VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.220] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    as others have said it started off good and all but then after the second part it just fell apart the story is all over the place you dont know what the main story is you get the case of the blue balls from all of the no sex content except for the teasing or foreplay.
    if you want to call it that the story was good and done well in part 1 but 2 it took a turn only thing good about part 2 so far is the renders are updated and dont look to bad
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    the game started off good but then as you progress you find out that this is in fact one of the longest slow burning games of all time blue balls every which away . the story is not to bad starting off but about half way in with side jobs and stories it seems to have jumped ship with the main story line and blurred what is main story and all the side stories together it seems and the story no long is realistic or believable anymore . renders are good except for the new look of sophia that is another story in of itself
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I decided to follow the "secret lesbian" good wife, and a "lovely" mom with her son and daughter path... It took only a billion years for the first sex scene to happen in the game and was with her husband. There are so many corruption paths that seems you can go fucking around with everyone. I'm a big fan of games with female protagonists/corruption where you can choose if the woman is sluty or not. Great game.
    Likes: shaq9
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game will be finished after Luffy finds the One Piece. Good quality but the updates are too short and too far between to consider this game anything but a huge patreon cash bag.

    After 4+ years of development our MC manage to score some kisses and nothing else
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Eh Yo Fish

    Simply perfect game, I dare say it is one of the best on this page.

    Graphics and characters are very well done

    I like the fact that the MC is female (the vast majority of games the MC is male and that gets boring)

    The story does not have as many cliches as most games (In those games you just start playing and you are practically fucking everyone, in this one no, I liked that)

    And personally I do not like that there are routes of lesbianism, but hey, that is optional.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a bit of a slow burn at first but some of the scenes literally are the sexiest I've seen in a AVN. Its long and you have to keep track of your story track. If you get all the way to the end there are several tracks you could end up on changing a lot of content. Well worth the time!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I almost gave up on this game a few times at the start. It was slow, kinda boring, and had a lot of unnecessary scenes. Like, if someone gets into a car, just cut to them at their destination—we don’t need a detailed render of the car ride. But I stuck with it because the characters looked great, and I sensed there might be a fun story in there.

    And there was! As I kept playing, I really started to enjoy how Sophia slowly becomes more open. If you’re looking for a game where you can jump right into the action, this isn't for you. It’s a very slow burn. Personally, I like games that take their time to build up, establish characters, and make you work toward something. This game nails that, and it gets better and better at teasing the player as it goes on.

    The writing is mostly solid, with just a few grammatical errors. Some of the characters are pretty interesting, but it’s really the relationships you develop with them that steal the show. I’m definitely looking forward to the next update to see how much farther Sophia will push her boundaries!
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    A lot of reviews already stated many core criticism about this mess.

    I simply add forced sex scene with husband, falling off lesbian routes if you don't couple them with men, constant loss of lesbian scenes if you avoid interactions with men, ridiculous blackmail B's that is mandatory for lesbian LI...

    The list is way longer. Just not worth anyone's time.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Everything has already been said before me.
    I feel like when we F95ers go to hell, we'll be forced to play this game forever, waiting months (sometimes half a year) for the next update where the MC doesn't get laid (again, obviously). At some point, due to the abnormally large size of the balls, we will have to play while standing. Forever...
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I'd give 4 stars if after 7 years it wasn't version 0.2, but it is.
    L&P are the absolute masters of blue balling and milking other people money.

    So many hours of reading that leads to no real progression whatsoever considering that it took 7 years to reach this point. Also, if you miss just 1 encounter, you can possibly ruin one path because to progress it needs a specific amount of points.

    If people will still pay for this, perhaps return here in 10 years and you'll find a playable version 0.8 (if you're lucky).
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Would have rated this very highly 5 years ago, but now it's become the longest running joke on Patreon.

    Visuals are still decent, though Sophia has not aged well at all.

    Any hope of family fun times should probably be checked at the door, it's never going to happen.

    Kind of the poster child for the milk machine business model that is encouraged by Patreon, and as long as people keep paying for content no one cares about, that's unlikely to change.

