yeah there isn't much to do. I would have preferred to get the last scene with mom with the .10 release even if it needed 1 more week, and then have a decent amount of content for this update, maybe even with just one of the characters.
Leaving the mom scene for this build and adding only that scene, isn't the way to create a game imho.
at every update the amount of content is so shabby that I feel that people paying him are getting milked. I mean, you have a storywriter, you have a coder, you have a background artist. Your patreon goes way higher than 3000 bucks/month and your only job, full time, is to draw porn animations, because the non porn scenes use almost all the same art for the characters.
I can't believe that in a month he drew 3 animations and maybe coded something. I mean, I follow saltyicecream too, and he takes a month for one animation, but look at the art and number of frames. He is on another level.
Even if he didn't add more animations than mom's one, at least go further with the other side stories. It's not like you don't have the manpower or new assets to make. With sister, we have seen only the phone and a cam feed (static image) as new assets. They could have been drawn by the background artist, totally, and then there would have been more space for him to add more story.
well, enough rant. I think it's time to stop complaining, put this thing in a drawer and come back when it's at least half ready. This is why I don't even look at early access games on steam...