Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

4.60 star(s) 11 Votes


Jan 22, 2019
Tonight show for Dylan and Sam. Continued Part 4

Sophia, seeing the happy smile on Dylan's face, thought that she shouldn't regret what is happening now in the future.
She again took a member in her mouth and began to lick the head very gently. Dylan closed his eyes in pleasure, but could not stand this tender torment and with both hands tore Sophia's head from his cock.

Mom, you are great! It's so cool! Dreamed of such a pleasure! But I dared not hope that this would happen. I am so pleased and I like it so much. I could not imagine that I could not stand such pleasure and stop you!

Sofia reached for Dylan's panties again. She took them and wiped her son's semen from her face, neck and chest.

Son, take a little rest, you see Sam is a little bored. Do you mind if I pay attention to him?

Dylan looked at Sam, who was eagerly holding his erect cock in anticipation of Sofia.
He approached Sophia, kissing her lips with both hands, squeezing her breasts. Then he whispered in her ear.

Of course I don't mind. Everything you want! I like everything!
Sofia kissed Dylan passionately on the lips again.

Anything for you today! And not only for you!
(Sofia whispered playfully in Dylan's ear. And she moved towards Sam, kneeling between his legs. )
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She pushed her chest forward and gazed into Sam's eyes.

Anything you want, mister?

I want, I want you!

Sam got up and lifted Sophia, sat her down on the couch, pushed her ass to the edge. He pulled her legs onto his shoulders and grabbed her hips with both hands. He forcefully drove his penis into the vagina to the stop. So Sofia closed her eyes in pleasure.
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Sam fucked Sophia as if he was afraid that she would disappear and he would not have time!
Sophia was overwhelmed and at the same time surprised. Where does this boy get so much energy? She felt like Sam drove his cock into her. He seemed to hit the wall of the vagina and each such blow gave Sofia a lot of special sensations.
The excitement of Sofia having sex with two teenagers, one of whom is her son, did not leave her. It was a special feeling that excited her to the point of madness.
She wanted to give herself up to them completely, to fulfill any whim of the boys, to dissolve in them.

Sam tried his best. Then he glanced at his friend, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, stopped and leaned towards Sophia. He said quietly.

Let's move to the floor. I want the two of me and Dylan ...

Sam fell silent. Not knowing how to say. He was still a little embarrassed.

Sophia pushed Sam away from Him and he pulled his penis out of Sophia's pussy and stood aside. Sophia came up to him and very passionately began to kiss his ear.
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Then she quietly asked Sam.

You want to fuck me at the same time as Dylan?

Sam shook his head affirmatively.

Lie on your back on the floor!
Dylan will. Don't worry about him.

Sam lay down. Sophia sat on his hard cock.
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She rode on his penis, sitting down and sitting down looking at his face. Sam admired Sophia and especially her breasts, which bounced in time with her movements. He held her hips.
Continuing her ride on Sam's cock, she invited Dylan to come over to them.

Dylan moved closer to Sofia.
His cock stuck out almost at the level of her mouth. He decided that mom would take it in his mouth.

Sophia took Dylan's cock in her mouth and tried to grease it generously with saliva.

Son, I've never had anal sex before. Except for that persistent but loser college professor I ran away from.
(Sofia laughed cheerfully)
He didn't succeed.
Except for Sam and Liam's finger, I had nothing in my ass. Be careful and gentle please. My ass is virgin.
This is my gift to you today!

Mom, tonight and night is the most dear gift for me in my entire life.
I will be gentle.
Will you tell us about this professor when we go to bed?

If we go to bed at all today, then maybe I'll tell you.
(Sophia smiled)
Your and Sam's cocks are so firm and constantly standing that I think we won't go to bed until morning.

It's great! What do you say Sam?

I'm ready!
Today is the best night that has happened in my life.

Boys, you are real sexy stallions!

Dylan pressed Sophia's back so that she pressed her breasts against Sam's chest.

Sonny, wet it with saliva.

Dylan got down on all fours and began kissing Sophia's anus, as he saw in porn. Then he began to lick him with his tongue and thrust his tongue into the anus.

Sofia Sofia bit her lips and groaned.

