VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205b] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the better titles I've played and has some of the higher quality writing I've seen. While there are parts that really don't make much sense, the majority is strong in my opinion. The renders are very well done as well and I look forward to seeing where it goes.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The scenes are well done. But it's not really a sexual game or you just have to see teasing scenes with little sex appeal.

    Wait 2 years for the character to integrate scenes with sex for a sexual game. it's not really good. it's a money pump.

    it's too bad because the universe was interresting and the characters too.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all, I hate it when I have to skip a good portion of the VN, because most of it is boring. This is a sign, that the writing, even though extensive, is boring and convoluted and not worth reading. I skipped most of the game and still know what happened (almost nothing of note).

    Some creators know how to manage a slower buildup. They use some filler sex scenes with other characters while the main focus characters get mostly teasing scenes to make get you interested, but not "blow your load" too soon. And that was just one example. Others do it with humour or with sweet and heartwarming scenes.

    This VN has none of it. The buildup is almost nonexistent, because it doesn't evolve. It's a constant unchanging line of nothingness. There is no curve. The dialogues are not interesting, because people are talking about stuff you don't care about or people you don't care about. And if there will finally be some even vaguely interesting scene, it will be a disappointment after all this waiting for some interesting content. The lack of porn content wouldn't be a problem, but there is lack of a story itself. Now almost every scene in the game is the same. Sofia encounters some random dude or dudes, he or they hit on her or her female friends, or at least make some slight sexual advances, if they are really aggressive, the go for a bit of groping, and then everyone goes their separate ways. And you don't see most of the people involved ever again. And why use a showers/bathroom scene with Sofia being shy in front of (always some different) men like 5 times with the exact same outcome? Come on, do a story, not a repetition of 1 scene.

    There is too many characters who don't have much going for them, because they are tropes. "That sexy trainer.", "That sexy cheerleader", "That innocent girl", "That creepy guy.", "The Thug", etc. They don't have anything interesting to do, or even say. And the worst part is, that a lot of those characters show up for only 1 or 2 scenes. Where are the movers? The guys from gym? And why not use the already established characters in more scenes instead of some random ones? That could actually mean some character development, which is something the author probably hates, though... or at least forgot about.

    Yes, there is a lot of pictures in different scenes and they are very well rendered. The characters look good, and there are some of the most attractive models I have seen in DAZ3D based VN. Even though a lot of them are not edited, but straight from the DAZ3D library, they are chosen well.

    The problem is, that in those scenes, the dialogue goes nowhere, you don't learn anything important about the characters, and if you don't want to bore yourself to death, you skip the rest of dialogue, because the topic is not even important in the story. Hell, even the scene doesn't push the story forward.

    There is a term called "Chekhov's gun", which basically means, you set up something and later you actually use it. Lust & Passion should look that up for inspiration, not make a hundred unrelated scenes that don't lead anywhere. Porn aspect aside, the story really needs to become a story, not a disjointed set of scenes. And the characters need to develop, not be a ton of random side characters whom you don't see ever again while the main ones stay the same forever.

    Also a saying: Show, don't tell...

    I wanted this VN to be good, because the initial setup and the character models looked really good. It could have been a 5 star game, because the setup is straightforward and simple, the renders are great, but the lack of actual story and porn drags it to the ground. It's just plain boring at this point. Occasionally I am stupid enough to waste my time downloading and then holding "ctrl" to skip the boring text, but...

    P.S. There is a beautiful parody of this game in one other game. I won't say it's name, because it's against the rules. It's basically everything I have wrote here, but put in a funnier, shorter way. xD
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved this game... maybe slow progress, but so good.

    The sheer qty of images and story is unlike most other games I have played.

    The amount of Characters involved in the story is easily 20+ all with detailed interactions. Nothing generic

    ***Updated Review 2019/10/28***
    I down graded the game to 4 stars. I still appreciate the game as per above, but...

    The little amount of sex in this game is really off putting at this stage on both the Good wife or filthy route. It's becoming unrealistic.

    The leading lady is becoming very horny, but in two plus weeks in-game time, can not tell her husband to make a plan? They are married for Pete sake.

