
Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
Update please, new public version 94.2
I submitted a request to update the theme with the game, but unfortunately it was ignored. I personally can't change anything in this thread. I can only, like you, post here and answer questions. My post #1625 has the link you need. That is all I can do here.
Снимок экрана 2022-11-03 130826.png


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
About it v0.94.3_03.11

- Game version changed to "0.94.3"!!!
- Fixed the bug of location looping when using toys during sex with two girlfriends at the same time.
- Thanks to your comments, another problem was solved. If MC was a guest of any NPC who has her own apartment, then when she invited guests to her home, she would end up in the NPC's apartment while chatting. This bug was undetectable for a very long time because the bug was in the variable name, which caused the variable not to reset. After much searching and agony, this bug was fixed.
- At your request, added the ability to include a dark background in the game. This will be especially helpful for those who play at night. We did not make the background completely black, to keep the readability of fonts. If you want the background to be darker, please let us know.


- We are happy to announce that the tattoo parlors in the game have finally resumed their work and eagerly waiting for visitors. We made 14 zones on the body, where the MC can make a tattoo. Also made a wide range of tattoos for every taste and cost. The total number of tattoos at this time is about 400 options, combining which you can create your own unique image for the MC. A lot of work has been done and we really hope that you will like it. If you miss any of the tattoo options, please send us the images and we will try to add them to the game.


- Unfortunately, we did not have time to finish our work with the piercing salons. We ask you to give us a little more time and hope to have them completed by the next publication.
- We added new game mechanics. Now, if an MC roommate has certain characteristics and tendencies, the MC may be in for a surprise when she returns home. NPC roommates can invite other NPCs home on their own and have sex with them when the MC is not in the apartment. We've made a few variations of how things work out. The MC can give her roommate a scandal. She can peek at the NPCs until they climax and then have a scandal or start communicating with them. The MC can also join them and have sex with them. What you choose and what option will suit you, only you decide.
If you want to familiarize yourself with this game mechanic, you can set "sojTreason = 1" for a male roommate NPC or "sojFTreason = 1" for a female roommate NPC and then move to the hallway location of the apartment to initiate this event.
- Various minor improvements and edits.
Thank you so much for YOUR support !!!


May 12, 2020
Есть ли какой-нибудь гайд на то как правильно построить отношения в игре? Как я понимаю в игре есть несколько типов мужчин которые - против пожениться и которые не против женитьбы, но, как узнать к какому типу он относится? И пожалуйста решите что-нибудь с багом на замену NPC, во время того когда он приглашает друзей в общую квартиру (хотя это уже скорее будет просто когда добавляются прочие NPC, нужная персона не прописана до конца, тоесть он не видит что мы живём вместе или встречаемся, он просто один из толпы только что сгенерированный, как-то так видится, и хотелось бы чтобы ухажёр выставлял свои какие-либо претензии по поводу одежды и прочего, вынуждая изменять себя по его видению... мол:"так будет лучше для тебя"

Также в игру хотелось бы больше различных групповых мероприятий во время встречи, к примеру летом если с подружкой то - к вам могут пристать группа мужчин предложив прогуляться, с мужчиной - группа мужчин (гопники) решили обокрасть вас и он как лев кинулся защищать. И хотелось бы получить полную систему секса с игрушками и нею доминацию, имею ввиду про командованием (или полным доминированием) над мужчиной и запрещать ему что-либо носить или же вынуждать его "что-то" носить... Хотелось бы увидеть игру с доминанткой как-то шире, курсы по поднятию личной самооценки как по мне лишняя трата времени так как не видно на что она конкретно может влиять...

Самое последнее - хотелось бы видеть больше предлагаемой вариативности от ухажёра (включая вас) к примеру дарить подарки - смартфоны, дома, одежду (у npc есть одежда, даже виды парфюмов есть), украшения и прочее, и всё это по кнопке "попросить" или же если он ухажёр то может и сам предложить купить, хотелось бы больше вариативности с NPC, но на моём комментарии не стоит зацикливаться, мир куда пустее чем npc... Мир в игре (как видится) просто разбит на локации с особенностями из-за которых нужно выбирать где жить и из-за этих особенностей в локации приходится посещать их и от этого больше страдаешь... Времени не так уж и много повседневного, оно пролетает будто за три кнопки... А если в ивент секса или общения зашел то считай что день или даже два дня ты пропустил...


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
Есть ли какой-нибудь гайд на то как правильно построить отношения в игре? Как я понимаю в игре есть несколько типов мужчин которые - против пожениться и которые не против женитьбы, но, как узнать к какому типу он относится? И пожалуйста решите что-нибудь с багом на замену NPC, во время того когда он приглашает друзей в общую квартиру (хотя это уже скорее будет просто когда добавляются прочие NPC, нужная персона не прописана до конца, тоесть он не видит что мы живём вместе или встречаемся, он просто один из толпы только что сгенерированный, как-то так видится, и хотелось бы чтобы ухажёр выставлял свои какие-либо претензии по поводу одежды и прочего, вынуждая изменять себя по его видению... мол:"так будет лучше для тебя"

Также в игру хотелось бы больше различных групповых мероприятий во время встречи, к примеру летом если с подружкой то - к вам могут пристать группа мужчин предложив прогуляться, с мужчиной - группа мужчин (гопники) решили обокрасть вас и он как лев кинулся защищать. И хотелось бы получить полную систему секса с игрушками и нею доминацию, имею ввиду про командованием (или полным доминированием) над мужчиной и запрещать ему что-либо носить или же вынуждать его "что-то" носить... Хотелось бы увидеть игру с доминанткой как-то шире, курсы по поднятию личной самооценки как по мне лишняя трата времени так как не видно на что она конкретно может влиять...