Boys you are super! Dylan, where did you learn this. I can't believe you were virgins until tonight. Did you deceive me?

No mom, I never deceived you and as far as I am informed, Sam, like me, was a virgin until this evening.
We can do all this thanks to the Internet.
(Dylan continued to diligently caress Sophia's anus with his tongue)

Backdoor conversations and the internet probably worked for you, but you and Sam have a clear talent!
(Sofia bit her lip again and moaned softly with pleasure)

Dylan moistened Sophia's anus with saliva, then spat on his palm and began to bring his cock to Sophia's anus.
Slowly but persistently, he began to enter his penis into the anus.

Sophia screamed, bit her lower lip and arched her back more, exposing her hole to Dylan.

Dylan thrust his cock into Sophia's anus all the way. He lingered for a minute and then started frictions.

Sofia sank down on Sam exhausted, her head bowed and relaxed allowing the guys to do whatever they wanted.

Sam joined Dylan's frictions. They slowly increased the pace, together they hammered Sophia. The boys felt each other's members behind the thin septum of Sophia's vagina. From this their members became even harder, and the excitement grew!

New sensations, two members in Sofia's body, drove her crazy! It seemed to her that she simply could not stand it. But after a few minutes, getting used to the new sensations, she began to help the guys with her pelvis.
Without opening her eyes, concentrating on new, unimaginable sensations, she opened her mouth wide. Sofia breathed loudly, breathing in and out.

At some point, Sofia's body began to convulse. Sam in the vagina and Dylan in the anus felt spasms. But they did not stop, but increased their pace and pressure.

Ay yay, ay yay, wow, A A A A A
(Sophia's entire body shook. She was shaking. Inside herself, she spasmodically squeezed the members of the guys)

Again, Dylan and Sam came to Sofia almost at the same time. The spasms of the members spewing semen inside Sophia made her shudder even more. Sofia, for the first time in her life, had multiple orgasms and it did not stop.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah wow.

Finally, the wave of orgasms subsided and Sofia exhaled. She began to sob as if she had just been crying.
She relaxed and lay down on Sam. Dylan was not completely relaxed so as not to put all his weight on Sophia. After a few seconds, he pulled his cock out of Sophia's anus and lay down next to Sam, on his back, on the floor.

Wow. Cool!
(Dylan took a deep breath and looked at Sophia)
That was something! Confirm, Mom!
(But without waiting for Sofia's answer, he continued)
Mom, did you say that today will be everything I want?

Sophia lay on Sam and thought about what she was going through. For the first time in her life, she experienced such a violent orgasm. The orgasm was not only violent, prolonged, but also multiple. She had never experienced such satisfaction before. Her legs trembled slightly.
She seemed to be lost in space.
But Dylan's Question brought her back to reality.
She got off Sam's slightly limp cock. She pushed Dylan a bit and lay on her back, on the floor between the guys.
All three were lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

Anything you want my sweet.
(Sophia said looking at the ceiling)

Em. Can i?
(He fell silent, but then continued)
Can I call Zach and get him here?

Why do we need Zach here now?
(Sofia asked in surprise)

Mom, you are so hot, you are so passionate. I really want you to feel good. Now, when you and I were with Sam, you had one more hole free. If only Zach was here. He would have helped me and Sam and we could really please you.
(Dylan said with excitement in his voice)

(Sofia became agitated. She imagined this picture, where she and three boys. She realized that it was very exciting for her. Whoa! Dylan surprises me very, very today)
Honey, I'm a little shocked! I felt very good! But I'm interested! Sam, do you want Zach to be here too?

(Sam perked up)
I think Dilano's proposal has a sense. You are so passionate and hot! It would be great to fill in all your lovely holes.

Sofia's head was spinning. She already wished Zak was here. But this is not possible now. Alissa won't understand.

Boys, this is impossible. It's too late now. Alissa won't understand.
(Sophia stood up, picked up Sam's panties from the floor and began to wipe the semen flowing from the vagina and anus)
Your batons are a little tired too. I'll postorayus now so that you finish one more time. Then we will wash in the shower room and lie down together, if you wish, to sleep.

