VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.205b] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game quite a lot. It is the definition of a slow burn. There is little to no hardcore sexual content so far. You play as a wife and mother of two, who slowly starts down the path of adultery. But it is slow moving, things don't really start picking up until part 2. Part 1 is all about the setup, moving the dominos into place to start being knocked down in part 2. The story and scenes very much will tease the player and then pull the rug out at the last moment.

    With all that being said it loses a star for the fact that you really have to play it using the walkthrough as a guide. Not on every choice, but there are a few that seem benign but have serious ramifications latter on. I have had to go back and make a change and then skip through back to where I was because of it. Like a choice made on day 4 effecting events on day 16. Even if there is a one week time skip during that time. The good news about that is the walkthrough does it's job well and doesn't usually spoil what is to come so long as you don't read too far ahead into it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally, I only play the lesbian path:love:, but if you want, you can also choose the normal or mixed path.
    I like the game because it shows again a woman who is fed up with married life and breaks out of this everyday life.
    I like the idea that she was actually more interested in female characters and only got married because society liked it.
    Just as it is often done in reality.
    I especially like the passion and moral conflicts that can be seen in the daughter scenes.
    Let's see what the future brings.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Perhaps one of the biggest let downs on this website. I could understand no sex in 2017, maybe even 2018. Hell, with renders this good, I could even understand 2019. But it's not 2019 -- far from it, and this game appears to be going nowhere anytime soon. L&P is welcome to continue writing this VN for the people interested in this game, but it won't be me and I can't recommend it to you either.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Incest simulator...don't expect anything else like I did and you won't be disappointed. The game hints at numerous story arcs and plots that never develop and all that happens seems to revolve around the son Aiden, when in fact the more interesting character is the Mother, whom I believe you don't even get to see fucking a grown man in this game lol, just Kids...Despite many siituations that promise otherwise. Don't get me wrong I'm not shaming anyones kink, BUT when I'm lead to believe the story will involve OTHER types of content beyond incest and underage sex and there is hardly any, or none at all, well it sucks and the description of the game needs to be clearer, I wasted a good few hours of my life on this game going no where fast. If the Author ACTUALLY delivers on some of the other heavily implied content, like the mob boss and the prisoner or any of the more *adult* situations I'll change this review.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    To keep the review short I will say this.

    This game has a lot of good story buildup and Sophia is one of the hottest MILFS in 3D VNs. A lot of the early section of the game is story build up, while recently it's getting into more foreplay action.

    The downside is the updates take a long time to make for L&P. While that's normal for most games on here, it makes it a hard pill to swallow seeing the roadmap he made for his game. Hopefully he hires more people to help him to either make the updates quicker or merge a lot of story scenes together in 1 update.

    If you like good story and slow burning erotica this is the game for you. If you're into quick sex, you will need to look somewhere else.....for now.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    GayLord Jesus

    This VN is nothing more than a "HOT - TEASER". AWAM Sophia filthy route is a joke and all corruption build up ends in fiasco (even after so many years into development).

    Initially this VN started with several potential prospects for corruption route -> Sister, Sister's husband, Son, Daughter, Neighbor, Neighbor's wife, Neighbor's Son & Daughter, Construction workers, Husband's Office staff, Boss, Sophia's colleagues, Janitor, Principal, Teachers, Students, Parents, Family friends, Gym acquaintance, Hairstylist, Random thugs, Mafia brothers etc.

    After, several years neither has the main story plot progressed nor has the corruption route. Everything is a good as a "HOT - TEASER" still and nothing more. Only updates are getting smaller and it takes way too much longer to develop the same.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily in the top 5 games on this entire site. The renders are amazing and the women look very natural and realistic. The shapes, colors, lighting, everything looks top quality.

    Even though the story is very slow moving and is building brick by brick, the eroticism and tension in the scenes make up for it. It feels very realistic and the story is very well thought through. The dialogue in scenes with sexual tension is not over the top and fits very well within the narrative and progression of Sophia's state of mind.

