VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd like to be able to give this 5 stars, but its more like an nc-17 game . The graphics are outstanding. The models are great, renders are awesome. The story is a good one. The dev he said he's doing a slow burn, which I am ok with. But there are so many missed opportunities to give us something to see.
    The game play can be very frustrating, though the ingame walk through now helps. But there are so many scenes that are dependent on seemingly random and insignificant choices earlier in the game. Its so long with so little action that going back to start over and redo those decisions - ugh, its just not worth it. Then if you do to get that special scene, nothing happens anyway. Even when there is a sex scene, we see more dick than anything else.
    The dev can do his slow burn. But there are opportunities to give us plenty to look at in the story as it is now (shower scenes, the sybian scene, the few sex scenes that exist). I'd love to give this a 5-star, but honestly I cannot recommend it. :(
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Render and pose quality are pretty good, but your skip button is going to get a serious workout with this game. So. Much. Text.

    Not recommended if you just want to jerk off, even skipping every bit of text leaves minutes between every titillating scene.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This poor rating is more of an indictment of the development process than the game itself. I truly respect L&P as a businessman, but the consumer should understand that getting hooked on this game will be an awful experience. (v.0.130)

    Best case, two updates a year with 6-8 scenes that contain partial nudity and awkward writing. Renders are nice, and models are attractive, but it's a moot point when the game lacks quality animations and sexual scenes.

    If you are susceptible to getting attached to a game and will constantly check the forums in hopes of an update, it would be in your best interest to avoid this title. For everyone else, playing the game after a couple of updates (a year or so) can be worth your time if you are a fan of the fetishes this game provides.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    just finished playing the available scenarios in v.0.130. Very erotic. I love how the story is building up. Fantastic attention to detail. One of the best erotic story telling games to date. To date, it has grown to epic novel proportions. Did not much enjoy the Liam storyline, too vanilla for my taste. Love all the other scenarios. Kudos for a job well done to Lust&Passion . Looking forward to the next update. This dev definitely deserves the Patreon support he is getting.

    The Aiden tasks and the nursing job scenes are my favorite. (y)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The fat that the lesbian route is only `possible after allowing like 50 creep events, inlcuding gropings, harrassment, and so on, well. Maybe the game logic is broken.

    How in the world allopwing some creep to grope your daughter will make a lesbian route eaiser? What person looking for a lesbian route would tolerate this bullshit?
    Maybe there is some rework in the route system, cause 50 creep events to allow 1 lesbian event, is not worth it, really.

    Another thing killing the game is the wife face. 80% of the renders, maybe more she has this deppressed face, its really uncomfortable looking at her. If you add the insane amount of dicks being thrown at you from all angles, it makes the game overall experience horrendous.

    Not renders, nor animations compensate for it, cause they are really average.

    Maybe with the choice logic fixed, it will be a little better cause this in unbearable.

    45 minutesa go i rated it 1. I finished playing it and i goota give one extra star, cause desptie the fact that after 13 or so playable days there is still no sex, i got to praise the length of the """lesbian sex"""" scenes, which is something im complaing about other games. I woulodnt be fair not rewarding it. So, maybe in the future, in 2030, the woman who is being teased and denied for 1 week will actualyl act on her feelings and stop stalling.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.130

    I don't know why this game got so many positively high ratings and likes. Maybe it's the fact that I've deceived a lot of people that it would be an extremely promising game or because maybe they liked the plot and graphics. If it's because of the story, why does a porn game have so much writing and not content? wouldn't it be easier to buy a novel/romance book to read?

    - The game's plot is very professional
    - The MC doesn't act like a slut or stupid
    - Good graphics

    - It's not necessarily a porn game but something about romance and erotic
    - There is not enough sexual content (fucking blueballs)
    - Everything happens very slowly and slow
    - 5.35GB of download size for nothing lewd content

    As I said, the game's story writing is good, but it would also be much better to buy a book to read. Sophia is a woman with two children and also a wife. I've seen games similar to this one and I know what a disappointment it was, but suddenly, this game that is 4 years old pleased its readership.
    Sophia is a woman and mother, the attitudes the player chooses won't let her be a slut overnight, the game corrupts it very slowly making the player tired and bored if you want to fap.
    The gameplay looks silly and I'll explain why. Do you play a female protagonist, and does the game give you the option of being a good wife? Choose to be a good wife or choose to corrupt her or even increase the affection of a certain character or lesbian stat. But why is it so silly? This is a porn game, right? or am I wrong? why would I want to be a ''good wife''? Why would I choose not to see content? if you like a good story and don't like nasty content, welcome.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    Graphics are good, renderings are good, but where is the sexual content? will you spend more than 1 hour reading the entire plot and then see two quick scenes? no fucking way... I don't even need to explain...

    Why I did gave 1 star?
    Sorry, but I can't see any reason to praise this game. I like games that have a constructive relationship, but this game the relationship is constructive too. The fact is that you'll stay for hours and hours and in the end it's just a reading game, a porn game where you just read the story, where you don't see more explicit content and just keep your hand on your dick thinking how disappointing it was to have wasted his time. The developer started writing his story but was unable to reduce or minimize it, so the game gives you every detail of what's going on, but it's been 4 years. It's okay that if this game is ever completed, it will be one of the greatest games that have excellent relationship building and character corruption (or not), but that's just speculation, so it's not sure whether this game will work or not.
    If you like reading, looking for a good story with good writing, this game is for you. But do you happen to be looking for a nasty game, where there's plenty of sexual content you can enjoy, stay away from that game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice game but very slow development in the storyline.
    Too many sidelines. When you expect some progress in the story and it is not happening.
    There are so many missed opportunities.
    What happened with the guys at the museum?
    When can we see some sex with Sophia's sister?
    Any progress with the guys from the club?
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is fine. Nothing special.

    pros: great art and... that's about it.

    cons: really slow development for a threadbare plot and a distinct lack of direction.
    too many character but none have had any significant progress in route in the last year or two.

    Basically, wait until the game is "completed" and play it. The game as it is, is not memorable or interesting
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my review for v0.130 :

    Been playing this game since 2018 and it has kept me hooked until now despite a few shortcomings. The render qualities have definitely improved over time and the effort that the creator puts in to creating realistic environments is evident.
    The thing that works for this game is that the MC - Sophia Parker is a hot middle aged married woman who unlike other games does not jump into having sex with whoever she meets but it focuses on slow build up/seduction of the MC up until she loses her inhibitions and then jumps into having sex with whoever she has picked up the FILTHY points. This would have worked for me if there were just 3 to 4 or max 5 people waiting to seduce the MC. At present the people waiting to have sex with Sophia are - her son, daughter, son's friend, daughters friend, her sister, brother in law, her couple of friends, 2 to 3 students, a teacher, a janitor, a mafia don's brother to name a few. In order to accommodate so many characters, the author has created innumerable branches to the story. And since our MC needs to be seduced, each character goes through separate events where the MC gets drawn towards the mentioned characters.
    This has resulted in the game still being in the seduction stage since 4 years of development. The development cycle has also slowed down over time with the last update taking 6 months for a 1/3rd playable day. So it is quite possible that if the son has made significant progress with the MC in an update during the day and next expected event with the son is in the morning next day, we will not be seeing an update for the son for the next 1.5 years. This causes the interest to fade away from the character.
    Lastly, there have only been 2 short sex scenes with the husband in the Good wife route in the 4 years of development and with a sex scene outside marriage nowhere in sight for the next few years, I personally do have a reservation if the creator is capable to pull off a great sex scene after years of corruption. That only time will tell.
    To summarize :
    Beautiful married MC who doesn't act like a whore
    Wonderful renders
    Attention to detail in the renders
    Too many branches and side characters
    No Explicit scenes in the Filthy route
    Slow development cycle

    Despite of some of the mentioned shortcomings, I do still look forward to the next release with the same enthusiasm, maybe because it caters to my fantasy of a decent married woman getting gradually corrupted.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Yakusai No Akuma

    5 stars graphics and 3d models
    4 stars story and plot
    3 stars too many characters and text reading
    2 stars OVERALL
    1 star not honest with fans said he will join some1 to help him still not
    0 stars updates and delay prolonged to nowhere to no reason
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has a great concept and nice artwork but it is beyond slow. You will find more enjoyment watching paint dry vs waiting for updates to come out. The best advice I can give is to wait about 5 years and then check back . This will allow a sufficient amount of time to pass to actually move the story forward. Lots of other developers deliver quality updates so spend your money with them and hard pass on financially supporting this one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    BEST GAME EVER, the character build up, development, and events are done with class. No other game has the ability to create that connection between you and the main character. despite the fact that updates take longer than any other game in development, the creator always delivers a deeper connection.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I like this game, I like Sophias character a lot, but so much waiting. IM so TIRED of it by now. Theres a certain exhaustion setting in. Its been 4 years now, 4 long years! and theres just one half-ass sex scene between liam and sophia, and that too isnt very well animated. We havent even got to see Sophia's vagina - IN 4 years!
    Just cancel it already instead of your nevenending tease and blueballing

    I was a doner
  14. N
    3.00 star(s)


    I started reading this VN because of good reviews on its graphics and writing. But after reading up to day 12-14, this AVN made me feel deceived.

    IMHO, this is a VN for lesbians in disguise of incest and "slow burn". I don't really mind a VN for specific target group, but I don't appreciate feeling deceived after reading some. Dev made this subtle to attract more readers, but it was obvious soon as MC advanced with females a lot more than male characters. All male characters were described as "pygmy", cheaters, assholes, blackmailers while female characters were active, kind and cool. So you can guess where this is going.

    Renders in the VN were high quality for sure, but I have read better writings. I often felt too much unnecessary details and repeated text as MC's thought. Sometimes, it felt like reading some raw text from character bibles.

    I would have given four stars for its good graphics and so-so writing. But I took off one star for the cheap trick widening target readers.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I followed this game from the very beginning and was really surprised from the quality of the art, the story and the MC herself looking damn good.
    - At that point I was really excited to see where this game would go.

    Here we are - 4 years later.
    Its so sad to see a potential good game have come to this state where its almost "dormant".

    - Game have almost no content of what it lead up to from the beginning(incest).
    - Updates come out per ½ year at the moment, and are very disappointing each time.
    - Lackluster story - For now anyway.
    - Biggest blueball simulator ever created.

    Beautiful artwork & Main Character.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Too long to get nowhere, the premise of these games is that the character meets certain parameters, if it does not reach that, the effort becomes something negative. Mainly sex is what guides the player but if the game does not contain that, much less compensates it with any eroticism, it tires the player if it is not awarded, I clarify NO SEX
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Grade 1 because i ve played similar games and when it came to the good part either got abandoned or disapointed me with the lack of sexual content so i think as the game is now is not worth to play it come back after 5 years...

    Points in game are strict and useless if you have lost 1 point you are out of route losing much plot or all the plot from there also we have a ton of filthy points but we don;t see any change at mc behavior so they are useless as well 0 points

    Walkthrough it does not tell what conquences you might have if you choose between choice a or b instead you see it in the game as you progress and many routes are now locked thanks to the lack of points 0 points as well

    Renders excellent renders 5 points

    Sexual content minimal to none existent also i am afraid that the majority of the game will be like this a sea of text and choices that blocks you from progresing further and the final reward 4 or 5 sex scenes if you are lucky totally not worth it 1 point

    Story meaningless thanks to the point system... 0 point
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    If the protagonist did not have such odd hang ups while getting morally loose, the game would be near perfect. Just very odd hang ups for the main character that do not fit, nor belong in the story. Seems to me they were put in there to try and make it look like a further fall to temptation, but a swing and a miss in my humble opinion. Other than that, great game. Oops,except for the typical loser husband. Too cliche. Have really enjoyed it overall though. Much better than 97% of others.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely captivating game, thanks to the excellent writing and insane graphics.
    The build up is so well done.
    The MC feels real, and she is very attractive.
    I'm craving the incest scenes with the son.
    I just hope you can update the Mac version please that is behind the Windows one.
    Eagerly waiting updates, thank you for your work!
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Fortuna ღ

    Could use some work on the writing, and there also seems to be a lot of dialogue as well. I also believe that it would be better if the story is moved forward in a better way after each major choice. Aside from these things, I really liked it. You can tell that the developer of this game has put in a lot of time and effort making this. In spite of all of that, this AVN should have been much further along with the plot due to how long it has been out. There should not be promises made if they cannot be kept. This AVN had potential, but I am not so sure about it now. I am sorry if it seems like I am attacking the dev, but I believe that many key parts of what is supposed to make a good AVN got thrown out of the window in favor of the plot, and art. I think if the important aspects of the game were better balanced, then the AVN would have been much better. But so far, it is not that far above average.

    Edit: Also the only erotic content happens if you are faithful to your probably unfaithful husband. Even there, it is not that much. In an AVN that is also about corruption and infidelity, I do not see how that makes sense. So far, the plot has also not went anywhere. Almost 4 years and no good development in the main story. After thinking about all of this, and replaying with my partner, I think I am going to take it down two stars in the rating. I am a bit sad because this AVN had so much potential.