VN - Ren'Py - A Wife's Life [v0.6.0] [Kerosine_NTR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The pacing of this game is good.
    I liked that this game is linear like a VN and has a few elements of point and click to keep the player engaged.
    I have played a similar game called "A Wife's Phone", which to me is good, but sometimes it's really very all over the place with it's multiple routes and choices.
    I prefer this over that (It's my opinion some may prefer otherwise). We get to enjoy the story as the creator intended with options of course, so that's a plus point for me+.

    Please make the videos and images available in chats easier to click and play. I had to click many times for the images to enlarge and the videos also seem to be having the same problem, if possible please do fix this.

    For the people who are new, I'd warn you this story contains NTR+, and is mainly focused on kinks like: BNWO, raceplay (black dominating whites) , humiliation, cheating, etc.
    If you enjoy these then you'll definitely enjoy this game, however if you don't then please play it at your own will.
    I love this genre and I'm hoping that this game grows big in terms of content and popularity.
    Again great work by the DEV.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an interesting concept and a sense of mystery that excites our imagination, making us really think, have we been cheated on?
    The game also has a great selection of images and videos, which also gives it an extra point from me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Constant updates and the story is progressing really well. A lot of care and effort is going in to every release. Models are great too. One of the best NTR games on here, the MC still doubts his wife is cheating on him, but it is plausible she is innocent
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Good concept but I will never under stand this genre's obsession with black guys. Why is it so rare to have options of different races? Its always a white couple with the wife cheating with a black guy. No variety, no options just the same repeative tropes.

    Its a hot genre that is rarely well executed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very very hot, never once have I wanted to become cuck but this game man...

    First the concept of going through her phone is really good, the fact that her friend in so in love with black dicks makes the whole story quite immersive.

    Style is very good, story even better. Good game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)



    I'm rating it for what it is, a linear story with minor interactivity. The interactive parts are not about choosing routes or making important decisions, at least so far. It's strictly to provide an immersive experience of using a phone and laptop. I mean, it's barebones, but for those of you who like to self insert as a cuck, it will certainly help.

    Anyways, that's essentially it. Video choices are nice, but they tend to be long and you have no idea how much of it you've watched before clicking past it.

    The writing is more or less pretty good for this type of story. The main idea is to create some sense of anxiety and doubt. The player who is very familiar with NTR and BBC tropes know what's happening, but the MC is braindead like most cucks tend to be in NTR games, be it because of gullibility, timidness, obliviousness, or just plain retardation. So basically you are going along the ride with the MC and viewing things from his POV as he gets unwillingly cucked while he is in denial.

    If the build up and gradual escalation wasn't handled well, this would be a 2 or 3 stars from me. But the writing does achieve what it sets out to do, and the plot is streamlined for coherence and natural progression (unlike a certain other game about a wife's phone), although that's achieved by having no routes at all. Don't get me wrong, characters will act like retards, but since there is only one linear story, it doesn't suffer from schizophrenic whiplash from juggling multiple branches.

    4* if you are fine with linear stories involving braindead people acting like idiots at all times. It's obviously less compelling for people who want choices or want more grounded scenarios in their NTR. Personally, I can fap to this because an MC being so utterly in denial is preferable to an MC that accepts his cuck status just like that.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect story, perfect images/videos, perfect UI and handling, luckily not a sanbox game, cant wait for more content.
    There are other games with similar content, but they either too slow burning, or to few images, or abandoned, or too long story to play.
    I hope there will be bukkake and group sessions as wel.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    My default setting is to side with a creator. They are putting in effort and work to try to produce something and that’s a fairly cool thing – even in this environment of degenerates! (I kid!! Sorta). Some writers phone it in… others put in some work. This is one of the latter kind. There’s a lot of work here but the ENTIRE thing is flawed because basic human thought processes aren’t considered.

