HTML - A Tale of Love, Lust & Murder [v0.10] [MacAd Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the game till Episodes 10 and i dont quite understand, how some people would call this Game a Gem. In all Honesty this game is average at Best, why?

    The Story: You the MC, are a former CIA Agent and now are working in a Modell Agency. Your former Collegeaues call you because there is a Weapon somewhere in China, that could destroy the World and you need to get it to save the World. Thats kinda your main Story.

    My Problem with the Plot is, that there are too many "sidestorys" that somehow should be connected to a big Conspiracy. Maybe the Intention was to build up some tension to blend the reader in, but these Storys themselves are getting too big and the actual progress of the Main Storyline does not move forward. To put that in a perspective, with the latest Update 10 the MC has finaly arrived in China. At this Speed the Game would need 50 Episodes to get finished.

    The Real Porn: The Game uses the same actress for every scene and there is actually just one porn scene for each scenario. The Writing of the Story is build up for that one porn scene. For example: Youre Wife Nicole (Aniston) is in the Gym, then there will be a Porn Scene with Nicole Aniston in the Gym. That Porn Video is cut into sections and you can select what the Actress is doing in each section.
    There are hardly any gifs or pictures and for me the immersion is lacking when there are "just a normal Porn Video". Gifs or Pictures without the actresses Face, combinied with good writing would be better to picture yourself in the Story.
    Here i could just watch the Porn as a whole Video, there is no need to put some lines under it.

    English is not my native Language and when you find grammar errors you can keep them.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    ++ Lots of porn, good looking models
    ++ Minimal grind, no sandbox

    --- Below average Engrish writing. Not quite MTL-bad, but very stilted and unsexy. This was the main reason I put it down.
    --- Overly used mainstream actresses. Poor diversity too.
    -- No sound in clips, at least not that I encountered. There's loud and annoying background music you can mute tho.

    3/5. Perfectly mid but servicable.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the concept and the gameplay.
    There are no unnecessary clicking unlike other HTML games and slow burn (Slow burn is only for the WIFE), a few grammatical mistakes but not a big deal for me, woman are hot and the story is good.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to give this game a chance but there are just too many things that bug me:
    -quite a lot of patreon exclusive content that locks you out certain scenes
    -the before mentioned patreon exclusivity is SO BAD, that the game doesn't even let you change the names of the characters (which most games allow you to do, neither is it hard to do in HTML)
    -multiple grammatical errors that destroy the immersion
    -the story is not relatable and the characters engage in sex way too soon
    when having sex the game basically just displays all the sex gifs available and you choose which ones to watch? there is no sexual stamina, no continuity, you might as well just open the game folder and click through the gifs yourself

    I really do not get how this game got this positive of a rating
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I really, really enjoyed this game. It hits all my favorites, with a cheating wife, non-cuckold husband (as in, he's unaware of the cheating), lots of various characters, corruption, and multiple POVs. All good stuff. Even the minigames aren't entirely insufferable.

    My only complaint is that, the further along the story moves, it is starting to feel like stats/mechanics of the game are too difficult to manage. This is a LONG game, there is a lot of content, so restarting to try and make different decisions is a tall order. Yet, despite always choosing to have the wife cheat, I still frequently get stat-locked out of choices that would be entirely in-character for an unfaithful wife.

    It's frustrating. I suspect that's due to the dev wanting people to sign up for his patreon (and thus access cheats), which is why I dropped a star from the review. Regardless, even with that complaint, I still put this as the top HTML game currently out.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Really didn't enjoy this one. The avatar for the male main character looks terrible and off putting as well as the use of celebrities such as Kevin Hart for supporting characters. I also found myself skipping the spy story parts as I didn't find it interesting at all.

    I did find the scenes hot and liked the options you get to choose positions. There's potential here if they change the avatar pictures and dial pack the CIA agent stuff and focus on the relationships.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, hot characters, ok-ish story, ok-ish investigations but my favorite and the most important thing about the game is the variety.

    There are variety of characters, scenes, options, opinions, routes, fetishes and mini-gameplays.

    Not a big fan of the mini-gameplays but rest all is good.

    Even if the game is not perfect but the options make it better.

    Sometimes it feels like most of the scenes are lost because of the missing walkthrough but this forum makes up for it.

    A 4 star game but I'd rather give it a 5 just to support the dev.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Although I don't usually review games, this one is fantastic! The plot advances quite well due to the lack of tedious grinding mechanics.Excellent cast, lengthy and well-written. Among the year's top games, for sure. I'll be watching for the upcoming updates. I'm looking forward to see what happens in EP8.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent narrative, a well-designed user interface, a tight game, and several sexy moments.

    Although I think the game merits a five star rating based alone on the quality of the cast and sex scenes, my real experience with it is probably closer to a four.

    I still recall how much fun it was when this game appeared for me in Mopoga. The developer is doing an incredible job on this game!
    Everything about the plot, the characters surrounding the main character, the wife's corrupt system, the decisions made, the outcomes, and the scenes—everything is incredible.
    This is the game for you if you want to play it for hours, have fun with it, and have choices that affect the form you play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the best HTML game on this site. The story is engaging with so many choices and so many outcomes. The updates are consistent, women are crazy hot. The dialogues are a natural, scenes are hot and story is amazing, what else do you need?

    Most importantly there is no sandbox annoyance that we often see in HTML games. This has a linear flow with several branching paths

    Worth it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Bombastic Fantastic 111

    Just now finished Ep 6 and I have to say this game is a hidden gem.

