VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story so far. It's games like this that are by far the better ones because they actually develop the characters and the relationships rather than diving straight into sex from day 1. Keep it up!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game for a long time now and it is so amazing to see new contents with each update even tho its slow but it is really worth it. I love incest game where there are female protagonist because it makes it more interesting and exciting i just wish more developers would apply this type of concept t their games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Rollo One

    Most exciting game at the moment. You will see how the plot evolves, sometimes a bit slow for those who need to see sex scenes the first five minutes of playing, but no need to see even a nude scene to get really aroused from this game.

    Watching how this mother becomes a naughty woman thinking only in sex all day is one of the hottest experiences you can have playing this VN.

    Thanks Lust & Passion for your great work and hope to see much more of Sophia, her family and all other characters around.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    From the first moment I like this game, it's very realistic. There are few sex scenes, but the game is very exciting. I'm glad to say that an erotic level is still rising. Of course, there are plenty of opponents of this game who do not yet have enough sex scenes. The only negative in my opinion is the long time between updates.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is bad at almost everything.

    If you are looking at a porn game this is garbage, no content, models are generic, no scenes.

    If you are looking for a good vn game and a good story, it is garbage too, the story is boring, the characters too.

    this game is a waste of time, no matter what you are looking for, you are gonna be disappointed,
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is difficult for me. It has a lot of good things, and a lot of not so good things.

    Some of the good things are

    - Renders. The art in this game is good, the models the environments all look nice.
    - The story overall is pretty good if you like a slower paced game. Its basically a *very* slow corruption game.
    - I personally haven't ran into any bugs or glitches.

    Now, the not so good things.

    - This is a contradiction, but this game is both realistic and unrealistic at the same time. It is realistic as far as Sophia not turning into some slut overnight, there is obviously a slow corruption going on and that makes sense. Its gradual and it builds up. That makes it very different than most other female protag games, which is a good thing.

    But at the same time, it isn't realistic at all.

    - She freaked out at being seen in a bikini (from her own son). Now, I don't know about you but I feel like that isn't the first time in the sons life he would've saw her in a bikini. Did she just now decide to wear a bikini for the first time in his life or something? They never went to the beach, or hung out by the pool before, which would've meant he saw her in a bikini?

    - She develops lesbian feelings out of seemingly no where. Similar to the previous where the son would've seen her bikini before, I feel like a 30/40 year old woman would've developed these feelings by now. She isn't some teen that is discovering her sexuality.

    There are more things like that, but those are just a couple examples. She acts almost as if she has been sheltered her entire life, despite being a mature mother of two kids.

    Now for some other not so good things.

    - The point system (that determines what routes you are on and scenes you get) isn't very forgiving. You can't really mix and match. You need max or near max points most of the time. Now, the game does indicate what decisions get points so this isn't that bad, it just limits flexibility.

    I'd probably say the game is 3.5 stars, which happens to be its overall rating, but as you can't give .5 stars I'll give it a 3. It has potential, if you like slow corruption "erotic" games you'll probably like this. If you like sex games, then you won't.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's the best narrative I've found so far. I don't like games that start sex and nudity in the first scenes, it's kinda break the expectations and the construction of the story. This VN has a good progression, creates an excitement and build a strong feeling of "wanting more". Well, for those who like a fine storytelling, for me this is the best one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Clearly the best game ever. The renders are beautiful, and the story truly erotic. The slow pacing is very enticing, and there are many branches to explore variations, with choices and consequences.
    The. Best.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Sabrina BBC

    very good game, I'm waiting for the next update very quickly and is in my top 5 adult game, the story is credible and choice has a real impact and offers différent roads for the story. The sex scene has a good place in the story and is not abusive
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Decided to give this game a go, and it's an entertaining enough plot. Fairly demented/dark at times, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. But, unfortunately it falls into the same no-choices storytelling of so many other renpy games.

    Sure, there are frequently options provided to the reader, but all of them combine into a single question that must be answered before starting the game, "Do I want to play 'clean' and never see anything, or do I want to play 'dirty'?" After the player decides which of those are the path, all questions are pre-answered.

    Some VNs at least allow the reader to pick and choose clean/dirty for every choice. But this is one of those games where, if you do not have enough points down the path of the option you click, you can not do it. So the reader MUST keep picking down a single path or otherwise very soon there is no content reachable at all. Everything becomes blocked, and so you can't earn more points. You can't earn points on this scene, and so the next scene will be blocked because you didn't earn the previous points.

    So a player can not mix and match, or experiment with only certain topics, or skip undesired fetishes. It is all or nothing.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Here to edit my review. I defended this game to encourage the creator but that's it. This is not a slow progress anymore, it is a scam. You will be in andropause when Sophia gets to have sex for the first time
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of ver. 0.09

    Fantastic soft-core/corruption visual novel, which wont be for everyone.

    I've played games before where i have complained that the MC goes from corruption point A skipping straight to point D, without showing B & C. Always very disappointed when it happens.

    With this though, while it is very slow at the start the Dev is dedicated to finishing the character development. That's something that has to be appreciated with any storytelling (even when i want my quick fix :p)

    Options are a bit redundant, but nevertheless dose make u feel like your controlling the story. In reality taking the moral route will either skip a scene now, or later on in the story.