    I'm all for the slow burn, but it does not make sense in a married setting.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Review up to v 0.07
    Rating: Good (4)

    Positives +
    ++ Unique and ambitious game project
    ++ Great realism
    ++ Beautiful and sexy characters
    ++ Very nice dialogues
    ++ Good artwork
    ++ Sound implemented
    + Good enough story
    + Slow corruption
    + No bugs

    Negatives -
    - Bad point and route system
    - - Slow developing progress (at this rate will be completed after 5-6 years)

    UPDATE review for version 0.100
    [I make patience and not change my rating until now despite the unacceptable slow developing progress and some other things but the last update was very disappointing so now it is time to change my rating from 4 stars to 1 star because the dev makes me to lost interest to one of my favorite games when it comes out back to 2017]

    I make my first review for 0.07 version 21 months before. Unfortunately the developing progress instead of going faster as the dev gets more experience, more money and reach goals that supposed to let him to spend more time on the game and upgrade the PC hardware, the result was the opposite. The game is becoming a milking machine and my initial prediction that it will be completed around 2024 is not realistic. At this rate the game will be completed after 15-20 years or most likely never.

    The side stories, the dialogues and the scenes especially at the last update wasn't as good as was before. Also added more side stories with this slow developing progress make things worse but maybe it is useful for milking purposes. Also it seems that lately the dev starting to focus too much at lesbian staff something that I don't like so much. The different paths of the game and the point system is still unclear and confusing at this point. Finally the taboo part of the story which initially was one of the main parts of the game seems to stay behind and I doubt that it will finished or even progressed considerably at all.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is game started great but ended up a money laundering scheme. Is the EA's distant cousin. It it promises to be the next best thing (with trailers for EA and a demo in this case) and when u see the final result u realise what a fool you were. It's a game set in the present times but with the morals of 1900. Sorry dev but nobody has time 4 you to finish the game (2 to 4 fucking years). And at this moment Jessica O’Neil and TAC to name a few, surpasses by this game.
    P.S. the dev should listen to his patreons and not make them stupid.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Imagine a woman so far removed from society that even being seen in a bikini would be shocking. Lowering the strap of a dress revealing the top of a breast would be a scandal.

    Of course you'd expect that woman to be from the 1920's and live life in a convent because for a mother from the suburbs to act that way would be moronic as all hell.

    Yet here it is.

    The writing isn't great. The mother has some of the most painful scenes i've ever had to force myself to read through. That scene with the bikini though. The word cringe is overused but it fits.

    The only thing stopping me marking it lower than a 2 is the lesbian potential.

    If some of the shit scenes were redone or removed, the writing given a bit of an overhaul and the plot to gain some actual meaning it could be an average game.

    As it stands it's a slow paced snooze fest lacking in every single way.

    I see people excited about the mother daughter lesbian "build" but that must just be from incest fans because both of them have a gaping chasm where their personalities should be.

    If you are a fan of stories that don't seem to serve a purpose with characters so wooden they could be extra's on Thunderbirds and such a lack of sex even my balls turned blue .... AND I DON'T FUCKING HAVE ANY ..... then this is for you. If you like a good plot, characters and meaningful sex or even sex for the hell of it then look elsewhere, this will leave you disappointed.

    P.S. I reviews this a year ago and dropped the 2 stars down to 1. If I could go into minus stars I would.

    The mother/daughter build I mentioned a year ago has only progressed to a kiss but beyond that it hasn't changed pace or improved in any way.

    A story doesn't need sex to make it good which I guess is this games saving grace because even sex couldn't make this complete bore fest entertaining.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the worst games I've ever played. It got hyped beyond what it really is because of a sizeable demo at the release. Once people are hooked into his patreon, his quality of work quickly declined. Deadlines are being missed, size of updates continue to consistently get smaller too. What started as a 1 game day per update becomes half-day per update.

    The render is beautiful, but the game feels like a turd covered in gold leaves. The story is non-existent. The character development is very minimal. The characters are also very unrealistic as if being written by someone who are not really aware what it's like to be in real world.