    The good:

    • Lots of work and its well written.
    • Content and layout are freakin beautiful.
    • Wide diverse characters (if flawed)
    • Huge potential (a bit undermined)
    The Not-So-Good:

    • The MC and his wife somehow met and got married and skipped communication. They just straight up don’t ever talk to each other and when they do they forget to mention all the actual issues that might come up. Its very off-putting because that’s now the kind of couple that would even last two seconds through hardship – much less the insanity of this kind of mess. WRITE BELIEVABLE CHARACTERS!!
    • I almost think the interface would be better if it just flowed by random clicks. The buttons only exist to make you click them to forward progress. Just have the button light up and then move on to the next part of the story. Having to click click click isn’t beneficial unless I have options. I do not. Its notwhere near as bad as Wifes Phone but it could be better.

    Note to the author:

    You have a good game… if the MC and Wife were believable. They don’t ever talk about shit … he could show her the texts from the guy at camp and that entire shit would come to an end. He could tell her he overheard the boss. That would fix issues. Why doesn’t he?? Also – is she the kind of person who cheats? It doesn’t seem like it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty good game in its genre. The author skillfully escalates the situation. from the comments on the gameplay: the videos are too long and the rewind slider is missing
    good luck dev, and i wait new versions on your game)) (DONT add sissy-content,please)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I have seen a couple of these "phone games" so far, where you can only interact with your wife via phone. The voyeurism happens via phone, which is fine, but when you have no interaction with your wife beyond texting, it is... awkward, to say the least. It is tough to build tension over text message.

    I'm not sure it works as a concept. Situations where any normal person would talk to their spouse using words instead are awkwardly navigated around so the player can see SOME interaction.

    Beyond this mechanism, there are basically no choices, you just have to click around texts and emails until you hit a video. Who finds this fun? It is beyond me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This games slaps. amazing content with the real porn, could have just added a slider to that so we know long a movie is. There is the suspense around the paranoid of the MC. Hope the update is out soon
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's similar to A Wife's Phone but so much better and very attractive. Despite what people say, the dialogue is well-written, and it's a solid foundation for more to come. With what's here there's a lot to look forward to in the upcoming updates. Should give this a chance of this sort of stuff is your thing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Bloody Ink

    I hope that in the future the game will have more choices and more plot branches. For now there is only one choice, which simply opens a piece of content. However, I will give the maximum rating for a good and pleasant interface. I hope that there will be something more in the game besides the current applications, and that the main character will whine a little less

    Important: if someone just wants to look at photos and videos, scrolling through all the text, you won’t like the game at all. The text itself is also not perfect, but overall quite interesting
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give this one star twice. How low do your standards have to be for this implausible, horribly written non-game? People who would play this and enjoy it would read a 2000 page phone-book cover to cover if the names were all interracial cuckold references. You'd have to be that obsessed to think this was in any way good.

    To know before you play: This is not a game in any sense. Basically completely on rails. No decisions made whatsoever. You click through text after text. Message after message. Same with dialogue.

    For a game with no choices & most interactions done by PC/Phone + incessant texts, the writing better be good. Unfortunately, it's not. The dialogue and story itself are both also implausible & quite boring, with little to no life. There's really no good effort into intriguing characters or world-building here. All just an excuse for more porn pictures or videos with no investment from the viewer/clicker (I avoided calling them Player, since there is no game here).

    Consider it internet porn pics/vids chosen for you by someone else, but from the most inefficient website ever created, where you have to click through a bunch of BS to get to the next. You'll find yourself rushing through with quick successions of clicks (or at least I did) to see if it gets better in any way. From what I've seen, it doesn't.

    Unsure why one would put in a quarter-assed effort to create something like this. No player investment. No game either. Just a slow and meandering device for delivering preselected porn. The point of creating a game format is to design a world where the user has personal agency, to get a different more immersive experience than just heading over to pornhub.