    -Excellent Scenes (when you get to them)
    -Great looking characters
    -Well done corruption/blackmail events
    -Dosent rush into sex (Probably a con for some)

    -Dragged out story at the start
    -Some events you feel could have went a bit further
    -No sex scenes (which i don't think should be rushed into it anyway)

    I was about to skip this update again, as i knew the last time i played it was a very slow story.
    But im glad i didnt, as you get a taste of the the corruption/blackmail/les content that's just starting.

    The pacing it has now in the last 2 days(updates) is perfect, pitty it wasn't like this from the very start.

    Looking forward to the next update.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Sadly I've given up on this game. A Wife and Mother is a game with incredible potential... but I feel that potential was wasted and only a complete remake with a guarantee that we won't have to wait 40 chapters for sexual content could bring me back around.

    When I first started playing I had high hopes for it. There's a hot MILF protagonist, she has a son, who has a friend, a cute daughter who also has cute friends, a somewhat dysfunctional relationship with her husband... and opportunities to become a "slut" and "cheat," or fool around with her son, her daughter, and her friends have slapped the player in the face more times than I can count on my hands and toes. But every single time one of those perfect opportunities arise, the game backtracks and instead just teases the player with what could've been.

    I wouldn't describe this as a "lewd game," by any means. A more fitting description is that this is a "prude game." It strings you along for hours and hours with little to no reward. Others have described it as a soap opera and I'm inclined to agree... though even soap operas have payoff.

    To top off the above, there were a lot of game breaking bugs which meant having to replay 5+ hours of content to get back to where I left off... and it's one of those games that are extremely hard to get through without a walkthrough.

    Overall, I cannot recommend this game. Which is a shame, because it was shaping into what could've been one of my favorite games in the genre.

    I'd describe this as 3.0 out of 5.0 stars, though that's mostly related to the attractive girls, nice renders, and decent story concepts.

    Edit: Something I hear a lot is that the pacing boils down to character development and "fleshing out the story," but it shouldn't take 15 hours to flesh out a story nor develop a character. The quality of a story is not dependent on the plot taking a long time to advance... in fact it is the opposite.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Even though the characters are hot but it's a terribly long and terribly, tediously boring game. I have seen much shorter games with more actions than this. Not to mention the "teasing" scenes are not really good.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Very boring story about a wife (typical cliche story ) you get to go through boring mental monologue to fill in pages and pages , images and images with no exciting action at all, not to mention that there is no sex at all also
    choices leads no where, in my opionion the story is going in empty circles just to make it take long and it make me believe the writer has no clear idea what he want to add in the story, one time we see blackmail then other time he says he will remove it.
    too bad for a nice renders to be wasted by such bad creativity.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Unrealistic (for educational purpose only) story about slow burning corruption of decent wife who either neglected by her husband (Filthy path) , or has to fight for his attention (Good wife path). Motivational thoughts of MC have been shown pretty well and sometimes look reasonable and convincing.
    So do Your choice and face its consequences.

    PS. After following the game for more than a year, I would like to express my experience.
    1. Quality of renders and scenes composition is rising up, dev is real pro by now. Although some "improvements" are quite doubtful for me, for example, Sophia's breasts expansion.
    1. Development speed is VERY VERY slow and is getting even slower, as new story's branches emerge. It's obvious that the game won't be completed in nearest DECADE.
    2. Story is not progressed towards any lewd/sex scenes at all. Update after update is just set of teasing events with different NPCs. So it is NOT slow burning corruption story, as widely perceived by audience.

    My conclusion: I'm sure that the game will never cross the line between teasing and sex. Even in Good Wife path currently (version 0.095) there is no sex scene in its common vaginal sense. So, in my opinion, the game will never be completed and will always stay the same: MILKING for TEASING, although it done pretty well.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Boot Sector

    Good story - slow progression. The best way to describe this game is a slow boil. There's plenty of teasing to be had so far with multiple routes. The main character is a lonely housewife/teacher that has moved into a new area near her sister. There are strong temptations both incestuosly as well as forced/blackmail. This is a good game - albeit slow updates. Worth playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    had a lot of fun with this game. Slow paced which I like a lot! Really builds up that erotic tension. Can't wait to see how low you can go to protect your son with the bullies. If you give in to a forbidden lesbian relation with your sister and how you will deal with the mob boss. And maybe later on some more blackmail, maybe some permanent marks of what you've done,, some tattoos, plastic surgery. My mind is eager to see what comes about next.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Dark Guy

    Dev just uses the same thing over and over, suspense and enticement but gives no scenes, ASIDE FROM THIS SINGLE DAMN ELEMENT!!, the story isn't interesting and isn't on PAR with MVGs ( Just a bored housewife that will get fucked like any FP game VERY ORIGINAL STORY!!!).

    Characters are boring nothing out of the ordinary, dialogues are repetitive and just written to be skipped till you get a 'scene', IMO there are many games that deliver a better experience with lower views and cheaper support...
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    great game with an unbelievable potential but the only problem is the lack of any sex scenes it's only a teaser at the moment so i would love if there's any sex scenes even a deep kiss with the son or any guy (not husband) would be far more awesome