    There are many good suggestions being thrown around on the forum, especially early on. However, the dev has proven to be extremely stubborn in realizing the game true to his vision. While it can be admirable, unfortunately the dev hasn't shown the ability to handle the (expected) criticism that he ended up copping from the people. This is to the point of simply insulting other people as stupid for having different opinion than him.

    Final note, at the current writing of the review, we are on Day 7 out of 30. With roughly 2 months per update, and half-day in game per update, we're looking at 26 more updates which equate to 52 more months until completion. That's around middle of 2023.

    In simple conscience, I cannot recommend this game.

    UPDATE November 2022: We are now close to 2023 and only at Day 13.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    wasted months of money on his patreon site with nothing to show for it this is probably one of the most boring pg 13 games ive seen in a while. it really shouldnt be considered adult in any sense. its not a vn with class it is a vn with no content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game with such a nice slow burn, making the inevitable fall into corruption that much better. The renders are amazing, probably some of the best found in any game that's on this site. The attention to detail is unsurpassed and definitely makes the game worth playing repeatedly to try out every path.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game 4 star.

    - Good renders
    - Still has potential
    - Somehow some parts of this 'slice of life' works but I feel sometimes out of focus
    - Female protagonist that is NOT a slut and is there for getting raped and other very common stereotypes

    - Not what you expect from a 0.07 release (was like this before)
    - Not for those who want a quick relief (ain't no bad in opinion)
    - Like I said: Slice of life is out of focus
    - Development time does not justify content releases

    I hope this somehow this gets to author since he's offline from here since negative reviews. I feel every release makes it less and less interesting for people who are: here or on Patreon and making this a dead project.

    What he needs to do is get a second and/or third developers (what I mean by this is mostly artist) who can render for him/her taking of some load on this because all the jokes about "2030+ years still no content" remind me on the Half-Life 3 misery. This game needs more developers/artists.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    0.07 was a pretty weak update like the others, but it is understandable considering that we are playing small updates per month, if she jumped into bed with anyone suddenly, would lose all the fun, the only problem is the time it takes for the updates, if there were more constant updates would certainly be less painful
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few games that makes me pick options based on what I feel not only on how to get the most sexy art.
    It makes it feel important to me what happens to some of the people in the game and I feel for the MC in a way im not used to in games, more like it is when reading books.
    I agree that its a slow game yet I say its worth it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Taker Fan

    I like this game. The pace is slow, but it feels a Little bit more realistic. You can feel, that she will give up her morals. But then it feels, that is a Little bit to slow with the pace. I can understand, that some become frustrated with that. Sometimes I have that too. Even so, I like this game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I've downloaded this game about seven times, this version 0.07 was nothing but a penis is a good novel with good graphs, that's's worse than watching softcore porn, but in softcore you at least see some women naked.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    We are in 2019 already, this game was released in oct 2017...more than a year later and NO SEX CONTENT yet. The dev will say (i think that he will) that he's staying true to his vision (acting lessons feelings) and that he have the story scripted and all that fairy tail...I dont buy it!
    When the dev release the final update i will play this game and skip all the "milking patrons" content.
    The way it is now , is not worth playing , i do not recommend.
    The story is kind of "meh", the wife is too prude, unrealistc.
    The graphics are good, but still far from top games.
    The pace of this game is annoying, too slow... nothing happens.
    The releases are often short and boring.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    - good renderings

    (outdated now 2024)

    - if the author would speed up the pace he would maybe be able to race a slug!
    - MC acting more and more prude after each update
    - he promises a lot but can not keep up with anything
    - story short version = mom you may... - NO - Please... - NO => repeat this endless
    - there is no tension, no passion, no developement (not even slow paced)
    - IF there is some developement, its backwards

    i stop here, because this game is not worth more words (I stop the game at all after version 0.07

