The last page of arguments is a bit confusing. I’ll try sum up the argument so far, for easier understanding, since the posts don’t even fit each other despite the use of reply boxes.
1) Not every story should be flowers and rainbows.
→Response: Perhaps, but it should be handled with a semblance of realism, which this story lacks.
→Response: It is not a binary choice. Stories can avoid rainbows without going to the extreme.
2) [This/You/The mother] sounds like a tsundere/generic person on this site??? (I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean.)
→It is completely unrealistic. She isn’t just quirky, she is outright toxic.
3) This is a videogame.
→ Now you are just trolling / being an idiot.
I think the main confusion stems from people think that
laddiestlad is advocating for realism, which is apparently not what happened? Because everyone else just seems to argue that the scenario is unrealistic.
Or to simplify:
laddiestlad says: "I want more fucked up people in my porn games. Better than bland and samey."
Everyone else says: "That’s not realistic. I’d prefer my porn games to be realistic.
How far off the mark am I?