VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The beginning of the game is very good
    But the intention to delay the plot is really too obvious

    Play to DAY 12 really can not stand
    I want to take a serious look at the gallery
    Found that the sex scenes are really too little ...

    Decided to give up
    Maybe I'll come back to see it when it's done

    2 stars for Hot Mom
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If every low priority in the dota were so colorful and magnificent as your work, humanity would be happier.
    Thank you for the scene in the shower with your charming daughter, for the manifestations of teasing and lust in prison, for each dialogue or render, and let everything be done, I love your work.
    Build! You are obliged to create because without others like you, the rest will feel like nothingness.
    I love you in expressing your work, I will stick mentally with you on the bed, hold my hand to your heart without trying to look into your head, because I want to be surprised by how you will manifest yourself in the future. Do not dare to stop, do not listen to all these insignificant milking creatures, if to manifest something like AWAM you need to give your nipples to stretch - be my guest.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    There's a great writing and directing,
    There is such a slow working speed.

    If you wait for three updates, a year will pass..
    Yes, this is an equivalent exchange!! :ROFLMAO:

    Except for the speed of the update, the game is really exciting.
    However, the game's update rate is too slow to be subtracted.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Two parts are available.

    part 1: interesting story but so many discussions, so many choices... and by the end of the part 1, there is nothing. It's okay, as it can be read as an introduction. But at some point, you really want to have some "direction". Like for example Ellie, MC daughter. She has a bond with her best female friend. Then with her mother. Yeah go lesbian team! But then she meets some random tatooed badboy and is fooling with him. Why?

    MC corruption is okay, but why is it so "slow" in playable time? I get that ingame time, it requires time. No problem with that. But real time, I played a full day and she was still in "hesitating" phase, not wanting to choose her husband.
    Husband who has no clue, but is even more a fool: in ONE night at a casino, he loses their whole house! and the MC, his wife, do NOTHING except saying "it's bad!". The man litteraly destroyed your life in one night. Be at least angry with him?!? next day, she has a way out because plot reasons, and she tells the husband. Reaction of the husband? "ok cool it's fixed... can we have sex?"
    The same husband who during the whole game time before refused to have sex with her for many (good and bad) reasons.

    And the wife is at no point pissed of. Nor is she keeping the fact that her life was threatened as was her children life, their house, against him!?!

    So there is a bit of the phenomenon "make things worse but then backpedaling when the story goes nowhere" vibe in this.

    Part 2: due to my path in part 1, it consisted of 5 minutes of gameplay and nothing to do, no choice.

    Apparently it's a game suffering from a "patreon" model and it shows.
    I'd suggest playing it only when it is complete, at which point the game would probably be very fun to play, if you can accept a "not so believable" story.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    After 3 years I can vote this game.
    Many teasing scenes, the storyline is really confused.
    It's an ambitious project but the development is really slow.
    The idea of slow burn story is interesting on first playable days after is quite boring.
    I hope to see more in the future but for now my vote is negative.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games that I've played so far.
    - The story is excellent
    - The pace that carries the main char to the actual sex is so nice. Not so fast, not so slow. It keeps wonder gamers without making them exhausted
    - The art is so cool, in the 2nd part; it even develops to an extremely cool level.
    - The only thing that bothers me is sometimes there can be a lot of text to read which can be shortened 30% approximately. But this is not a must, so it can be tolerated. My rating is 5 stars!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    ok... too bad I can't give more than 5 stars, the developer's talent can't be questioned, the game is just perfect. great renders, great story and personally I have to say that the characteristics of each character are perfectly correct, seriously guys... this developer is talented. This game is one of my favorites of all, so for me it's the best female protagonist game, it just has to improve a little bit in the updates. ok the corruption of MC Sophia is the most exciting part for me. I just hope there are more updates on this path from here on out it's time to have a sex scene with characters other than her husband.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a misleading VN, if you play it for the first time it seems like it's a total success, good story development, sexy characters, hot scenes and good graphics, but if you understand that it takes more than 4 years of development and it still doesn't lead to anything and that the deliveries are more and more distant (6 months approx) and with less content it is deduced that the developer is not interested in finishing it but in prolonging it as much as possible. A pity since the VN promised to be an unprecedented success but has resulted in a total disappointment
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The story and characters are well developed. However, developer stopped delivering proper updates and progress the story. Instead, We receive pointless updates that a even smallar what other developers such as NLT delivers every two weeks.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    6 stars game . Great story with erotic slowly realistic approach. Renders are great as well. The only problem is the slow time for realising the updates. This is one a unique and special game. I am a big fan of this game because of Sophia and because of her relations with the boys in the game ( her son , her son friend and her students). I have no problem that until now she didn't have sex outside her marriage. This game is full of eroticism. Internet is full porn but this game is the only game that presenting a high quality game with slowly building story. The latest updates were great . The best scene so far for me was the bikini show for her son and his friend in addition to her moments with Sam. Full support to the developer. Looking forward to play the next updates with will be full of eroticism. I am living in Sophia world, our beautiful parallel virtual universe.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite the well done renders and variety of choices. there's simply not enough actual sexual content to be worth the time invested. It has a lot of potential to keep an eye on but it's current state is underwhelming.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The best way to describe A Wife and Mother is: A beautiful tree that will never bear any fruit.