    Regardless of whether you hate slowburn or not, this game is very well made and I can't wait to see Sophia's desires evolve. :love:
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders are good quality, the affairs are realistic and believable,models all look great and the narrative would be interesting if it wasn't so long winded. Mostly teasing and that's it.
    THE SCUMMY PART though is that this has been going on since 2017 . This attempt of a visual novel has been in development for 7 years ,and in all this time the dev has not come out with ONE sex scene. Call it what you will, but this is just a patreon milking operation.
    Sadly i have to give this game the lowest rating possible just for stringing us(the viewers) along with abysmally slow updates that are 3-5 months apart and when they do appear they have little to no action in them. Just ONE sexy/erotic scene per update that involves no sex what so ever, and if you are not on the right decision path that involves that 1 scene, then you're out of luck because there's NO new scene for you with the new update.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    It’s been almost a year that I’m following this thread and one more that I’m following AWAM. This game started with the greatest of expectations! Nice story and wonderful renders. Sophia easily becomes your fantasy. Not only that, but sometimes people relate to other major characters (myself for example to Patricia and Sam). You love them and they become part of your virtual reality! Before following this thread I went through the various comments existing at that time to see what has been discussed so far. I realised people were complaining about the progress of the game even though 2 PDs per year were being released! 2 years later I understand that LP wanted to “punish” all these people and as a result created a PD in 2 years… (or maybe more since PD13 is not finished yet)!!! We are not yet in the middle of the project and there have passed almost 7 years from the first release… If we take the average time to go so far we need 16 YEARS to completion. If we take the production time of the latest PD we need 34 years to completion!!! It is really worrying and many people have started to give up…

    The person behind Lust & Passion has demonstrated so far some negative attributes:
    - Lack of communication skills: it’s not the first time that he comes up with such cheap justifications for the delay of the release! On a regular basis something happens and he ONLY comes with a notification when people start getting frustrated.
    - Use of lies: he has clearly mentioned on Patreon that the text of the entire game is complete… Every time that an update is released he mentions the text produced as if he is writing it now! Also the latest update (v 0.190) started with the exception of having 260 renders to end up to 418 (61% increase… an indicator that the story is not pre-written)!
    - Egoistic & arrogant behaviour: he speaks to his Patreon subscribers as if they are his slaves not his employers! He doesn’t accept criticism but only accepts nice words. It looks to me as if he’s living in a fantasy world!

    In order to improve this game I would expect (starting with PD14) that:
    - Each update doesn’t take more than 2 months to get released
    - Storytelling becomes more consistent (v 0.185-0.190 going from bathroom to club to jacuzzi - no more bathing please!!!)
    - We have actual progress in the storytelling (1 PD in 2 years not acceptable at all)
    - More transparency and better communication

    If he keeps the above consistent I strongly believe that he will soon double the number of Patreon subscribers. After completion the story has room for the creation of branches that will make it bigger and better! I will see with PD14…
    3.5 stars :)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is 6 years in the making, yet the slow burn pretense that some may use to justify how this game is going nowhere after so long is just a mere excuse at this point to cope with the fact that there's barely any progress at all with the story. Something that AVN enjoyers should always take into account is the attitude of the Dev and his/her commitment to actually finish the work. Since all of them seek finance through donations on Patreon or such with no liability, some just abandon after making some bucks, some, like the Dev of this game, will try to drag on forever stalling the plot from advancing towards what the premise of this game was at the beginning in order to milk as much as possible from the complacent donors. In conclusion: this game is merely a slow burner that's going nowhere other than blue balling and teasing you with a "bang" that's never coming in updates that take forever to be released. I played this game, bothered myself to write this so you don't have to. Save yourselves.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Rajesh Ram

    Don't Play this Game Now,
    Play it after 10-20 years after when there will be atleast one Sex scene of MC,
    6 years and not even a single Sex scene of MC it's just a Blue Balling stimulator, now it's Annoying more than Blue Balling ,
    Hundreds of Fan Made AWAM Came out but here auther still stuck with Intro part without any real Scenes even after 6 years .
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a total snooze fest, at best this is just a Tease game or a very very light erotica type game. People also quote "the plot" and how great it is, but for me I just felt that a lot of it was dumb and if you were actually able to get more than about an hour of just on going boring dialog... well I commend your patience... because for me I finally just said fuck it and started skipping huge chunks just looking for anything that seemed interesting.

    Witch brings me to my next point that at best this is nothing but a teaser and that's it. There are way to many scenes that are basically just total one offs. Sophia meets characters, if you play the naughty route, she does a little song and dance with said character and the dev just finds a way to end the scenario just as quickly as it began and the characters basically never appear again.