The guys got up from the floor and looked at Sofia. The thought that Zach might join their company made their members rock hard again. Dylan didn't stop.

Mom, if it's too late now. Tell me I can invite Zach later. Next!

Sophia went up to Sam, hugged his neck.

Do you want Zach's company too, mister?
(As if Sophia had forgotten what Sam had told her a minute ago. She asked playfully)

Sam lifted Sophia and planted her vagina on his erect penis. She wrapped her legs around him.
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Dylan came up behind Sophia. Sofia felt Dylan behind her.

Dear, please don’t touch the anus, it hurts me now.

Dylan gently stroked Sofia's back and head and lay back down on the floor. He watched as Sam pushed his mom on his cock and his cock was getting harder and harder.

After a few minutes, Sophia looked at Dylan.

Sam, put me on the floor.
(And she added more quietly)
You will enter me from behind, but not into the anus.

Sofia lay down between Dylan's legs. She took Dylan's hard cock in her hand. She began to kiss him gently. Then she clamped her lips over his little head.

Sam settled down behind Sophia. He put his penis into the vagina and began to fuck Sophia.

Sophia sucked Dylan's cock with passion and pleasure. Taking Sam's thrusts from behind. With ecstasy thought about what awaits her ahead? After all, the first time Dylan and Sam had it so dizzying!

(How temperamental and persistent they are! I feel so good now! What happens when Zach joins them? Sofia felt that the thought of Zach turned her on even more. She decided to focus on getting the boys to finish quickly)

Sofia's efforts were not long in coming! The guys finished again almost simultaneously.
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Many thanks to our artists for the drawings! All creative successes!
Does Dylan have sex with Sophia more than Sam


Jan 22, 2019
Tonight show for Dylan and Sam. Continued Part 4

Sophia, seeing the happy smile on Dylan's face, thought that she shouldn't regret what is happening now in the future.
She again took a member in her mouth and began to lick the head very gently. Dylan closed his eyes in pleasure, but could not stand this tender torment and with both hands tore Sophia's head from his cock.

Mom, you are great! It's so cool! Dreamed of such a pleasure! But I dared not hope that this would happen. I am so pleased and I like it so much. I could not imagine that I could not stand such pleasure and stop you!

Sofia reached for Dylan's panties again. She took them and wiped her son's semen from her face, neck and chest.

Son, take a little rest, you see Sam is a little bored. Do you mind if I pay attention to him?

Dylan looked at Sam, who was eagerly holding his erect cock in anticipation of Sofia.
He approached Sophia, kissing her lips with both hands, squeezing her breasts. Then he whispered in her ear.

Of course I don't mind. Everything you want! I like everything!
Sofia kissed Dylan passionately on the lips again.

Anything for you today! And not only for you!
(Sofia whispered playfully in Dylan's ear. And she moved towards Sam, kneeling between his legs. )
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She pushed her chest forward and gazed into Sam's eyes.

Anything you want, mister?

I want, I want you!

Sam got up and lifted Sophia, sat her down on the couch, pushed her ass to the edge. He pulled her legs onto his shoulders and grabbed her hips with both hands. He forcefully drove his penis into the vagina to the stop. So Sofia closed her eyes in pleasure.
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Sam fucked Sophia as if he was afraid that she would disappear and he would not have time!
Sophia was overwhelmed and at the same time surprised. Where does this boy get so much energy? She felt like Sam drove his cock into her. He seemed to hit the wall of the vagina and each such blow gave Sofia a lot of special sensations.
The excitement of Sofia having sex with two teenagers, one of whom is her son, did not leave her. It was a special feeling that excited her to the point of madness.
She wanted to give herself up to them completely, to fulfill any whim of the boys, to dissolve in them.

Sam tried his best. Then he glanced at his friend, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, stopped and leaned towards Sophia. He said quietly.

Let's move to the floor. I want the two of me and Dylan ...

Sam fell silent. Not knowing how to say. He was still a little embarrassed.

Sophia pushed Sam away from Him and he pulled his penis out of Sophia's pussy and stood aside. Sophia came up to him and very passionately began to kiss his ear.
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Then she quietly asked Sam.

You want to fuck me at the same time as Dylan?