    The game has unjustifiable long development times. Mediocre animations. A story that is constructed to prolong it's life cycle as long as possible. Branching story paths with a plethora of characters that are all unfinished or uninteresting. Popular character development is sprinkled through every update to provide as little progress as possible.

    This game is part of an unfortunate breed. A breed that unfortunately has only the purpose to generate income for it's creator.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Revised: 4/14/22
    I would describe the game as an erotic novella.
    You get a lot of questions you (she) have to ask yourself. What would you do? How far can i go? To safe my kids.
    In the end, i was left with no sex. :eek:
    I just played it for the incest aspect. It is clear that the emphasis is on teasing and reactions of other actors. This can be very arousing but sex seems not the main aspect of the game. So for quick fap probably not the game you want to play.

    The visuals (graphics) are top. The story is surely good too but besides the constant innuendos, there is no climax for her or me as it just delves in the question what would she do, if she could.
    I think what is missing is, how attracted the son to her for example is. I judge him to be a twat and very shy. The game does not give him a mind of his own. So there is a masturbation scene but you do not see it, just imagine it. So does she. In my mind Dylan is horny for his mom and would perhaps dare to masturbate where possible. But what you will get is the "my penis hurts, can you check?".

    I tried to go the lewd route as i did not care for the lesbian route. And god no, not even for the good wife route.
    So the outcome will differ in the experience.

    The game does teasing well.
    But in the end, you are left with the desire that something should happen, but that it will never happen. Haven't seen any sperm. Actually once.
    So just take it as an erotic adventure but nothing more. At least for the moment unless you hook up with any other possible mate that runs around. (which are few)
    I give it credit for the style and overall presentation. For lewdness, not so much.

    Just some thoughts:
    The game should have "planned" features at the start page to avoid confusion. As it is right now, all tags are there but not everything is in the game.
    If you want to incest you will not find any. At the very least not with Dylan (son).
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game never has a climax, it's years and years of the most horrible and annoying "Blue balling", at the beginning it's nice to read it, follow the plot, make the decisions, you think you're building something, that the peak moment is going to come, well no.

    Technically well done, good lighting, great use of D-force, designs a bit outdated but still doesn't mean badly done, all the technical section is above average, that is not the problem of this visual novel.

    What is the problem?, a lack of consistency in the deliveries, basically there is an update every 6 months, the story does not advance, you never reach a peak moment, climax, etc, everything is half done, that is, this is no longer "slow" Burn", is torture, the worst of the blue ballings that you will never see in another VN's of this nature.

