About fetish in games, hard limits?

Dec 24, 2020
Optional gay twice? :)

As for your question, I'm pretty damn vanilla these days and if I see a game with those tags, I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of the post. I also avoid blackmail games, and even more so with a female protag. "Retard in lechertown" and the stupidest of blackmail plots (i.e. most of them) really turn me away. Another thing that can make me delete a game is that one domination-oriented love interest that can be either dom or sub, but not avoided or romanced. That's probably just me though.
That...that makes a whole lot of sense actually


May 21, 2018
No scat, pre-pubescent kids, bestiality, vore, or necrophilia. And no fat chicks or dudes.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
For me, the hard limits:

  • Loli/shota/underage sex.
  • Scat
  • necrophilia
  • Female protagonist (being gay I can't relate at all here, even if she's surrounded by a sea of dicks)
  • unavoidable Lesbian/trans content (with trans I make one exception: F->M , if the guy is very masculine but he has a vagina I don't mind at all. On the opposite is a total turn off for me, I don't care if the girl have a horse sized dick, it's a girl for me)

Any of this, and I skip the game or directly uninstall without looking back.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2020
No to:
Anything that would be extremely uncomfortable or dangerous
Hard Rape
Violence i.e beating (not to be confused with BDSM or pleasuring "violence" like light spanking)
Gay - male on male (there are plenty of gay games if that turns you on)

It Depends:
Bestiality - No dogs or pigs, but dont really care if its a horse/zombies/monsters/demons are okay though
Futa - Aslong as its a true hermaphrodite (vagina + penis + female anatomy) and not trans/trap (personal preference) and the penis can be removed or magically despawn
Group sex involving multiple men - Only works well if the mc is female
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Active Member
May 9, 2020
I'm generally okay with most fetishes, even (maybe especially?) the super dark ones because I know this is all fiction. 90% of the stuff I don't like actually fall into the realm of "just doesn't interest me/I have no interest in playing through this" and mostly consists of things in the family of foreplay, gay sex, lesbian sex, shota content, swinger content.

I'd say my only hard limits are (in order of fastest turn-off):
1) Scat
2) Uncanny Valley Renders
3) Watersports


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
I have a rather strong loathing towards futa/trans content.

I'm ambivalent with shota/loli content. Should the MC be a big dick shota fucking chicks. Where he mostly looks like a shorter version of an adult and not so much a kid. Then I don't mind. I really don't like it, when he looks too young or when the shota MC is not interested in sex and the women rapes him.
With the loli content. I'm okay with it, if it simply means it's legal teens of a petite build like in DMD. The other stuff is just too much for me.

I actually like chicks with a bit of meat on them. Big asses and huge tits. Being a little chubby doesn't matter one bit to me and in some cases they look cute. What I don't like is obese or morbidly obese women. I feel a little sick to my stomach and a little sad in my heart. Wanting to help them instead of sexing them.

I'm """"okay"""" with rape if it moves an interesting story forward and it's a huge plot point. I don't feel comfortable with it being the main focus of a game. I really dislike gang rapes... which are also sort of gay imo.

Sissification and weak willed MC's. I can handle selectively idiotic MC's from time to time.

I hate NTR (and their white knights). It's a fantasy game. Made to indulge people in a fantasy in a virtual not real setting. It's okay to """objectify""" women here. The NPC's are not free willed people. They are beeps and bobs. Having the love interest(s) fuck everyone else is not empowering to women. It also freaking doesn't matter, if she doesn't have a ring on her finger. It's a fantasy. Not real. And such behavior of the women makes me feel uncompelled to engange in that fantasy setting. Yes I sometimes like to imagine having a harem of busty women only to myself. That I don't want them to engage with other men is only natural. And again it's only a fantasy.
I'd feel terrible lording over women like that IRL and it'll probably be a huge pain in the ass and a headache to handle.

There are different degrees of scat. I don't care about pee scenes. Seeing them shit is not cool in my book and the big "no no" is eating said shit.

I'm also not a fan of bestiality. I can handle furry to some degree.

I dislike group sex of multiple males.

There are probably things I've forgotten. These were the tags, I could come up with at the top of my head.


May 15, 2021
I think we can all agree Scat is the worst fetish in the world.

That shit belongs in the shitter, and then promptly flushed.

Still got trauma from when 2 girls 1 cup was being talked about at school.
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Jun 19, 2020
The OP has to clearly state which way the game is headed. Especially when it comes to NTR and related themes. Don't blindside players. Sometimes plot twists can be necessary and work, but way more often than not they backfire.
I wouldn't say there is NTR in a "classic" sense, since my story doesn't have deep / emotional relationships - no boyfriends or husbands to be cheated. At least two main male characters will have "relationships" with the protagonist, but it's more about corruption and how far can a person go to achieve some goals. They are too twisted to care about her at all (maybe things change, who knows...). My question was more to feel what people are into or not.

So far, it helped me showing that most of things people are generally off, I agree (like scat, gore, extreme violence). Not that I had planned, so... :D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
I wouldn't say there is NTR in a "classic" sense, since my story doesn't have deep / emotional relationships - no boyfriends or husbands to be cheated. At least two main male characters will have "relationships" with the protagonist, but it's more about corruption and how far can a person go to achieve some goals. They are too twisted to care about her at all (maybe things change, who knows...). My question was more to feel what people are into or not.
That should be fine (for me at least, some people are REALLY touchy on the subject) but please do make it fully clear that this is NOT a romance game and that stuff like that is bound to happen. It would make people who want romance to look elsewhere but that's not a problem.
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Active Member
Jul 11, 2021
I do have a few turn off, but Im mostly fine with everything as long as is not forced

Turn off:
-Male domination. I don't like seeing dudes treating badly a girl, even if they are into it. That said if is in the context of the plot Im fine with games with villains who do crappy stuff
-Scat. Obviously
-Pregnancy. Im just not into that.
-Watersports. Again, not my cup of tea.

And that's pretty much it. Now there are stuff I actively look forward and Im willing to ignore a few flaws in games that contain

+Wholesome slow burn romance.
+Something very unique, maybe having a few non conventionally attractive LIs like Light of my life or having an unusual setting like Exiles will help a lot into making me play your game.

But as I said, variety is the spice of life, having options is always good, and people with niche fetishes are usually the biggest fans and the most willing to support games that cater to their fetishes so don't shy away from getting kinky

Omae wa shinda

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
There is no limit to fetish , it is your game so do what you want.
The only limit that stopping you is human conscience , your morality ,other people opinion and law.