this game in the last updates page, like Cortez, I came looking for copper and I found gold with this one.

    I thing this is a good game to play if you are looking for a good narrative story that unfolds and advances as you play and according to the decisions you make, character development, also the intuitive and easy mechanics, a good music that accompanies the narrative, and of course, for the good sex scenes material, and this works because the narrative and the more credible characters and their in-game story or situation, takes its time to develop and is congruent with the decisions you have made, which this make the love/corruption path works too.

    So if you like a good corruption game or NTR (You can choose to avoid) this is a good one to considerate.

    This is just my opionion, so if you are curios, go and play it.
    Find out for yourself.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i really enjoy it, lots of scenes and a good system for losing the ladies or keeping them with corruption. The NTR is good. The more vanilla is good. It's just fun all around and keeps getting better with every update. Highly suggest supporting the dev and playing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Debaser Pixie

    I am uncertain whether the below reviewer posted to the wrong game, or if perhaps they had unrealistic expectations, but this game is excellent.

    First I should caveat by stating that I generally despise RPGM games, to the point that I exclude them from my searches. Therefore I stumbled onto A Struggle With Sin by sheer chance and with an extreme bias. What a fool I had been.

    The fact that this was designed, coded, built, written and imaged by one guy is extraordinary. Not in the feat itself, many games have a single developer, but in the flexibility, dynamic and general error free execution of the game itself. To elaborate, I don't like to find myself on rails when playing RPG's, forced into scenarios or generally feeling like I am actually just playing a visual novel. That does not happen here, and in fact even relatively static and repeatable interactions change over time as corruption or choices come into play. Is it super in-depth? No, but then Bethesda didn't build this game, so I manage my expectations.

    Is there some grinding? It wouldn't be an RPG otherwise, but it is not onerous, and is decently rewarding. Do your choices matter and do they change your gameplay? Absolutely and more to the point (and to my utter delight) they do so in a generally logical way. Want to break into a house? Wait till night. Want to take a shy virgin and turn her into a superslut? Took me several hours and utilizing the corruption mechanic effectively. Threaten a character? They may seek revenge.

    What I enjoy most is that this game manages to find that sweet spot of balance between sex, game-play and character development. It is not meant to be a hard game, but you are not bored to tears either. You can kind of die, but there are no major consequences. You have to grind a bit, but you can do so without being frustrated. Want to forgo fighting and spend your time building a harem or setting up a single love path? No problem. Want to kick back as a pimp and collect money instead of fighting? Can do. Avoid NTR? Yup. Go balls to the wall NTR corruption fest orgy mode? You got it. Combat is limited but enjoyable, with multiple options for crafting gear and increasing stats, while not requiring me to pay too much attention. Food, Rest, Available Energy, and HP all need to be managed but it's not a big deal.

    The writing is actually pretty good, which if you spend time on F95 you know is not usually the case. We are not talking Becoming a DIK level writing, but still it progresses logically and intuitively, and has very few grammatical issues. As I previously mentioned, it also does not recycle the same dialogue endlessly. The first time you have sex, their is hesitancy and concern from the character you are interacting with. As your relationship continues, the dialogue shifts with it. Make her into a raging nympho? Dialogue reflects the more times, and the more ways, the character gets fucked. There is an artistry to doing this correctly; in a way that doesn't pander and is not ham handed, or mind-numbingly arbitrary. In this, Chyos delivers.

    The 3D scenes are all animated, and the characters attractive. Many of them are "thicc" (which I am a fan of), but not idiotically proportioned mammary glands on legs, or with asses like a hot air balloon. I like 2D side-scrollers, so I don't need high level graphics to enjoy a game.

    Play the game, you will likely find your self pleasantly surprised.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, where should I begin with this game?

    I got intrigued by the high rating this game has, but as I was looking at the preview images, I got frightened as well. Nonetheless, I checked the game out myself.
    After playing it for while, the best thing I can say about this game is, that the story is ok, nothing special but alright. Everything else is below average, especially the graphics are terrible. Funny thing is, the most important characters for an "erotic game", are the girls, which all look very ugly in this one. Their textures are really bad, like they were created around 20 years ago. This completely kills the excitement. Even the orcs look way better than all the females in this game. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game. An actual game, with actual mechanics and shit you need to do to advance the plot.

    Reminds me of Kingdom Come: Deliverance plot-wise, most of the things you do revolves around your village (that's how it was during medieval times) but everything is well designed so the village opens up as you quest more.

    The porn is good old power fantasy stuff, can't go wrong with it. Since the plot is well presented, it elevates the porn by quite a bit.

    I recommend using a guide if you get too badly stuck. Depending on what hotfix you're on you may have some bugs that aren't fixed yet. For a game of this scale, it is completely understandable.

    This one is a top tier game, and equal or better than Peasant's Quest. PQ is more fantasy, this is more hero's journey.