    I was invested at some point but have long ago gotten over the heartbreak and moved on. You probably should too.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Seven years ago, this is an easy five star game. Now it's an unfunny joke that deserves the criticism. I'm not sure if it's lesbian addiction the dev has, or if he's just trolling the fans that have been patiently waiting for something to happen for years on end...or the dev is trying to subvert expectations...whatever the case, the game has jumped off a cliff at this point. The slow burn of this story makes watching molasses dripping from a tree seem like light speed in comparison. So many story paths start out interesting, then drop off like the event never happened. This is no longer worth the download
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    What an absolute joke this game has became, while there will be people that like "slow corruption", this is not it, it's just nothing nada.
    SEVEN years i am pretty sure some people have died waiting for something substantial to happen in terms of content.
    I can understand making it slow, so you can get the income over a longer period of time from supporters, but the thing is it can be as profitable or even more if content would be available, there is none.
    At this point i am convinced the dev is doing it on purpose as trolling for the thousands of negative comments on this thread over the years.
    From a technical point of view this game has fallen of a lot, it was something amazing when it was released, now it's average or bellow average since better models and graphics have caught up and surpassed what this game has to offer, this combined with the "slow burn" (read it as no content) bring this game to it's knees.
    1 star rating but only because i can't rate it lower.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    - Sophia's panic button triggers every time when things are getting spicy
    - terrible kissing animation in last update
    - boring story, there is nothing interesting here
    - music
    - endless.. infinite.. slow burn/corruption, no idea how to even name that
    - dev's obsession with lesbian stuff
    - MC in not beautiful anymore
    - too many characters, some are really useless and nobody give a shit about them
    - meaningless events created with only one purpose - to slow this game even more

    One on my first avns on this site with a lot of potential, turned into biggest joke in this genre. 1 star from me
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I rarely leave a review and after v0.201 update I decided to leave one. This game had great potential but it's dying a slow death. I like slow burn adult VN and this game fits my criteria but after 7 years of development the game wanders away from the main storyline.

    The main attraction of the game is the Female MC Sophia and her story but the new MC looks ugly compared to the earlier version.

    The Dev "L&P" has no plans of completing the game considering the pace at which it is going.

    I would have had left a 5 star review 7 years ago but now the updates are terrible.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The content is very high quality, and this should have been a 5* game.

    However, after seven years the story is just going around and around and not progressing. The entire game, all there is, is groping. From beginning of game to end. You can count on one hand the number of sexual scenes in this game, and thats if you include the husbands scenes. There are zero scenes of the MC with anyone else outside of a single HJ and a single lesbian scene.

    There are way to many characters and side plots that have not been fleshed out in years, and likely will never be finished. Many of the characters are well written, and the models are some of the best in the business. Its a shame that this game is still only half baked after 7 years.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game.... But with major flaws.

    Overall, it's a seductively sensual game that has clearly had a lot of work put into it, with a lot of in-depth consideration for the material within it, a staggering amount of dialogue, and the emotional scenarios are often quite engrossing

    However. . .

    While the game is presently approaching or in its 7th year of development, there are nonetheless only a few specific limited outcomes possible, and NO actual penetrative action for the main character other than with her mostly-absent, seemingly disinterested, and not particularly devoted husband (which is brief, rare, and not particularly interesting), to the extent that the game is really just a tease at this time: it feels like the author is trying to milk the game for as long as he can.

    There are no plot lines that result in full-on consummation for the MC outside her marriage, no matter how "filthy" (corrupted) she is, and regardless of what incredibly/stupidly risky/dangerous circumstances she finds herself (or intentionally puts herself) in. There's endless, carrot-on-stick buildup right up to the edge of sex, but it takes forever to get there and it never fully pays off w/the MC herself (tho occasionally it does for others around her). If you're looking to "get to the good part" in a game real quick, this is definitely not for you.

    While the ability of the author to keep the story right on the edge of "not fully going there" is impressive, and has its merits, and there are also many amusing scenarios, lots of kinks, and the game has quite a few very attractive characters, the actual payout for the MC is incredibly limited, despite the endless buildup (and no matter how corrupted she becomes), so the game, overall, oft feels like having to take an interminally long walk to go get an unbelievably short drink of plain tap water.

    The MC focuses pretty hard on staying loyal to her husband, even though he barely sees her, only sleeps with her once or twice, keeps making excuses to abandon pre-arranged dates and, despite his disinterest, is IMMEDIATELY ready to jump at getting access to a hot young chick via partner-swapping, to the point that he's clearly pushing a seemingly reluctant MC for it.

    There's also the fact that in at least two cases (a biker bar and a criminal gang hideout) the MC should (100% certainly) have either been brutally "graped" or at least violently and penetratively groped... But these don't happen. If you're looking for a game where if a girl does something sexually-situationally stupid, she pays hard and long for it with her body and innocence.. this is the definitely NOT the game for you, as it will sail right past that possibility, saying "oh, no: that couldn't ever happen.". You can be sure that if there were tentacle dungeons in this game (there aren't of course) the MC would walk right through them completely unscathed.