    The game revolves around a loving couple, Husband (name can be changed) and Nicole (One of my Personal Fav).

    Husband is an CIA agent who left his job because he lost his best friend in one of the missions and now works at a modelling agency, but soon he rejoins due to another critical mission.

    SPOILER ALERT: Later in the episodes it's revealed that Nicole works for one of the enemy agencies of the CIA.

    The husband and the wife both follow a different plot and in this journey they both encounter several routes of Love and Lust.

    Obviously the husband succumbs to his lust sooner than the Wife, but that's what makes this game ever hotter.
    The corruption of Nicole is slow but meaningful, she doesn't jump on some random dick because she is feeling horny, but she get corrupted gradually.

    PROS and CONS according to me:
    1. Sex scenes are hot and long. Some have controls some don't.
    2. Characters remain the same throughout the game. The scenes are chosen really well, I feel the Dev spends a lot of time watching PORN to find the perfect/varied scenes for different scenarios.
    3. Varied type of sex scenes.
    4. Every episode follows a different murder mystery, making the story intriguing.
    5. Loads and I mean Loads of sex scenes (Even though it could be considered as a slow burn there are several sex scenes on almost all the different routes.)
    6. Optional NTR.
    1. Sometime the story goes on forever, too much to read before any hot scenes
    2. No Sex scene yet for Nicole
    3. The Cheats and Hints and stuff are paid
    4. Too many characters introduced too soon, not all the characters get equal attention throughout, maybe in the upcoming episode.
    Apart from the issues I'd still rate this game high because I feel this game deserves some more attention.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game does what the title says.
    It's full of love and lust choices with some good Investigative type stories in the episodes.

    The actresses are really good and the sex scenes are long and hot.

    Some videos don't have sound and there are a few typing errors here and there but nothing major.

    The flashback episodes are really hot with several branches and hot NTR stuff.

    NTR can be turned off but because it's optional anyways so not like it's needed, also if NTR were to be turned off most of the hot scenes will be skipped so it's better to keep the NTR turned On and depend upon the choices.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    A Tale of Love, Lust and Murder is an HTML VN in which you play as an ex-spy as he tries to live a normal life despite the losses he suffered on the job. Naturally, he fails immediately.

    The gameplay consists of playing as the MC and the MC's wife and choosing whether each is cheating curious. While both of their stories are still progressing, it appears that no cheating on each side is the pure love route, cheating on both sides is the NTS route, and cheating on only one side will be NTR routes for the no cheating partner. It's the classic prisoner's dilemma of porn games.

    I do kinda hate the story though. It bounces back and forth between different things happening with little rhyme or reason and way too many characters to keep track of. One moment you're doing home life with your wife and dead partner's daughters, the next you're doing spy thriller shit with the bros, then you're at a party with friends, and then suddenly we're in a flashback sequence. It's pretty incomprehensible and very overwhelming. I really can't stress enough how there's too many characters to keep track of at once, most with no personality to differentiate them.

    The porn and actress choices are decent enough, but the presentation is pretty boring. Most scenes are porn vids cut into ten to fifteen second snapshots and labeled with the positions and a little captioning. As far as I'm concerned, finding the porn scene in question myself would offer the same experience.

    Overall, I'm a little sad to rate this game so low. The game looks good and the story is too big and convoluted to call it low hanging fruit. Unfortunately, I don't like the story and the porn presentation is underwhelming, which is most of what an HTML game is. I just can't rate it any higher.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    Great writing
    The models are great
    The scenes are great
    The personalities are great
    MC is not dumb, he is attractive
    MC's wife has a very strong and attractive personality
    The user interface is very easy, it does not have the boring sandbox of other HTML games
    The story is original
    The story is not boring
    I have played many games, this game is wonderful and has great potential and this game really deserves at least 2 thousand supporters
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Best game of its type. Not your typical porn only game or your story only blue ball game. This strikes a great balance between story and the porn element. The story so far is really engaging. Some of the twists are brilliant as of 0.4 version. The characters feel developed properly unlike most other games. A lot of different routes and lots of different fetishes available. Wide variety of girls. And again the story is really good and engaging. Will keep you hooked.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty awesome. MC is alpha male which I love. The images/videos and overall sex scenes and the quality of the dialogues are good. Seems like a 'slow burn' right now but in between there are other several things that MC can do like Investigating murder and fuck around. Corruption of the wife is properly managed.
    Looking forwards to several NTR routes like teacher, neighbour, friends. great effort by the dev.
    The best thing about this game is the real porn sticking with the same woman when scene progresses.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent start to an excellent game.
    - Variety of Scenes
    - Great story, It keeps you captivated
    - Multiple choices
    - Avoidable NTR, I don't hate NTR but hate it when it's unavoidable, until now there isn't much NTR but whatever there is it's avoidable
    - Steady updates
    -Good music
    - A few grammatical errors
    - For several scenes the build up is not enough, may be because it's still in the early phase of development but still
    - Music is good but I'd have still preferred original sound during the sex scenes or atleast an option to switch

    But overall a great game, looking forward to the next update.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review after playing V0.3:
    One of my favorite games for several reasons, I loved most of it and a few issues which I think are not a deal breaker.
    Things I loved:
    1) Great choice of MC (Nicole)
    2) Good amount of scenes
    3) Great Story (I usually skip this part but the investigation part is really good )
    4) NTR part is still developing but can't wait to see where it goes
    5) So many choices, almost for everything

    Things I didn't like
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    2) The Female Protag is not yet 100% implemented, although DEV suggested that it's planned for the next update.