VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.201] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.025...

    For being such a low version number this visual novel/game has quite a lot of content... It does look as though it includes the overused Family Sex stuff...

    The visuals of the characters are pretty good... The backdrops mostly look unique and creative, but there are also some backdrops that we've all seen dozens of times before in other visual novels (i.e. clothes shop, business office, etc)... I did find issue with the sometimes rather lengthy fade in's and fade out's... Not sure if they were taking so long due to sound files being played, or if they are made to take that long on purpose, but trying to click past them felt a bit annoying... It's not a game breaking issue, but definitely a quality of life issue... I usually mute all sounds, as I don't use a head set, and not everyone in my house wants to hear all the sound effects blaring from my speakers... But this VN/Game does have a lot of sound effects, and some music... And I'm not sure if those files are contributing to the in-ability to quickly click to the next frame or not...

    The script was pretty good, although I did run into a very tiny bit of broken English during the part of the first teaching day at the school section of scenes/events... There is also the occasional spelling/grammar error through out the text of the whole VN/Game, but not often... There is actually a lot of story text, dialogue/monologue, and inner-monologue in this VN/Game, which was surprising... There were a couple moments when I felt the story was suffering due to an over share of information, such as during the guitar lessons... I almost felt like I was suddenly being taught everything there was to know about reading and playing music, which was probably a little too much detail for folks not really caring about all that... Since it really had no bearing on the story itself... That part of the whole lesson event could have been shortened or omitted and not effected the flow... I'm guessing the writer is highly passionate about that subject, hence the over share...

    The plot revolves around a female protagonist who has a daughter, a son, and a husband... They have all moved to a new town and into a new and bigger house, next door to some old friends... Her sister and rich husband also live in the same city... The husband is always away working at his new job, in a modelling agency... While the protagonist lives out her life for several days, before teaching part time at a local high school...

    Lots of different things occur in her life, and as things play out she is presented with choices... Most of which cater to two distinct choice types, either to be a Good Wife, or to raise stats with other characters, as well as become more Filthy... There are other choices as well, but most of them do not directly effect stats, instead they lead down certain side paths and/or reveal certain types of information... Most choices that directly effect stats actually list the stats they effect and how much they will be effected, which is a good thing for folks who like to know, plus it gives an opportunity to know just how much of an impact on the stats it will have... There will be moments when a minimum stat is required for certain choices, but it doesn't necessarily always show you that in the choice list... It adds a sort of replay value to this VN/Game... Plus, it allows a bit more freedom for the player/reader to decide what stats they want to work on and what story paths they want to experience or ignore...

    Overall, I really liked this VN/Game a lot, even with the few issues I found with it... The story telling goes into great detail about her life and how it plays out, even though sometimes a bit too much detail, such as with part of the guitar lesson I mentioned, and some other things here and there... But there is a lot of story depth, and immersion, which is very nice...

    Now, for folks who want a ton of erotic/sexual scenes, I have to warn you, there is the occasional nudity and/or sensual type activity, but no actual direct sex stuff that I saw in my play through... And I purposefully avoided all the Good Wife stuff just to see what all those routes had to offer... There is a lot of erotic teasing, but you can also tell that as the story is progressing, that more and more choice opportunities are being presented, which I'm sure are leading to bolder events later down the line... And I didn't go down the Good Wife route, so I have no idea if that opens up actual direct sex type events or not...

    I enjoyed reading/playing this VN/Game, and it is definitely leaning more in the story heavy direction for the moment, rather then the more risqué erotic stuff, but I get the feeling it's working it's way to it... We'll just need to wait and see... I will definitely check back on this one sometime, later down the line... As I know it's been in development for a while, and not sure how quickly content gets generated... So I'll most likely wait for several content updates before I do a review revisit update...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the characters and details and the way it tells you the outcome of your choices. The story line is great so far (as of 0.025). I can't wait for more, the girls in this game are 10s! I just wish that there was more content for me to enjoy(; Ive only done the "filthy" option and am leaning towards a more lesbian wife/mom. But it is interesting to go after the son/friends. Haha
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A promising look at one of the most ambitious games of its kind . "A Wife and a Mother" follows Sophia , a high school teacher , who moves in with her family in a different town , after her husband Liam , landed a fruitful deal in the fashion bussiness . There , she wil be facecd with decisions that will affect her view on sexuality . Is she going to stay faithful to her husband , or will she fall into a spiral of corruption and lust for other men (or women) .

