VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - A SuperHero Story [v0.6] [EXVStudios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    V 0.6

    • The renders are decent though somewhat flat
    • Possibly interesting story but hard to tell since not very far despite the .6
    • MC is not an idiot, but is just along for the ride, no real personality
    • There are some choices that seem somewhat meaningful as far as favoring one LI over another at least.
    • English is ok.
    • Feels like a fuckfest since have sex with 3 so far in this short bit
    • Pacing feels off, at beginning almost a little slow but then for rest it goes quite fast.
    • For a 0.6 version, this feels shorter than some prologues or opening episode.
    • Related, there’s a lack of story/scene transition. It feels like we just jump into sex or jump to the hospital etc. We need a few more renders and/or description/story between scenes.
    • While general renders are decent, sex scenes are awful. There is a lack of renders, the animations are short and janky, especially the first one with the wife. The other two are short and less janky but done with black/blank backgrounds. There is no erotic writing/description and I do not believe you see orgasms or cum shots. At this stage, dev would be better with just stills, creating more and having better description/dialogue during the sex scenes.
    Three of the four pros are somewhat weak and the lack of details in renders and writing, the disjointedness between scenes and the awful sex animations take this down to two stars.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [Version 0.5] Better than expected. Nothing too amazing for now, small amount of content. but it's written coherently with proper english, something lacking (through no fault of other devs, if it's not your first language it's not your first language) in a lot of VNs I've played lately. The renders are solid, animations are somewhat fluid but not amazing. Seen worse, seen better.
    One potential problem people might have with the story, you start the game with a girlfriend, so if you're the type to self-insert at best hope for an open relationship, at worst expect her to be killed off.
    The super-powers themselves are nothing new, but that's to be expected when the concept has been around for like... a full century or something now, stupid long time. You don't need to be fully original, just add some twists and spice here and there.
    Third thing I would complain about, maybe add some sort of transition between areas at least. A simple skip when walking down a street is fine, but a bit jarring when it's an immediate transition between a hospital and your home.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    i started this and i blinked and was at the end of the prologue. i blinked again and i was at the end of chapter 2. who are they kidding?

    unless you are a quick shot, there is nothing here to fap to. the first 3 sex scenes i encountered were over in less clicks than fingers on one hand.
    not that the art is that appealing, below average for this site i would say..
    if you read the devs posts in this feed, nothing is starting from a planned position and everything is open to change. not a positive for any project. should have the writing done before rendering art. projects on the fly show and never end well here.

    the writing is basic and uninspired (i had braincells squeaking and running for cover just at the first two super's names) and the plot is, unoriginal but at least it has some minor appeal.

    i hit no errors so no issues on the coding front.
    i suspect public voting development, short updates if the chapter lengths are anything to go by, rework possibly and either a speedy route to end or abandonment. i really wish i could mental floss it from memory