Ren'Py - A Wife's Phone [v0.6.5 Revamp] [Bloody Ink/Scyxar Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hat off to the dev for this amazing game.( an thanks for the respect in giving in game choices for the players...i wish there were more dev like you) Very rare you have a option/s, in this type of game to outplay the players and even fuck their entire relatives as a revenge and play the usual NTR people game against them. This games feel like a good soap opera :cool:
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Clover Dale

    Can't wait for more updates. I think that the revamped look of the game is so much better. The old game was a mess and tbh wasn't getting to even 10% of its potential. Now it can reach that potential. I will say though, I think a lot of the routes need to be updated heavily to fit in with the new features.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I avoid the cuck BBC route, as that is not for me, hence I am not going to judge this gam on that parameter. But the bull route this game is a masterpiece in ever sense of the word, with the choice of scenes and how the story unfolds this game is peak , in every front , i.e, the selection of porn star , the build up , the choice of sex scenes and conversation following and leading up to it, make it all worth it, and is a master class for those who want to see how to do a real porn based game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I have played this game a long while ago. And I liked it alot , but recently I came back and found alot had changed. I would have gladly give 5 stars on the game previously. Now i found i being railroad into NTR only path if I chose to play NTR . I lost Kirely , Hearth and Sola content which I see no impact to the NTR path.
    One of the strength of a NTR player is that he can play both NTR and Non NTR content , so why is the player being punished by cutting off content he can play? And this game doesn't exactly promote parallel game type playthrough , the amt of redundant messages/steps and fgram thing is ridiculous
    -1 star

    Never have i encountered a character so annoying irritating. Constantly harping about QOS , endlessly pimping her supply of endless black dicks. And SHE IS EVERYWHERE like a virus. Almost every story line have her , I never thought a persona more irritating than out of control MS office help clippy that insist on popping out. Every 3-5 steps of a questline she is involved in, she will message the MC , every other NPCs posting black dics pic, promoting QOS or messaging approval to other NPCs like some automated QOS AI. And thats like every 3-5 steps in all the concurrent long questlines.
    Nooooooo , I can't take it no more , so i end branch of every quest with Jenna . It turns out this game is about Jenna, almost everything IS Jenna. My game broke , nothing can progress. Delete game.
    Jenna -3 star
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Bugged and very poorly written game
    So much is cramed in it, so many paths that go nowhere and don't make sense.
    It seems the dev got lazy sometimes and just makes paths without anything happening or some things that directly go against previous paths
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game needs an actual "scene" gallery. It takes forever to get to any action, if you don't have a save for every one of those moments of action you can't get back to them unless they're repeatably scenes (which are very shallow), and the only other thing you get are static pictures. It turns an otherwise interesting premise into a boring slog with little, if any payoff. I don't just want static pictures, I want the scenes to be accessible. One of my favorite scenes was when she got fucked at that club and you caught her during it. And yet, I can't get back to that scene without hours of boring slog. I have given up on this game, and recommend you do the same, until such a time as a scene gallery is added to make it worth the time spent.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was originally good. The concept was good and there was a plethora of choices. Howerever at some point it was that plotlines and branches were getting so large it was becoming unmanageable.

    In an attempt to reign things in there were major changes implemented around version 4.7, 5.0 somewhere along the lines. Branches started getting cut. Decision making ability and choice were slowly eliminated and basically the game is pretty just a VN at this point where every female character woul remind you of crack house wh*re from the hood all with a single concept in mind and that is to hate and destroy the MC at any and all costs.

    This would be okay I guess at least if the writing and the plot lines were cohesive but there not. It's actually pretty sad to see what this is becoming. Tip to DEVS not the DEVS of this game but of any game. Write your story out first. This way you can make logic diagrams. This has become a perfect example of what happens when you have not thought the story all the way through. Choices have consequences. I mean you could almost write the MC out of the game at this point and it might actually be an improvement.

    WOW this went probably from one of the better games I was playing to one of the worst games on F95. And that's not piling on that's just being honest. It's awful. You might as well just had the wife and every other female in the game taking bbc in every single orfice from day one and working the corners and crack houses at night. At least then you would have saved people from the suffering this game inflicts.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game started off with so much promise. It was great right up until the MC lost his company. Then it lost direction and went stupid. It could've stayed on an awesome path to corrupt the wife and himself without needing the moronic debt of 1 billion dollars to the guy who stole his company. Such exaggerated situations kill any realism you could submerge in. (Yes, I realize the irony of wanting realism in a game about mind control but even in fantasy novels with magic, it still needs a certain level of realism to be enjoyable).

