This is my first ever games review. I don't ever leave reviews, but for this game I have no choice. I have to. I have to spread the word about this game, and tell people what they are missing not playing this game....
So that being said, the first thing I have to say about this game is that this game is a absolute masterpiece. It's a slow burn and starts off quite slow, lots of reading needed, but it takes you on such a emotional, adrenaline filled rollercoaster ride of a journey. Playing it, I could very easily believe it was real life, and that it was my own wife or girlfriend that was the main character. That's how brilliant and creative the writing is.
The developer has clearly put hundreds and hundreds of hours of hard work in to the writing of this game, which in this type of game is what it's about, and weather this sort of game succeeds, or fails, depends on the quality of the wiring, and the story in which it takes you on. And I can honestly say, hand on heart, this is one of the best games that's ever existed, based on the quality of the wiring, and the story alone.
If that's not good enough for you, the imagery chosen, and the video's in game take it from a masterpiece, to a whole new level, if that's even possible. The images in game are hand picked by the developer absolutely perfectly.
I am trying to put it in to words, how spectacular and amazing, and clever this game is, but I'm struggling. What I am writing here does not do the game justice.
If you are one of these people who want to open the game, and get straight in to the action, then this game is not for you.
If you want to be taken on a erotic, emotionally filled rollercoaster ride of emotions, with a slow but exciting story. then this game is definitely worth playing, I already 100% completed the game, and after writing this review I'm going to go back and start from the beginning.
Well done developer, you've created an absolute masterpiece