    Throughout the game , Sophia will go through events and that affect the game in a major way . The player has control over the major decisions and he can tailor Sophias view , according to his liking .
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    SOOO MANY DAMN GOOD RENDERS... sometime ago I said that other dev tried to make his game most lifelike, yours might be more linear but packed with plot and characters.. I just click trough some parts of your story even if I know that you could have used one render for that one part of text in the whole game.

    Size of your story is so far massive, damn good or just good quality of all renders packed with different characters in all parts of the story. Some are similar to other games.. but! Our main heroes are made completly by dev. Sexy and erotic scenes are less than in other erotic games.. but it could be couse you will make 10 more parts just as massive? Who knows, you might have won a ticket to the best plot making dev out there. Might be not the best erotica out there, but plot so far is good or damn good
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The most sexy protagonist of any game. Excellent character development. Good story. A lot of work put in. Developer is a true perfectionist. Amazing graphics. Beautiful girls, mother, daughter, aunt...Etc.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    A Wife and Mother is by far the most erotic game out there.

    The game designer "Lust & Passion" sets the bar for quality damn high.

    Convincing story, perfect characters, without atomic bombs and a story that builds up slowly but very well. I'm really looking forward to the other "preciousnesses" of "Lust & Passion"

    * English is not my native language, please excuse the mistakes.

    [Edit] Almost one year later....

    This game always looks nice but....there is no erotic any more, weird boring story now without any chance of sexual content for the next month... two stars now.

    [Edit II, June 2021)

    Almost 3 Years later....(holy shit)

    Well there is not much left to say.

    In the last 3 years many games have been created and finished that are way ahead of this game in terms of graphics, story and fap factor.

    It's a shame that you can't assign minus points.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, insane amount of rendering detail, unique scenarios and perfect pacing. The RenPy remake is awesome and makes testing different choices much less time-consuming. One of my new all-time favorites and it's only version 0.1!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story progression for a demo. Game engine is fine as is and shouldn't be changed considering the time put in on development. MC is unique in being a woman rather than a man and fits with the story. Visuals/Rendering looks awesome. Only issue I saw was a very minor one and that has to do with grammar and that is easily corrected. Any criticism about a demo at this point in regards to the story, MC or the engine currently being used is just childish behavior on the part of people more interested in looking to get their rocks off. To them, it should be clearly stated to go play one of the many dozens of games that already offer that instant gratification. They never have and never will appreciate a unique game with their constant drive to force every dev to churn out the same copy/pasted content.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Review version 0.01:

    Art 9/10: All the scenes are very well made even in the background, models are almost perfect (maybe the asses are a little too much dis-proportioned) , the posing is 99% of the time correct and the are a lot of little details the make the scenes amazing, a lot of details that almost every game miss. Another important aspect is that the "carpet match the drapes" meaning that the 3D match with what happens in the RpgMaker environment. All the 1007 pictures shows that there is really a lot of work & passion from the developer. The Main protagonist is super hot (she remind me a little bit of Katie Cassidy) & the only thing that i can complain about is that from the first second i saw Dylan i wanted to fucking punch the little faggot in the face, luckily he gets an haircut, now i just want to kick him in the nuts :D (mostly is Daz3d fault cause the teenage males looks like douchebags)

    Story 7/10: Story is a pretty standard "slice of life" but flows pretty well sometimes it push the erotic scenes a little too fast and sometimes too slow, but as a whole it's pretty enjoyable. This is version 0.01 and we already have something around 4 hours of gameplay that is basically a really big intro to the game, where you can understand the characters, the general situation and the fetishes that the game will probably have. Some grammar error but nothing terrible.

    Sound 5/10: There are a some sounds,background sounds etc.. that are really nice, but there are a lot of scenes that are completely mute and that is annoying as fuck (anyway, better that the hundreds of completely mute games)

    Overall 8/10: as for demo and introduction of the game is definitely one of the best I've ever seen. There is no sex in it, just a big teasing but you can clearly see that the main theme is the corruption of the Main protagonist with the side dish of some of my favorite fetishes : milfs, cheating, voyeur, incest, ntr, lesbians, gangbangs & orgies. A nice everyone fuck everyone, with an husband that is not a total limp dick. Definitely a game to look out for.

    P.s. the game changed from rpgmaker to ren'py. nothing different beside that