*sigh* Damn.. I hate to say this, as this was one of my favorite games on here, always looking forward to it, supported it whenever I could, was genuinely curious how the stories would play out.. but yea.. gonna have to take a break from it for a good long while. Its not the weirdly overlapping stories (she won't go out w/ a guy because she doesn't want to cheat on him, but she's cheating on him with two other guys, but they have an open relationship where they tell each other everything). That's fine, I can allocate my brain to run each thread separately. Its.. Ok, I have no problem with NTR. Its hot, and some of my fave games have it. 'Bad things happening' is hot too, zero issues with that. Or any kink in this game, really - its even tame vs half the stuff I enjoy. Its just that now..
First off, you get a control app, hours and hours and hours are about controlling folk around you with it.. and then suddenly at some point in the game, the MC totally loses control. The app seems to do nothing anymore (you can set the wife up to be bombarded with BWC stuff and she'll still go the other route), the ones you're still trying to get with more (eg. sis, wife's sis) just ghost you, you're constantly taunted about how this person or that person is going to be taken from you and you don't get to do anything about it (even if they're on your app). The only things you really do with the app now are 'spy on everything falling apart' and 'click this button if you want to see any more content, because if you don't there won't be'.
More at the core though, in the last few updates you just suddenly become a helpless spectator as bad things happen around you. Which would be ok if the game started that way, then you'd just be following the trainwreck with popcorn. It would be ok if at each 'bad thing' stage you were getting to make choices to help the trainwreck along. Instead you just suddenly step out of the player seat and into a spectator being mocked for not getting to do anything in the game. The NTR moves from 'hot' to just... I don't know, just 'sad' or something. Its like instead of the MC getting screwed with, its you (the player) suddenly being screwed with. Instead of you (the player) causing bad things to happen to the MC and those around him, you (the player) suddenly lose all agency and everything you've been trying to juggle falls to the floor. Instead of a player who Could choose to save someone (eg. the wife, the sis) and Muahaha 'Don't!', you just get mocking texts about how every loved one abandons you and you better just take it. Which again, would be fine if that had been the game all along, totally a valid genre. But its like a 180 from a (potential path) strong powerful character with a Control App to someone who'd rather have a spycam and tissues.
Meh. Pictures are still hot, don't regret my time with the early game, and maybe this game will bounce back eventually. If not.. well, hopefully the folk that are still enjoying it get to still enjoy it, each to their own.