    As examples:

    In the first case, the MC openly says to her sister that the biker bar they are in has patrons of a "grapey" vibe, yet she and her sister (despite being the only females there other than the waitress) then start grab-@ss dancing with each other RIGHT IN FRONT OF the bikers who have been brazenly ogling them: NOT F'N SMART, LADIES! But... of course the bar patrons are all civil,despite their seeming roughness, and everything is for the best with a smile and laugh. All wholesome fun.

    Another instance: the MC is basically extorted into coming, somewhat skimpily dressed, to a criminal gang hideout, where she almost immediately gets swarmed and surrounded by horny, violent gangbangers. While the MC actually CAN end up being (lightly) groped, it is only one POSSIBLE outcome, which is somehow 100% OPTIONAL, and she definitely doesn't get "graped", as the violent criminal gangbangers are somehow all disciplined enough to stop when she (and the extorter) tell them to. Because discipline and morality are definitely what one thinks of when one pictures a violent criminal street gang, right?

    This all seems incredibly unlikely, and seemingly constructed to avoid going "past the point". For this reason, it definitely feels like the author is doing a constant c0ck tease with the players, and it gets tiresome.

    In the second chapter, it seems like the author is starting to focus more on secondary characters which, on examination, looks like a convenient way of keeping the MC pseudo-virtuous while still keeping the game going..

    As a general rule, this is annoying, but on the other hand, it did lead to one of the best scenes in the game: the MC's son is getting oral relations from the daughter's best friend... All while the daughter looks on from hiding, fingerbanging herself to guilty ecstacy, as she slowly and reluctantly comes to the realization that she is flatly jealous of her best friend getting to go down on her sibling, and that she wants in on the action: despite loathing him for years, she wants to f*** her brother. Got some next level Kink-Ninja acrobatics going on there, and it definitely works.

    Again, despite the game's flaws, I still believe it is still worth playing, as it's mostly quite well made, and suited to do what it does: keep the audience right on the edge.

    Some of the encounters are ridiculously amusing, a lot of the characters are almost unsettlingly attractive, and it's incredibly engrossing with an unbelievable amount of dialogue (if you're into that sort of thing of course.). If, however, you prefer rapid resolution, and believe that foolish girls should get their comeuppance for putting themselves in peril, this is definitely not the game for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game ! Hat down !
    I will look forward to the next version

    Excellent story telling. The creator really takes his time with the story lines. This creates a relatively slow moving story but there is more than enough tension to keep me interested. The renders and the sound are amazing you can really see the creator put a lot of effort into the details.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    God, it's a mess. And honestly? I don't care anymore. This game and our Sophia are lodged deeply in my limbic system. During game's development I had married, I changed jobs, I moved countries, I've seen glowing peaks of joy and crumbled under stress into darkest depths. Yet Sophia was there all this time: she changed multiple times, like we all do, following illogical and irrational whims. She wanted to appeal to everyone and in the end nobody liked her.

    Sophia's character reveals a meta-tragedy of a developer who started with a vision and then lost it, painfully, excruciatingly slowly, over large swathes of time. Their life over the years probably changed dramatically too, yet this one BURDEN of a game still drags behind them like a bloated corpse. The writing doesn't make sense anymore, all routes are compressed and suddenly move at lightning speed (oh, the irony) using the silliest premises, using any premise, really. Game's in-story timeline is just maddening, if you didn't experience its development timeline of months and years of waiting, of living your complicated messy lives.

    Sophia emotionally whores herself 300 times a day now, yet blushes at the sight of a cock. Time skips and flash-forwards don't exist anymore either, developer doesn't allow any moments for a breath, for reflection: there is just one singular goal of dragging the corpse further. And further. And then just a little bit more. Anyone unfamiliar with the game who would play it whole in one sitting, will just scratch their eyes out. And in their newly found darkness, they will see it for what it is: broken mess of unfulfilled promises and an ugly monument to sponsors-driven development economy. When you allow audiences to vote with their wallets, it siphons the creator dry, making them a desperate rat pushing levers with heroine water. Making the fucking content. For everyone to enjoy. For everyone to hate. This what happens when you just. don't. allow. things. to. end.

    It's day 21 for Sophia. while I got gray hairs already. I will grow older than her soon. I was so happy to see her
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    . Maybe it means that the end will come soon. One day, she will be free of this game. Oh, Sophia, I hope you will.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game out there. Maby slow update phase and too many branches, but excellent plot and very sexy women. I like the slow burn and that Sophia gradually submits to her inner libido away from her boring husband. Too many side tracks makes the update speed very slow. Excellent renders.