Jeez K! Great work, as usual but, there's a Lot of Dylan hate here. I noticed that some other commenters hate him too. Why? Now I could, Maybe, understand if the original content had stayed in about him setting his mom up to be humiliated by Aiden. The fact of the matter here is that content no longer exists. Even if that were the case, I'm not sure that would warrant that kind of enmity. I've seen sons, and Daughters, do much worse, or has anyone Forgotten what the Menendez brothers did to Their parents? Or a case here in the US where a 16-year old girl convinced her 19-year old boyfriend to slaughter her entire family of 7, mom, dad, grandparents and younger siblings, simply because the adults were trying to prevent her from running off with the guy!
I can see why he could be disliked but, in reality, Many children, boys And girls, have done some distasteful things when one or more siblings get more attention than they do. Being the eldest of five, I Certainly understood why one of my siblings did the things that he did. It doesn't warrant hate but it doesn't mean that you approve of their methods either, unless it's just heinous like the two examples above. C'mon K, cut Dylan a little slack.