    Definitely not worth the time.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Surprise & Delight

    * Reviewing version 0.15 *

    Summary: I don't hate the game, but I can't quite say I like it. I will keep playing for a few more updates to see if my opinion goes up or down.

    The Good:
    • The writing is clean English. No major grammatical or translation errors to distract from the story.
    • There are a couple of hints that the story may develop in one or more unexpected directions.
    The Meh:
    • The media clips are consistent quality, though the presence of watermarks and logos from the sites where they originated detract from the overall effect.
    • The interface is interesting in conception---a laptop and a smart phone. It is definitely much better executed than a lot of the games that attempt something similar. That said, it is extremely limiting when it comes to storytelling. Especially for a married couple who are living in the same household. Some of this is also included below.
    • The story is a combination of typical tropes: 1. Married couple moves to a new town without any money. 2. Husband can't find a job to support them, so wife "has" to work even though they planned for her to be some kind of tradwife homemaker. 3. Black men ensue.
    • Taking the above into account, the story is generally executed well, with a couple of exceptions. See below.
    The Bad:
    • The MC is definitely a racist. As soon as he finds out his wife is working near "African migrants" he starts thinking all sorts of weird "You know how they are" type of nonsense.
    • Also, I think I remember some references that imply this takes place in New York, but there's a "camp" for "African migrants." That's not how geography works. Or U.S. immigration law. Very weird premise.
    • No choices at all. It's basically click here, click there to progress the story. It's not always clear where to click.
    • A lot of the media appears as thumbnails in text messages. You are supposed to be able to click on it to enlarge it, but this doesn't work well. If you click around within the image, you might be able to find the exact spot that works, but this is definitely a problem with the image mapping.
    • Why the hell is a wife texting her husband to wake him up right after she leaves the house rather than just physically waking him up 2 minutes earlier, before she left? Because the interface demands it. If they are communicating by phone, they aren't communicating. Not great.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game, it has been a long time since i have had played a good ntr real porn game and when i played your game i was pretty impressed, the characters are well written the wife is hot, the interface of the laptop and mobile is really good and pleases keep porn videos with sounds in next update and i hope you don't abandon this game and keep on developing
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Updating for v.0.2.0

    Good news: No more jarring time skips in the new content.
    The porn is still pretty good and I like the BNWO and hypnosis/drugs angle.
    The intro hasn't changed and so my earlier criticism about it still stands.

    I think I understand the goal the author is aiming at though: Make you think the wife cheated when she really hasn't (yet).

    Unfortunately, this single goal leads to a bunch of inconsistencies in the story. Unnecessary innuendos (sometimes accidental sometimes not), unnecessary secrets, the MC jumping to conclusions for no god reason, the MC suddenly over-trusting his wife for no good reason, a general lack of communication between the MC and the wife, the wife being super inconsistent in how she feels about her job, apps suddenly failing, messages deleted just in time for no reason... The list goes on.
    While it's a nice tension builder, I hope this gimmick will stop in the next version as I think it already has overstayed its welcome.

    It will have to change when the wife starts actually cheating anyway, unless the author want to hide that from the player, which would be very disappointing.

    All in all, I'll give it a third star since the author did steer the project in a better direction.


    As much as I want to love this game, the writing makes so little sense that I've been wanting to quit before the main story even starts. I've pushed myself further in order to write this review and see if I can just ignore the setup once the main part (phone hacking) actually starts. Unfortunately, this is also where current version (v0.1.0) ends.

    Let me summarize the first few days of the game to explain what turned me off so much and see if that would break your suspension of disbelief.

    First off, the MC is looking for a job. After just one day of failing, he is already in desperation mode. Everyone around him is asking constantly if he found something like it is a huge failing not to find a job immediately. After just 5 days of not finding anything, he settles for a dead end job outside of his skillset where, of course, the boss is an ass.