Sam shook his head affirmatively.

Lie on your back on the floor!
Dylan will. Don't worry about him.

Sam lay down. Sophia sat on his hard cock.
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She rode on his penis, sitting down and sitting down looking at his face. Sam admired Sophia and especially her breasts, which bounced in time with her movements. He held her hips.
Continuing her ride on Sam's cock, she invited Dylan to come over to them.

Dylan moved closer to Sofia.
His cock stuck out almost at the level of her mouth. He decided that mom would take it in his mouth.

Sophia took Dylan's cock in her mouth and tried to grease it generously with saliva.

Son, I've never had anal sex before. Except for that persistent but loser college professor I ran away from.
(Sofia laughed cheerfully)
He didn't succeed.
Except for Sam and Liam's finger, I had nothing in my ass. Be careful and gentle please. My ass is virgin.
This is my gift to you today!

Mom, tonight and night is the most dear gift for me in my entire life.
I will be gentle.
Will you tell us about this professor when we go to bed?

If we go to bed at all today, then maybe I'll tell you.
(Sophia smiled)
Your and Sam's cocks are so firm and constantly standing that I think we won't go to bed until morning.

It's great! What do you say Sam?

I'm ready!
Today is the best night that has happened in my life.

Boys, you are real sexy stallions!

Dylan pressed Sophia's back so that she pressed her breasts against Sam's chest.

Sonny, wet it with saliva.

Dylan got down on all fours and began kissing Sophia's anus, as he saw in porn. Then he began to lick him with his tongue and thrust his tongue into the anus.

Sofia Sofia bit her lips and groaned.

Boys you are super! Dylan, where did you learn this. I can't believe you were virgins until tonight. Did you deceive me?

No mom, I never deceived you and as far as I am informed, Sam, like me, was a virgin until this evening.
We can do all this thanks to the Internet.
(Dylan continued to diligently caress Sophia's anus with his tongue)

Backdoor conversations and the internet probably worked for you, but you and Sam have a clear talent!
(Sofia bit her lip again and moaned softly with pleasure)

Dylan moistened Sophia's anus with saliva, then spat on his palm and began to bring his cock to Sophia's anus.
Slowly but persistently, he began to enter his penis into the anus.

Sophia screamed, bit her lower lip and arched her back more, exposing her hole to Dylan.

Dylan thrust his cock into Sophia's anus all the way. He lingered for a minute and then started frictions.

Sofia sank down on Sam exhausted, her head bowed and relaxed allowing the guys to do whatever they wanted.

Sam joined Dylan's frictions. They slowly increased the pace, together they hammered Sophia. The boys felt each other's members behind the thin septum of Sophia's vagina. From this their members became even harder, and the excitement grew!

New sensations, two members in Sofia's body, drove her crazy! It seemed to her that she simply could not stand it. But after a few minutes, getting used to the new sensations, she began to help the guys with her pelvis.
Without opening her eyes, concentrating on new, unimaginable sensations, she opened her mouth wide. Sofia breathed loudly, breathing in and out.

At some point, Sofia's body began to convulse. Sam in the vagina and Dylan in the anus felt spasms. But they did not stop, but increased their pace and pressure.

Ay yay, ay yay, wow, A A A A A
(Sophia's entire body shook. She was shaking. Inside herself, she spasmodically squeezed the members of the guys)

Again, Dylan and Sam came to Sofia almost at the same time. The spasms of the members spewing semen inside Sophia made her shudder even more. Sofia, for the first time in her life, had multiple orgasms and it did not stop.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah wow.

Finally, the wave of orgasms subsided and Sofia exhaled. She began to sob as if she had just been crying.
She relaxed and lay down on Sam. Dylan was not completely relaxed so as not to put all his weight on Sophia. After a few seconds, he pulled his cock out of Sophia's anus and lay down next to Sam, on his back, on the floor.

Wow. Cool!
(Dylan took a deep breath and looked at Sophia)
That was something! Confirm, Mom!
(But without waiting for Sofia's answer, he continued)
Mom, did you say that today will be everything I want?