    In short, I recommend it, yes, just because of how well it is on a technical level, now if you want to read something that has a beginning and an end, I don't recommend it, I don't think this VN's has any kind of conclusion in the years to come, and I think the author is going to continue his "slow burn" until he runs out of Patrons, basically.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall not a bad looking game, but that is about it.

    Played this a couple years ago (has it really been 5 years and still going?) and it was an awesomely rendered game with a slow burn of a story. Sadly, not much has changed. While its great to make a visually appealing game, doing it with a shallow story and with a game that is using lust as driver it has little to show for it after all this time. Sure its one Developer doing a lot of work on his own, that's great, but pacing the story to fit that so it can finish would be better than the long, slow burn this game has.

    • Visually appealing! Renders are awesome
    • Visually appealing and variety of women
    • Some really good teasing
    • WAY too many renders, do you really need so many transitions in a scene?
    • Teasing never gets anywhere, unless this is a game about blue balling it needs to move on with the promises it makes
    • Too long a time to get anywhere, Dev should make a shorter story and finish it
    Overall all 3 stars are for the renders and its visual appeal, sadly beyond that the game offers and delivers little.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The game started great, a lot of teasing. I still love the teasing, but how can you only finish 30% or of of a game after 5 years? Updates are very short for 6 month waiting....
    Developer needs to hire someone and/or leave nonessential animations out of the game and lower the level of perfection in rendering. The script is written since the beginning.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all thanks to L&P for making this. (V 0.150)

    I must say the graphics its really well manage but there is something waste in here. So many scene that just waste too much i think .

    That's make the story become flat and boring, for example the MC have ability in their mind to become more lust and brave to do what she believe is right but in the end its just contradictive , she just throw away what she has done and the plot become a little bit off even awkward.

    So much potential in many scene that's didn't bring to the max conclusion where the plot is going to be.

    I hope in the future the story become more interesting.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Tried and did not enjoy, Renders are beautiful and a lot of work was put in them, and the game is not incompetently written, but... it's... Just... so... unbelievably...


    I get games with slow burn start, I don't expect to see someone getting gangbanged on the 3rd frame, but this game is building and building with virtually no payoff. So far I've watched the main protagonist:
    Go shopping
    Go to hairdresser
    Go to gym
    And several others, and STILL haven't seen her tits. I saw her sister's tits, and some black guy's dick, but the main protagonist (yes, I forgot her name) only shows her butt. This wouldn't be so egregious, if it hadn;t been for the fact that she took a bath and several showers, but camera is always behind her. This game feels like it's deliberately fucking with player. There are 2 occasions on which it seems like she's gonna be having sex, but nothing comes out of it. Her husband goes on a business trip for a week, that means there's gonna be some interesting stuff happening, right? NOPE! The game LITERALLY SKIPS THE ENTIRE BUSINESS TRIP!

    On top of all that, the main character is such a boring, humourless dumb cow I literally cannot stand her. There is no joy, no playfullness, nothing in her, just a straight faced husk of a human being.

    I stopped playing not because I didn't see any porn, but because I just couldn't continue anymore. Boring story, dragging along with the character doing absolutely nothing of interest. I kept pushing to see if I find absolutely ANYTHING interesting in the game, but time and time again I was disappointed. Not because the lack of porn but because the lack of ANYTHING interesting.

    And finally, she's treating her 18 years old son as if he was 12. Patronizingly talking to him about sex (he does call her out on it, at least) as if he had no idea about it. And herself, she's completely clueless as well.

    It's possible there is some interesting content later on, but getting to that 'later on' is too much work for me. Im done with this game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game overall. The story is good and remains interesting for me. Only thing that bothers me about this game is the looks. Female body parts sometimes look unrealistic and images are not as crisp as I see with other games. Still this game was well worth my time!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot, just would like to ask the dev to reconsider the MC's "involvement" sort of speak.
    The story , Renders ,characters are excellent one of the best I've seen. No bugs at all.
    Could use "better" animations.
    Eagerly waiting for the next update and ready to support it.
    Thank you and keep up the great work.