There is no point in replying to people who use the "Dude there's dRaGonS!!!!!" argument. It's stupid and they either know it is, or they think it's not.
Internal logic is a thing in storytelling, as is suspension of disbelief. You have to have a baseline of what is "real" in the fictional world. Now that can be hard sci-fi or it can be looney tones - but not both.
This game can stil be salvaged if the dev either pulls back to semi-realism with some sci-fantasy, or if he dives straight of the deep end - fuck it have a WhiteMale/AsianFemale faction ride in on literal horses, and a mad scientist release a bimbofication virus, go nuts. Have the protag find a magic fucking sword, idk.
But not this "Oh I'm a billion in depth and lost everything (somehow), let's....get an office job?" wut?