Identify A touhou game with Reisen as protagonist


New Member
Aug 23, 2023
i cant seem to get past the menu, i pressed almost every button on my keyboard lol
Z to select and X to jump I think, though my arrow keys/WASD won't work and it's pissing me off. Was looking forward to this game and now I just can't play it


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
Just play the game lol. It's pretty short (about 10-20 minutes), if you have trouble with the bosses just crouch and spam your Z they should die really fast.
Wasn't that easy for me. You do have to avoid the bosses a bit cause they can basically 2-3 shot you from full health. And while you don't instantly lose at no HP, it's way harder to get back up so you might as well stay down if a boss takes your HP out.

You're better off shooting at the 2nd and 3rd boss than doing that crouch attack, especially since the 3rd boss likes staying far away from the ground while calling minions to attack, and you can't turn around if you're spamming the crouch attack

Is there an unlocked gallery?
Copy this to the game's folder: