VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Jolly Singh

    Renders are fantastic but as many reviewers stated the pace of this game and the time taken to release an update will be its downfall.
    L&P renders 17-18 images for a simple scene which can be done in 3 or 4. I really liked the game before and even supported on patreon on and off again but 3 years with such limited content is just bad.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Very overrated in my opinion. 2.5/5

    Graphics are 5/5, no argument. Sadly no animations, but ok.
    It's the slowest slow burn I've seen so far. I mean, I like a slowly moving story much better than having the first penetration sex dream 3 minutes in, but this is too slow. MC's internal monologues are extremely repetitive. Minus 0.5 stars.

    What really pisses me off is something else.
    I was really happy to see a strong female mc for a change. Really happy. Most adult VNs are just unnecessarily misogynistic, so it was refreshing.
    And what happens? Extortion happens. Alright, let's see where it goes.
    It goes where all the other VNs go as well, the woman starts enjoying it. That made me rage quit.
    I slept on it a few days, played a bit more, but couldn't enjoy it any longer.

    Can we not for once have a strong female character that doesn't secretly want to be a slut and enjoys being treated badly?
    Minus 2 stars.

    => 2.5/5
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    just trying

    the quality of render is top notch.

    1. massive blue balling
    2. pace of game is ridiculously slow, 3 years and its still teasing. At current rate of development, you will need to wait 12 YEARS before the game get completed and im not exaggerating. Pretty sure the L&P (game developer )won t be able to stick to a 12 years project. Its just too more for one person
    3. way too many side characters and hence too many branches resulted in
    very little meaning interaction between character.
    4. No animation
    5. Too many filler renders which could have been used for real meaningful interaction with other main characters.
    6. Too many internal monologues
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best ever, slow burn and very realistic - for the adult game - plot, properly developed characters, well written dialogues and on top of that - outstanding quality of renders. Perfectionism of the developer though making the updating process not as fast as all of us would like, but nevertheless it's absolutely worth to wait
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason, even if the game isn't perfect, I found myself loving it.


    1./ The story felt more natural than most porn/erotic games I have played. Many of the choices we get to make as the mom looked fairly realistic: staying "prude" (the word is a bit strong) VS being a tease, setting boundaries for our children VS letting them act as they wish, exploring our sexuality VS being a "good" wife etc...

    2./ The art is great, there is a fairly good variety of body types and many little details hold everything together even more, such as: our character does not wear the same 1-3 outfits all the time, changes her style as time goes etc...

    3./ Good progression, from not being open at the start to being more and more daring and willing to explore.

    4./ More complex feeling than just "my character is so horny". You get to see many of the mom worries and daily life troubles.

    1./ Less sexual content than many similar games. This wasn't really a con for me since it made the erotic and sexual tension scenes all the more powerful.

    2./ The point system (to unlock character / slutty / lesbian path) is nice in the way that it allows for easy decision making, but you can get cut out of a path easily. Example: I made the choice to go with the husband instead of the son for the very first choice because I didn't know what to expect of the game (+1 good wife VS +1 son). I then always picked the son path whenever I could. Well later on in the game I got his with a choice where I could only move forward with the son given X points... and I had X-1 just because of that initial choice, blocking the son path for the rest of the game.

    Loved the game, I'm usually not into incest settings but I got attached to this mom and her environment. Plus as a bi girl, it is nice to play a woman experimenting with her sexuality. Lots of games, when you play a women, tend to push you to either the more lesbian way or hetero way. I felt more free of my choices here. Also the mom is really hot! Please seat on my face mommy :p
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're someone like me who enjoys a good story with all the porn this game is for you. The story is quite interesting and the creator has tried to make it as believable as possible. The MC is dead gorgeous has loads of teasing scenes.
    Absolutely love this game only the updates take way too long.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First Love the Female MC, It's refreshing.
    Love the setting, An naive wife based on your choices to stay faithful or corrupt!
    Love the Ability to seduce the Son or Daughter...Strait or Lesbian
    A lot of freedom to choose your path to accommodate a play style is Fantastic.

    Time will tell if these ambitious Paths can continue and expand.

    What would be wonderful would allow a full corrupt lesbian path
    Or a full corrupt strait path.

    I Enjoyed what is available!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has been around for years now and almost no sex - and literally no sex other than the husband and the next update is supposed to stay the same - even making her as slutty as you possibly can. Not even any lesbian sex. It's less an adult game than a bad marriage simulator or a blue ball fest. There should have been a cheating scene at least a year ago. Who wants to wait YEARS for anything good? Been a patron almost a year but if no non-marriage sex scene in next one or it isn't soon I'm dropping and will wait and look HERE waiting at least ONE YEAR!
    Update - not changed. Dropped. A total blue ball fest, one of the worst games on here due to total lack of anything good. MC is way too much of a prude to come close to being worth playing unless you like playing a religious fanatic, someone who hates sex or one who us boring as fuck. A perfect gift for Sofia would be 9 black cats to serve as pallbearers for her dead pussy.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game have nice story but
    -no sex scene(except only 1 scene with husband)
    -3 year developing and story just still in begining
    - only tease so yeah 2 star
    feel like dev want to milking this shit for his whole life
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    I respect what this game does, it's a corruption arc game without any magical doohickeys or half-demon powers or whatever to push the plot. So by necessity, it's a slow burn. The dialogue is well-written, the renders look good. Gameplay is boilerplate choice-based VN stuff. Unfortunately a lot of the choices are designed to push you further in the pure or corrupt direction, without giving you the chance to turn it around. Too many choices are ''you need more points in purity path than corruption path to accept'', and if you do you get even more points for that path. And then others require a high amount of points in one path to accept, and then of course you get even more. A good system for a game like this wouldn't push you to go corrupt/pure in scenes you don't want in order to have enough points for a later choice that you do want. But overall, great stuff as long as you don't expect much more than teasing and a bit of blackmail at this stage of development, at least for the MC as part of the main story.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    3 years on and this porn game still has almost no porn in it. When I saw this 3 years ago and heard that the dev wanted to make a corruption game with a more realistic flow to it, as opposed to "female protagonist is pressured into anonymous sex with a guy she just met due to a wildly unrealistic series of events" and then a switch in her head is flipped from "prude" to "slut," I was intrigued. The MC is pretty hot, without having comically oversized breasts. However, while the dev wanted the corruption to feel realistic, it just feels slow. Part of that is the number of unneccesary renders. There is a decent amount of fluff in each update, making this slow burn more like a glacier. I don't need 3 images showing Sophie (the MC) entering into a room, and that just slows down the game further. I played this for the first time last year, and 4 hours into the game I barely even saw Sophie nude and never saw any sex at all. 4 hours. No sex. Almost no nudity. That's absurd.

    Another issue with the realism of the game that I have is Sophie's personality. She's a total ice queen at the start of the game. I understand the idea of making the MC in corruption games a prude at the start. It provides a little challenge and a contrast to who she is when she's a massive slut at the end. The issue here, is that Sophie is too much of a prude for it to feel realistic. She completely loses her shit and starts screaming at men at the slightest hint of sexual interest in her or her daughter, and she's absurdly shy about her own sexuality to the point that she won't let her son see her in a bikini, yet, she's had 2 children.

    I hope that when this game is finished, it's as good as it has the potential to be (some of the erotic scenes that do exist are pretty hot, which just makes the lack of actual sex all the more frustrating), but better games than this have ended up abandoned because real life reared its ugly head before the dev could finish it.