    Good job Chyos!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Currently my favorite game I love the mechanisms to earn money the missions are very entertaining and are not difficult depending on your level in the game the sub missions add more hours of play, the edition of ecenarios characters and animations are incredible I recommend the game 100% and support the creator to continue with this incredible game
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has all the things that I want in a game. The character's are really well written, every individual has some backstory and the dialogue felt realistic. The game has two version one is the herem and other of course NTR and for me NTR version felt more much superior than Herem, even thought I am not a huge fan of NTR. The art of the game very original and the only game I can compare it with is My New Life, which has really similar art style, one of the character is almost similar I just wanted to pointed that out even though I don't really care about that. The thing I want from the game is more story for Penny and Tia.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I played on here so far to be honest. At first I decided to put this one on the backend of games to play. Lol it ended up being one of the best ones I played so far. Keep up the good work and I'm also supporting your patreon.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    When the game first came out, I tried it . Things, and i mean, what needs to be done, the mechanics, and the characters, were not that clear to me. After a few updates, I tried it again. And I am glad I did.

    As i played the game, i started understanding. A couple readings of the walkthrough helped better and smoother play, especially when I saved, tried a few different actions, and so on.

    Some may complain about the renders' quality, but let us be fair, the quality of most animations more than makes up for that. In addition, i found the talent concept rather innovative and motivating to come back between updates and play in idle times so that I could raise my level.

    Add to that, an engaging developer, a trait I very much like and appreciate.

    In summary, great game, concept, mechanics,, well deserving of 5 starts.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deserves all the praise and then some. A lot of games claim that the game we are playing is a rpg this is one of the games that lives up to the rpg open world experience,where there are actually things to do storytelling is also excellent it's not just 1 sex scene after another. You deserve everything you get from patron the problem is the economic situation around the world right now im sure you would get more donations. All in all love the game maybe add some property we own that generates income for us or maybe we can become mayor just throwing my thoughts out there all in all thank you for giving us something to relax and enjoy in increasingly more depressing world.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Lana Queen

    Very good and detailed environment, great story with many custom made scenes and characters, and overall a nice game-play experiance. It took me almost 40hours to get at the currently end of it (with a walk-through). Great work @Chyos ! Cant wait for the next update!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    5 stars for what guys?
    The story is okay, and is not so grindy like other games but not deserved 5 stars. I mean look on the graphic they terrible I see it's low quality in it.
    It would be nice if dev add some walkthrough system in the game for no need to alt+tab everytime to see how dafuq complete the quests.
    It's impossible to do quests without looking on walkthrough.
    Awful look on characters female you can't fap on this monsters.
    I see other rpg who really deserved better 5 stars than this one.
    I understand it's in progress game but damn I did not expect in so low quality details on characters. I would like to try again when this game will be finish maybe dev will change in some quality game, I will gladly update my review, until then stay safe.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my top 10-20 best games. I hope you understand i not fun of NTR, but you can avoid it, even so i like story it give you options and create your own playthrough and form MC for your liking. I also like that almost each of npc in game have his own character and you sometimes can shape it to your liking. Huge variety of options what to do in game and you even want to replay it a few times to play choose options and try everything. So as i say this game at my top list and i hope you will like it also. I will recommend to play it even to haters of NTR, because you can skip it(avoid) if you not like it. As i don't think ideal is not exist i can rate this game max 4.5 from 5 but i will never rate game with max. Thanks to Dev, i have fun playing this game and i hope you too will.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game! I really enjoyed it

    1. Long play time. more than 10 hours

    2. Nice quest story

    3. Many characters and events.

    4. the difficulty is adequate. not too easy, not to hard

    5. Making money is little grindy but it's alright
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After one year of development this game comes really nicely. The graphics improved, the gameplay is sometimes a little bit difficult.
    + Running time: Good feature and much better than Farmers Dream!
    + Many Charakters
    + Much room for improvement (Pregnant state, more charakters, social rising, weaponery, Spellcasting)

    It seems like an mix from Threads of Destiny and Peasant Quest (which i also highly recommend).

    I would like to see Upgrading my house in the future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the most ambitious RPGM games to date. Despite being in alpha, there's already tons of content to explore. Each character presents with their own unique story arc, often with alternate routes and endings. This provides for a wide array of erotica. The animation style is reminiscent of early 2000s era games. It's dated, yes, but this doesn't detract from its charm. There's a lot of potential here, and I look forward to seeing how this game progresses.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This felt like a proper rpg, instead of a sex game with moving about this is an rpg where you fuck. Great job on the development so far, really looking forward to the rest of the development, pregnancy will be a great addition!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best lewd games I have played, the world is beautiful, there arent many games I enjoy the feel of the world as, as much as this one. The graphics are charming in normal play and the scenes, not A++ graphics but I really enjoy them, the content propels this game way past many other games that look a little better.
    The story lines for the many characters contain many choices that make you feel like you are making a difference in the world and for the characters lives. You can involve yourself in corruption events or love events. The protagonist isnt annoying, which is pretty crazy these days.

    One of the few great games where I decided to support the dev at a higher amount.