Sophia lay on Sam and thought about what she was going through. For the first time in her life, she experienced such a violent orgasm. The orgasm was not only violent, prolonged, but also multiple. She had never experienced such satisfaction before. Her legs trembled slightly.
She seemed to be lost in space.
But Dylan's Question brought her back to reality.
She got off Sam's slightly limp cock. She pushed Dylan a bit and lay on her back, on the floor between the guys.
All three were lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling.

Anything you want my sweet.
(Sophia said looking at the ceiling)

Em. Can i?
(He fell silent, but then continued)
Can I call Zach and get him here?

Why do we need Zach here now?
(Sofia asked in surprise)

Mom, you are so hot, you are so passionate. I really want you to feel good. Now, when you and I were with Sam, you had one more hole free. If only Zach was here. He would have helped me and Sam and we could really please you.
(Dylan said with excitement in his voice)

(Sofia became agitated. She imagined this picture, where she and three boys. She realized that it was very exciting for her. Whoa! Dylan surprises me very, very today)
Honey, I'm a little shocked! I felt very good! But I'm interested! Sam, do you want Zach to be here too?

(Sam perked up)
I think Dilano's proposal has a sense. You are so passionate and hot! It would be great to fill in all your lovely holes.

Sofia's head was spinning. She already wished Zak was here. But this is not possible now. Alissa won't understand.

Boys, this is impossible. It's too late now. Alissa won't understand.
(Sophia stood up, picked up Sam's panties from the floor and began to wipe the semen flowing from the vagina and anus)
Your batons are a little tired too. I'll postorayus now so that you finish one more time. Then we will wash in the shower room and lie down together, if you wish, to sleep.

The guys got up from the floor and looked at Sofia. The thought that Zach might join their company made their members rock hard again. Dylan didn't stop.

Mom, if it's too late now. Tell me I can invite Zach later. Next!

Sophia went up to Sam, hugged his neck.

Do you want Zach's company too, mister?
(As if Sophia had forgotten what Sam had told her a minute ago. She asked playfully)

Sam lifted Sophia and planted her vagina on his erect penis. She wrapped her legs around him.
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Dylan came up behind Sophia. Sofia felt Dylan behind her.

Dear, please don’t touch the anus, it hurts me now.

Dylan gently stroked Sofia's back and head and lay back down on the floor. He watched as Sam pushed his mom on his cock and his cock was getting harder and harder.

After a few minutes, Sophia looked at Dylan.

Sam, put me on the floor.
(And she added more quietly)
You will enter me from behind, but not into the anus.

Sofia lay down between Dylan's legs. She took Dylan's hard cock in her hand. She began to kiss him gently. Then she clamped her lips over his little head.

Sam settled down behind Sophia. He put his penis into the vagina and began to fuck Sophia.

Sophia sucked Dylan's cock with passion and pleasure. Taking Sam's thrusts from behind. With ecstasy thought about what awaits her ahead? After all, the first time Dylan and Sam had it so dizzying!

(How temperamental and persistent they are! I feel so good now! What happens when Zach joins them? Sofia felt that the thought of Zach turned her on even more. She decided to focus on getting the boys to finish quickly)

Sofia's efforts were not long in coming! The guys finished again almost simultaneously.
View attachment 735354

Many thanks to our artists for the drawings! All creative successes!
Does Dylan do anything like sexy to Sophia
Tits , pussy , legs up in air , anything
Last edited:
  • Love
  • Red Heart
Reactions: jérh and nyura555


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Does Dylan have sex with Sophia more than Sam
Why do you think so?
Dylan and Sam are equal. It's just that Sam has a little less dialogue. Dylan is present, and Sophia is his mother, so Sam tries to be a little in the shade.

Probably my English is so bad that you did not understand everything ((


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
after a day of mountain biking and nature ... improved mood, I propose it again ... since you didn't like yesterday
View attachment 736860
Thank! It's nice that your mood has improved.
I'm sorry, but you did not understand me.
I really liked it!
Sofia can cry, do stupid things and so on, we like her in whatever mood she is.
The main thing is that everything is good for you and your mood is in order, which, however, I wish other artists as well.
I confess to you. I am a little jealous of those who can make such wonderful pictures ...
4.60 star(s) 11 Votes