    Why 2* rating? - just because the renderings are nice

    As now (7 YEARS later !!!!) nothing changed but the game turned even away from "a WIFE and MOTHER" into "lesbian in a Mily Way", it's not even worth 1 star.
    It turned out, the developer "Lust and Passion" is more like "Greed and Boredom"
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. What stands out, without a doubt, is its image quality and its plot. Its female protagonist has a personality halfway between innocence and lasciviousness. I have no doubt that we are facing one of the best games of its kind. A pity of how long the updates take.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    u z i

    version 0.065

    this VN actually feels like reading an erotic novel. you play the role of a middle aged sexy wife and decide how you want the character to develop. its like watching her daily life and i mean this quite literally. you will get to see what she does throughout the day. its truly unbelievable how much attention to details the developer has put to this VN. you will surely understand once you start playing and after a while it might also frustrate you to the point that you delete the VN from your pc(and u better believe it cuz i have been there and done it XD). but that is also the charm of this VN i think. also incredibly realistic to be honest which i came to appreciate later while playing. well its really hard to describe this VN really. it has NO sex scenes(not even any oral) uptill now. so you could say that its painfully realistic or just plain stupid. but still i liked the VN cause even if there is no sex scene at the moment its still plenty erotic. the writing and visuals are simply amazing, definitely the highlights of the VN. this definitely has a lot of promise.
    so if u are patient and looking for some high quality VN definitely try this one out.
    WARNING : this VN is not for fapping (lol)
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game showed a lot of promise but is ultimately undermined by poor execution.

    Update: Consider this a 2-star review now. Apparently, the Dev has chosen to take this story in the overused mechanic of blackmail, and in this case, unrealistic blackmail. Sigh! The game had such promise. Now the only real realistic corruption is the Lesbian route. Yes, I really believe that an uber powerful family would be able to threaten her when her sister's husband is equally powerful. Will she ask him for help. Of course not.

    She'll comply b/c for some reason, men can only corrupt women with threats, blackmail, and manipulation. Women can offer her something more, something she desires and is not getting from her husband, such as sex. But, men can't offer her anything. It's so irritating, b/c an absentee husband provides all the needed set-up for corruption with other men, but instead, she stays true to the cheating jack-ass until she's blackmailed or raped.

    The good:
    --Beautiful renders
    -- the narrative is often an interesting and slow build, and the main character is given the ability to craft some relationships over time.
    -- written to feel like the circumstances could happen in real life, a part of the game I find quite appealing. (That was the case, until the recent update)
    --Some scenes are quite expertly written. I want to love this game and I'm still pulling for it.

    The bad:
    --Being filthy doesn't change the dialogue or the outcome of scenes. It adds scenes, but being filthy has no real consequence on how scenes play out, destroying replayability. Except for new scenes you can access with filthy, you end up having to go through the same dialogue you saw previously. For me, that meant quickly clicking through dialogue I've already read. It also creates discontinuities.

    For instance, if you pursue the filthy path with movers you can play it so that the wife has no problem with the movers flirting with her and the scuzzy Ivan is even able to mack on her daughter in front of her. Then later MC is uncomfortable undressing in front of her sister (I had a 17 filthy at that point) and is irritated by the more attractive, respectable gym guys checking her out. Huh?? Reason? Gym scene was written to be compatible with Good wife and Nasty wife playthroughs with no changes to the dialogue. The game doesn't adjust the content to account for changes in the filthy metric. Lame.

    Also, the wife is portrayed very inconsistently. One moment part of a well-written guitar scene; the next minute the Sports teacher, who played on a championship college team for 2 years doesn't know the rules of fouling in basketball. Huh?

    She also has the ability to internally and externally call bullshit one moment, then is clueless and incompetent in another. Did she not think of recording her first "date" with the teacher? Why did she even tell him her son is at the school? Most teachers with children at the same school would try to avoid such conflicts of interest for practical reasons. I could see including it as a choice--cause porn game. But, she's portrayed as much smarter than that and you're not given a choice.

    Returning to the good being undermined by the bad. The narrative choices often undermine the realism of the scenarios. A young teacher flirts with both teachers and students, and is likely sleeping with some of them, flunks her son and uses it to blackmail her for sex--we haven't seen how this plays out with the principal, but it's an expensive lawsuit waiting to happen in the real world.

    And why go for the job at the nursing home, when it's been suggested she could be a model? Reason? Ugly old man macking on the hot wife content that appears to be quite popular on this site.

    Though I gave it a 2, consider my rating a 2.5 for a valiant effort and a hope that some of these issues can be corrected.