    Next.. with the characters that do have some plot to them, basically it's just on and on and on going dialog that always ends up in nothing. At the same time the dev gives the illusion of choice, but really there is none. It's way to easy to completely break a route just by making a single wrong choice. The funniest part about this is you have people saying "Well the best way to play is by using the cheat system" lol... You mean the system the dev put in where you max out all the stats for each character so that when you do fuck up lol you can continue playing that route... basically reinforcing the point I just made that there is no actual choice if you play the right way. Even still... progression is minimal to nothing in basically every route lol.

    The fact that there are so many people drooling over this bedazzled me more than this game did.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game made me appreciate female protagonists. I enjoy playing Visual Novels because I prefer not to waste time on unnecessary jobs and quests in games, simply clicking through without much waiting. However, even while skipping the unnecessary parts in this game, it still took a long time to experience some real action. That's why I'm deducting one point. Other than that, it's a great game!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    For such a well-voted indie VN, this was thoroughly disappointing. MC is the prudish of prudes, and you must sit through and read through hours upon hours of slow burn "corruption" wherein it'll take you hours upon hours of picking the right choices over and over again to get her to fucking put a bikini in the near vicinity of her family. She'd be put off by a fucking beach trip if the family ever planned one.

    There's also tons of stats to raise and they do need to get quite high so if you accidentally veer off a bit of the track for a character you might get blueballed from the - very few!! - scenes of the game anyway; which might be a blessing in disguise, because reading through the slew of boring dialogue after boring dialogue to finally get 5 minutes of grinding through clothes might turn you away from the game more than the lack of the scene ever would. To top it all off, the game is positively huge and there's very little to enjoy from anywhere still other than just... dressing in a non-conservative way.

    Last but not least, the size of the game is an issue. It's currently divided into two seasons, where the first one is already undeservingly massive (several gigabytes), and there is absolutely zero action in it. And, it gets the save from the first chapter to go to the second, so you need it anyway despite there being nothing in it, to then download the second and... still get nothing, because we're trying to corrupt the paragon of virtue and conservative clothing. If, at least, this were all in one game, I could somehow defend it, but the sheer insanity of the ratio between "Space in my HD":"Actual fucking progression of plot or straight up sex scenes" is so skewed towards the former that I'd feel cheated to ever download this again. In fact, it's hard to call it a "plot" given the only actual "problem" the plot has that I can remember of is the bully of your son trying to get into your pants. Everything else is "slice of life", but slice of life if you absolutely hate living.

    Despite all of this, if you are into slow SLOW SLOW burn corruption then yeah, maybe there is something in here for you. Or rather, there will be : In about two years into the future, where the developer might FINALLY get her to go nude for the second time in her life ever since she was born.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Just the blueballing simulator. Not worth of a single minute waisted on it. Mom is rendered awfully. Fan-made games excells this one in quality. I think erotic films of the 90-s have more sense and plot moving.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the good stuff. The renders are amazing and character designs are great. The main character, Sophia, makes realistic decisions and doesn't just jump straight into debauchery as some other female protags in corruption games do.

    But that's as far as my praise for the game goes, and here's why:

    The game has been in development for nearly 6 years, with nothing to show for it. Not a single full sex scene, not enough development in the story, the plot remains as stunted as it was 3 years ago.

    The updates are so far and few in between, with negligible amounts of gameplay that I absolutely can't fathom why the dev continues to even update at this point - other than to milk their patreon subscribers, of course.

    Every time a new update comes out and I download it, I end up realizing that I've forgotten the original plot in the first place because the last update was so damn long ago. And at that point the story has zero coherence, I'm no longer invested in the characters, and it's just mindless clicking.

    The choices mean nothing when there are absolutely no consequences or rewards for your actions now. Sure, you get to choose whether you want Sophia to be an incestuous wife, or whether she should be bisexual etc, but that's about it. The most that you're going to get out of it is her thinking "lewd thoughts" about someone else, or someone peeping on her.

