Others - Completed - A Week in the Office -Under the Table- [Final] [Fidchell Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring. Very boring. The UI is unclear, you basically can't see shit. No sexual content, and almost no animations. I like pixel games, in fact, those are my favorite type of games, but this is just terrible
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically, this Game is for specific Fetish, it plays with your fantasy, not with pictures here. it suggests you think about your own work and in your mind, you replace the char and the girl with someone you know.

    I think it's an old idea nice made. for somebody like to masturbate at Game nothing. but for somebody who can use his own fantasy too, so it might be cool.

    I work in an Office with women and this little game reminds me how beautiful it would be I can realize it too. But, hm, you know... to go to jail after is not nice. so I play it out in my mind.

    a shot little game
    very old graphics
    specific Fetish
    only for special Taste
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Waste of time. The cat cried about the content, and the expectation is too great for the next action.

    I think if the game raised attention more slowly, it would not be bad for half an hour or an hour at most. But not for 1.30 hours of waiting for something new to happen.