    Oh, not to mention that when the dev reached his Patreon goal to make this game his full-time job, updates actually got slower... :cautious:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best game on this site. Many criticize for having no sex, But for me, The slow burn of this game is what i really like. Normally the games with female protagonist results in either the MC being highly promiscuous or weak and thus easily blackmailed or forced, here the MC is strong willed woman and that makes it totally worth it. Thus the slow corruption of Sophia is totally worth it. Each inch she gives in feels like you have earned it. Hope the developer continues this and don't give in to pressure. Sophia is smoking hot. Attention to detail is amazing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost stopped playing this a few times at the beginning. It was slow, kinda boring, and we would see things that we didn't need to. Like if someone gets into a car, and they were going somewhere, the next scene should be them at their destination. We don't need a render of them sitting in the car. However, I gave it a chance and kept going cause the the characters looked nice, and I could tell there could be a fun premise.

    There was! As I played on I started to really like how Sophia starts to change to being a little more open. If you're looking for a game to just jump in and start pounding, this isn't for you. It's an extremely slow build up. I personally like games that have a slow build up to stuff. Establishing characters, and making you work towards something. This game does just that, and as it goes on it gets better and better at it. Teasing the reader/player even!

    For the most part it's well written, with few grammatical errors. Some of the characters are interesting but it's more the relationships you develop with them that is the interesting part. I will definitely be looking forward to the next update to see how much farther Sophia is willing to push her sexual boundaries!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    After two years,since the game pace was terribly slow,i have decided to give this game another go.And after two years it is still the same,eventually it gets too boring to even play,nudity is almost non existent,very unrewarding,not worth the time being played.We come here in order to experience fantasies and this developer has gone way too realistic,it's predictable and no fun.Art is very mediocre,i'd give it perhaps 6/10,storyline is boring.To sum it up,i feel bad for the people that give money for this game,this game is unworthy to be on this site.TERRIBLE!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The story unfolds very slowly, to the point of being boring. Lots of irrelevant filler chatter. The daily cycle of forced alteration between the characters combined with the slog required to progress towards any meaningful action is very annoying.

    I wasn't personally impressed with the renders. I dropped the title around day 14.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    just awesome. great work. eagerly waiting for next update. the choices are so great, also the gameplay is so diverse.... you have to play a path completely. it has so much multiple gameplay view. so never feels boring.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The first time I played this game, I loved it, but it has been almost 3 years, and no actual sex scene if we exclude a couple with the husband. Too much storyline leads to a dead end, 50% of the storyline leads nowhere, it's just a waste of time to even put effort to write and read, it's a total waste of time for the dev as well as for us who are playing this game.

    I loved it earlier, thus I gave 5 stars but I'm changing it to 1 star, If there was an option to give -1 star, I'd do it.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in renders and story , but some scenes are longer than needed and the branches (story paths) are more than needed ,overall great game but the developer need only to get as many patrons as he can (in Patreon) and doesn't care to finish the story just stretching the game more and more . The rendering doesn't need the time that the developer does to create them ... If it was developed in fastest rate i would be a Patron too but not in that case...

    After a Year from my last review i see little or no content simply the dev try to "Squeeze" as much juice from his Patrons and don't care about the game development ...

  19. 1.00 star(s)


    My thoughts June 2020: Fantastic game, slow development. What i like the most in this game is that even when you make immoral choices with your MC she doesn't become whore all of a sudden ... instead she is slowly changing and her moral boundaries are crumbling one bad decision a time.
    My thoughts April 2024: This game is definition of milking. Updates are small and scarce, no sex scenes between Sophia and main male characters. This game is 7 years in development and it's (at current pace) at least 3 to 4 more years removed from real sex. I like slow burn but this is robbery without a gun. Me personally wouldn't pay a penny to this dev even if his/hers life depending on it. I understand that this game is source of income but this is outrageous. People who are actually paying for this game must be desperate in real life. I will revisit game thread in couple of years, maybe it'll be worth it then.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a wonderfull game, perfect. The story is very exciting, and logical, the characters and their personalities are real also. The protagonist a very cleves woman, and she become more and more corrupted (its depend on you) is one of my favourite way. And the graphic is marvelous also.