    At the end of the day, even if you enjoyed this game, I would highly recommend against getting too invested in it. You'd be better off playing one of the many fan games (thank god for them) that have been inspired by AWAM, or games with similar premises such as "Project Myriam".
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    I need to make some information known before anyone reads the rest of this. I don't normally play female protagonist games, nothing against them on principal but I prefer the standard male fantasy type stuff, but I wanted to try this because why not try something new, ya know? I am also not into cheating as a fetish generally but I decided to ignore that and try to play this from the perspective of a women and I'd argue that perspective alters the fetish somewhat. Finally I need to make clear that I played this slightly wrong. Apparently I had an old version downloaded and played through that, then tried to download what I thought was the rest, ended up downloading chapter 2, played through that then went back and finished chapter 1.

    Any who, with all that out of the way, A WIFE AND MOTHER. . .

    This game has really good visuals, the art is top tier especially for a 3d rendered game, I could understand playing this for the art alone.

    This game has a lot of story and character depth, one might argue too much, while I think the writing is at best slightly above average, quantity can still be enough for some people, and it took a lot of effort to write that much and I must commend the game for that.

    This game has sound.

    This game has a flowchart style of gameplay, very similar to your classic japanese visual novel style games, where you basically get a ton of seemingly innocuous choices that actually have a major impact on the story. I have learned from my time on this site just how much I hate that style of gameplay, There are games that do it well and have the choices determine the "kind" of play through you want to see as opposed to choices determining if you achieve fucking anything at all. This is unfortunately the latter.

    I played this game straight for about an hour and a half, at some point I got incredibly board of the walls of text and next to zero sexual content and I started getting skippy, just skipping past the wife's internal monologue justifying why being a total slut is okay constantly. After another 30 minutes of nothing happening I just started skipping through willy nilly, slowing down at any point that might get sexual and eventually I reached the end without the wife character having sex with anyone but her husband, and hey that makes some sense but I didn't exactly pick this up to be faithful to the husband character I mean what weirdo is doing that play through?

    Then I looked at the gallery and realized I had barely unlocked anything, so I went back and tried again to unlock more scenes maybe see some spicy shit, this time skipping through the entire time, trying different choices and still barely any of it. Confused I looked up a walkthrough and started following that and finally after diligently following the walk through. . . THERE WAS STILL ALMOST NO SEX SCENES!!! THERE WERE A LOT SUGGESTIVE SITUATIONS, AND SOME VERY CLOSE CALLS BUT THAT WAS IT.

    Look I understand that this is supposed to be a slow burn kind of game, this isn't my first rodeo, but the slow burn games I've played had some "payoff's" scattered throughout here and there, this has fucking your husband or seeing your skinny neighbor fuck his girl, I don't even think she blows anybody for fucks sake.

    It was at this point I noticed that this game has been in development for 6 years. 6 fucking years and the best they can do is have the MC get messaged a bit by the maid or roll around shirtless with the neighbor boy. With that kind of time you'd expect a lot more development, at somepoint it stops being a slow burn and starts to morph into a milking an audience dry, not even in the fun way. Maybe they want the transition to feel as real as possible, but at the same time, I'm at my computer playing this with my hand on my dick, I want to masterbate and no kissing another girl isn't enough for me anymore, JUST MAKE PORN.

    If you're reading this and have gotten to the end and you're still interested in playing somehow great enjoy the never ending story of a wife who also just so happens to be a teacher, but if you're like me and you want porn in your porn and don't want to beat around the bush for 5 hours to reach no payoff then move the fuck on.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish i had found this game a couple years from now so i could play it in its entirety without having to wait for updates, which i have read are few and far in between, i did not deduct a star for that.
    Although the game is very good, there were some silly plotholes in the story. I grow tired of scenes where Liam almost catches Sophia in the act, and none of my options have any chance of me getting caught, which is silly. Or maybe there will be a plot twist where he actually knew i was cheating all along, which would also be pretty silly. The renders look really nice and i really like the fact that the main protagonist is has its inner battles with all of what's happening, porn with good plot is so much better than just jumping into action with no emotion what so ever. I guess ill forget this game exists and come back to this thread after a couple of years :D.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The main character Sofia is just super. It's a pity that the plot is developing slowly. And there are a lot of development directions, too, and I hope that they will also be implemented someday. I was hoping to develop a swinger theme at the beginning of the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing..... lovely female mc ...... its amazing in all aspect like not showing her nude in the starting itself makes it more intresting plus one main thing which i loved is the reality in the novel the script is so realistic....