    More important to the plot, during the same period of time, the wife is offered a new job on day 1, takes it on day 2 and leaves the MC totally in the dark as to what the job is.
    She doesn't even stay vague or gives a reason or event tells she can't talk about it. She just chooses to not tell ( "I'll tell you later" ) every time the MC asks and he just drops it. She even acts annoyed about getting asked about it after a while.

    Keep in mind that the couple lives together and thus spends their evening together where they would have virtually infinite time to talk about that.
    But it never happens, because the evenings just are not in the game. The author apparently didn't want to deal with that so it's just cut from the script completely. So are other moments that would be inconvenient to the plot.

    A particularly jarring example to show my point:
    After the MC started at his shitty job, his wife invites him to the restaurant that evening.
    There's this whole buildup where she tells him she even bought a $500 dress for the occasion (because she apparently makes bank, and once again she brings up her job and then refuses to say anything about it).
    The MC is not very comfortable about the situation and wonders if she will talk about her job after the date. You are made to look forwards to that scene.
    Except, the next screen is the MC waking up at home the next morning. No mention of the date, how it went, what happened, nothing.

    With that much secrecy about her job, you'd guess it would be a very taboo or shameful job. It is not. It's just helping migrants. Now, you're playing a ntr porn game so you can guess what that will entail, but as far as the MC is concerned, there is no reason to suspect anything sexual happening at her job yet (it is even confirmed later that nothing has happened yet).
    Despite that, the MC reacts like this is the worst thing ever and that he must get her to stop working there.
    Like, what the fuck even ?

    How am I supposed to force myself to believe those are real characters in a relationship? The timeline is all over the place, the characters act like childish morons when they are not acting like puppets with strings the size of telephone poles. Why does the wife hide her job and delete all her messages? She has no reason to be embarrassed about it, but the script requires mystery so she follows it.

    An additional thing I noticed is the time/date displayed on the phone are not in any way related to the time in game, they are your date and time in real life. Another way the game breaks immersion.

    Now on the bright side, some images and videos in the game are really hot and if the NTR is well done in the future it might be enough to just forget the terrible intro.
    The plot is not bad and could work well if it was written in a more credible fashion. So a full rewrite of the intro while keeping the broad lines of the plot could also work.
    The UI is also pretty clean and the Phone + PC display making it a wide screen format game makes it way more comfortable to look at than the portrait format these games usually have.

    In conclusion, all is not lost with this game but it will require a lot of work if the author wants to make it enjoyable.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Mrgt's Slave

    It's too early to talk about the content that is in the game, but I like where the author is trying to lead it.

    Among the advantages of the game I can highlight a nice design, a clear interface, and no grind. There is also a small hint on what you need to do in the game at the moment, in case you skip the dialogues.

    Among the minuses, I would highlight a large amount of text and a small amount of graphic content.

    I give the game a 5 with the hope that the next update will have more videos and pictures
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Kemal Ataturk

    Interesting concept with a lot of potential but barely any content as of now. Check back in a few months and hopefully there will be enough content to consider this a game instead of a 5-minute demo.

    Game offers just about nothing in its current form.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    When these "text message" games first came out, it was a neat concept. However... unless the Dev deviates from what others have done, it's going to become a ridiculous mouse clicking fest. Having to click for every line in a text conversation... I just can't describe how tedious it already is. It'll only get worse when more characters are introduced into the story.

    Speaking of... the story... good grief.

    *spoiler alert?*

    The opening is utterly ridiculous. I can only hope the Dev is purposely making the story absurd for some kind of weird comedic slant. The wife getting a job and refusing to tell the husband what it is for days, and the husband keeps letting it go until he gets the friend of a friend to help him hack his wife's phone. I can go on and on, but so far v0.1.0, the Dev doesn't even seem to be trying.

    I'm a big fan of the NTR genre, so this isn't me hating on an NTR game. As a fan of the genre, I might check back on this a year down the road. If it lasts that long, perhaps the Dev will have made improvements, and I'll update the review. Right now, don't waste your time.