I'm not sure if this is a missing event, or another bug. But, On the "fucked Katherine path" MC tells Rick that he had sex with her. Later, Rick tells MC's wife trying to convince her to have sex with him, but the conversation ends. Then a while later MC goes to sleep and the conversation starts again and ends with her giving Rick a BJ. Nothing is mentioned if it was a dream or it actually happened.
Have you or anyone else found this?
Wow! A lot of great stuff here!
torkenstiem All of that is missing and broken pathing. Why Chris would give Rick all of that makes
no sense. And Rick being so hateful to the MC is out of nowhere since they've all known each other for so long.
A lot of these character act more like degenerate monsters than people. Autumn's total disregard for the wife and
their friendship... until poof, she's a good person that cares out of nowhere... Rick and his friendship with the MC
and then out of nowhere joining in on the clusterfuck blackmailing. It's dumb. And since the pathing was
completely skipped before the latest update, nothing is as it should be. She's not cheating though the dialogue
clearly has cheating elements in it.
Just for disclosure I set it the story aside after the hubby has a long talk with my character (the wife) after the night
club when he tells her everything and they make up. He forgives her because he knows she isn't actually cheating
but being blackmailed and forced to do these things and they move on together. That's where I wanted to stop.
Then I started modding the game so know every direction this thing goes from that.
The rape and work and consent thing. I dunno if this is just a guy thing, but I'm gonna ask you.
How many of you have been in a job or relationship that was highly toxic, abusive and degrading but you still
stuck with it any way because you had to. Maybe you needed the money and couldn't quit and your boss knew
they had you under their thumb and could just bully you to no end. But you didn't quit.
I don't think many of you guys REALLY understand what it's like to go to work or be online and have guys
CONSTANTLY sexually harassing you. Managers touching you (I've had women do it to, it's not just men).
I had one general manager once get so riled up at me he literally started taking his clothes off during his
tirade at me I was like pissing myself. What had I done? Wore a sweeter that day because it was cold outside
and he didn't like it. He wasn't even my boss. He was my boss's boss just there on inspection. And my boss
just stood there. What could he do? And what did my ex say? "What an asshole" then blew it off. We needed
the money. I was the only one working. I had my ex constantly telling me how they wanted to see me fuck
this coworker and that coworker. But then would get furious if someone touched me or a client flirted with me.
This is real life fellas. Not the game but what I'm telling you. Being trapped is legit.
And I can tell you. Having been sexually assaulted several times in my life, it's not black and white.
Some of us have no choice but to clean up, straighten up and just keep going like nothing happened.
There's no point in even reporting it and honestly I fucking hate all that Me2 bullshit.
I've also been blackmailed. Twice I think. By people I thought were friends. Agree to this or that or I tell
your partner or wow... how many texts have i sent someone that they manipulated and sent to other people
claiming I did things I didn't. I have literally been accused of doing more things I never did, than accused of
things I have done.
This is the reality of being a girl. So don't be like "All because she didn't quit she asked for it or deserved it."
That's bullshit and makes no different than Samuil. And I have know A LOT of Samuils in my life. Some where
even girls.