    Anyway I give it 1/5. It could've been 4/5 if it stayed on the path it started on. So much potential wasted.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game quickly loses its momentum once it "gives control" to the player it becomes horrible grind with non cohesive story things just are happening but there is no buildup you are just spamming that button to advance time to get one path unlocked, really had promise but the game is just adding on more and more boring events where you need to wait 10 days to advance etc
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Game should be renamed in "Everyones elses but the Wifes Phone"
    If you end one branch of any other character, almost every wife branch is hard locked. You can't progress without the content you don't like.
    The game was better when you still had some sort of choice, but now, can't recommend at all.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was brilliant when it started but with every update it has gotten worse.
    The number of routes are insane and makes no sense so many time, there is too much senseless clicking for no reason what so ever, wife acts slutty once and then loyal another.
    Not much left in the story, seems like the game is still active because of the popularity and some cucks who don't care about repetitive mode of the story.
    I personally am done with this game, but would follow the dev if he ever makes some other game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I didn't like the game, but if you view it from the right perspective, and make the right choices then it's actually really good. My only true complaint rn is that there isn't more content. I can't wait for more.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Saw some people recommend this and decided to give it a shot, and man... what a mess of a game. lmao

    Click the same button 4 times to "progress" the game (sometimes). The "hypno spam" function is largely pointless because there is no progression to most of the characters, and it's just plain annoying because it drowns potential route progression alerts. Other "apps" are useless and it makes me wonder why they are even there. Payment deadline will either have no effect or happen way before the number of days displayed. Routes (branches?) will randomly stop progressing and you need to restart them, but it may cause the game to crash when you play through it again. If you accidentally end the wrong route it will just soft-lock all other routes and there is no way to restart an ended route.

    But hey, at least the porn is good.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    ive played the online version and it runs like shit, not allowing for an offline version before its released to everyone makes sense to prevent leaks. but after it is available to everyone not having an offline option is fucking stupid
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Unmatched in terms of NTR, cuckolding, cheating and interracial content. With a wide variety of women in your life including your mom, sister, daughter, wife, ex, secretary and others all getting blacked, along with the inclusion of feminization it's probably the best cuckolding game on this site
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    So...I've spent a bit more time playing this "game" And it just gets WORSE and WORSE and WORSE!! On the FMC route, you spend literal MONTHS just bitching and moaning about becoming a woman. That's it. Months of this nonsense. That's. All. You. Do. In. This. "Game" You don't go out. You alienate everyone around you. There is nothing fun, immersive, or enjoyable about this game. That is, unless you're an entitled brat that blames everyone in your life for the choices YOU made previously. Avoid at all costs.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid 3.5/5 star game. Not bad, I gave 4 star to add some balance to overall rating. Overall the game has a lot of issues and a lot of content, its a sandbox and quite grindy too. So grindy that you could spend hours grinding before seeing the content you want to see.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good at first, but when there is so many character it ruin the fun and the main purpose of this game "A Wife Phone" that it should be more focus on a "wife" content and phone feature "fucktagram" or any social media on her phone. It will be better if the content update is about the wife meet a new person, you don't have to make a really long branch for one character she's met, but more people she'll meet make the game keep fun.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is just a big mess, Even if the game completes, you will still get problems in branches and bugs %100. Sandbox is worst thing can happen to any game.
    Devs, pls dont make your game sandbox. This game may be the best example of why you shouldn't do it. I know first versions of this game. It was very well written vn type game, after the patches, this game turn in to terrible sandbox style mess. Almost every new update your previous save files not working properly. Lots of problems when trying to progress and most of the time stuck on branches, Lots of unnecessary clicks ''advance time, etc.'' and list goes on and on... you can actually read the comments pages... Most of them are as u guess '' how can i solve this, how i can i get this, can someone give save files please''
    I mean it so sad.. This game could one of the best ntr game on f95. Don't get me wrong, this game is still good game to play, it has lots of content but yeah.. you will get tons of problems while playing it. No doubt.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the massive flaws. Despite the frustrations every time I play it...There is something about this game that keeps me coming back for every update. Maybe it is the concept of the game that I love? Or perhaps it's just the hope that the developer has ironed out the many problems?

    Like many others, the first few updates of this game had me hooked. And then I think the developer got too ambitious. Too many storylines and branches, that overlap and cause contradictions. Jenna is your sworn enemy one message. Then your best pal the next. The idea of seeing your wife with another man disgusts you one minute, and then has you cumming in your pants the very next message because there are multiple branches occurring together.

    The dialogue in the game, as well as the thought process of the MC, is also a weak point for me.

    But there is definitely an impressive amount of work gone into creating this. The basic premise of a phone app, being able to see other peoples messages and being able to influence them and corrupt them is really interesting to me. And the interface is great.

    The potential of this game is massive, but a simplified version of this would have worked far better...And my hope is the developers next project is a similar phone based game, as I am sure he/she will have learned a lot from this first attempt.