Самое последнее - хотелось бы видеть больше предлагаемой вариативности от ухажёра (включая вас) к примеру дарить подарки - смартфоны, дома, одежду (у npc есть одежда, даже виды парфюмов есть), украшения и прочее, и всё это по кнопке "попросить" или же если он ухажёр то может и сам предложить купить, хотелось бы больше вариативности с NPC, но на моём комментарии не стоит зацикливаться, мир куда пустее чем npc... Мир в игре (как видится) просто разбит на локации с особенностями из-за которых нужно выбирать где жить и из-за этих особенностей в локации приходится посещать их и от этого больше страдаешь... Времени не так уж и много повседневного, оно пролетает будто за три кнопки... А если в ивент секса или общения зашел то считай что день или даже два дня ты пропустил...
Thank you so much for your comment, which contains so much valuable information for us. I am replying to you in English, as it is one of the requirements of this forum. The project has been haunted by a lot of trouble from the beginning and unnecessary, I certainly don't need it. As there are enough of them in real life.
As for cohabitation. there is no clear guide on this issue. We should understand that if the NPC gets what he wants (in our case sex), then he has no reason to spend more resources or try to take the relationship to a higher level. If he doesn't get what he wants, his interest in the MC drops. The player is at the center of this dilemma. It takes a certain level of relationship and a lucky moment to initiate, which is expressed by a variable. We try to show things as they are in this world, where the problem of relationships is getting more serious every year and can lead humanity to extinction much faster than viruses or cataclysms.

All the other points you made, we will definitely take into account. I don't promise that it will be very fast, because I don't know how tomorrow will turn out and what will happen to us. But as soon as I get a chance, I try to keep going. The interest in the game and the opportunity to make it even better is not a bad incentive to do that.


May 12, 2020
Большое спасибо за комментарий, в котором содержится так много ценной для нас информации. Я отвечаю вам на английском, так как это одно из требований этого форума. Проект преследовал много хлопот с самого начала и ненужных, мне это точно не нужно. Как их хватает в реальной жизни.
Что касается совместного проживания. нет четкого руководства по этому вопросу. Мы должны понимать, что если NPC получает то, что хочет (в нашем случае секс), то ему незачем тратить больше ресурсов или пытаться вывести отношения на более высокий уровень. Если он не получает то, что хочет, его интерес к МС падает. Игрок находится в центре этой дилеммы. Для начала требуется определенный уровень отношений и удачный момент, который выражается переменной. Мы стараемся показать вещи такими, какие они есть в этом мире, где проблема взаимоотношений с каждым годом становится все серьезнее и может привести человечество к вымиранию гораздо быстрее, чем вирусы или катаклизмы.

Все остальные пункты, которые вы указали, мы обязательно примем во внимание. Не обещаю, что это будет очень быстро, потому что не знаю, как сложится завтрашний день и что с нами будет. Но как только появляется возможность, стараюсь продолжать. Интерес к игре и возможность сделать ее еще лучше — неплохой стимул для этого.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
About it v0.94.3_11.11

- As promised in the last publication, piercing salons are now available in the game. There are 7 areas on the MC's body for piercings and about 170 piercing options to suit all tastes. If you're missing any options, send us an image and we'll add those options to the game.


- After studying your comments we adjusted the prices in the tattoo parlors and slightly increased the pain period after the application or removal of tattoos depending on their size.
- We have added a new cheat that allows you not to monitor the charge of your phone MC. When you use it your phone will always be charged. Please note that at the start of the game this option is off.


- After studying your wishes and comments, we have added a dentist's office to the private clinic. The main difference from a city clinic is the ability to solve a tooth problem without having to have it removed. In some cases, to treat teeth, MC will need to make several visits to the clinic. Also in the clinic you can now get dental implants, which for one reason or another are absent from the MC.


- Taking into account your suggestions and suggestions, reworked the game mechanics of wear and tear parts and probability of damage MC car. Now, takes into account the brand and value of the car MC, not only its technical condition.
- Studying your wishes increased the shelf life of cooked to eat portions of food.
- Thanks to your comments fixed bug with outerwear and underwear bought in boutiques.
- Fixed the bug of the departure to the white screen, when the roommate tries to initiate sex with MC without dialogue with her.
- Added the ability to invite an NPC who is a guest of the MC to stay the night. Please note that this interaction with an NPC becomes available after 10pm. The MC may put the guest to bed separately or they may sleep together. On weekday mornings, upon waking up, most NPCs will usually leave the MC, going to work or their own business. Also, now. The MC has various options for interacting with overnight NPCs, which you will find throughout gameplay.


- The ability to offer to stay the night is also done for female NPCs.


- Various minor improvements and edits.
Thank you so much for YOUR support !!!


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
is there a way to commit incest and if so how
It's not in the game yet. Not yet implemented the city where the MC is from and not made interactions with the family. A lot of time is spent on the new game mechanics of sex with NPCs. If you've seen how this game mechanic works, you'll realize that incest won't make any noticeable difference other than the consequences.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
what is the biggest number of participants in group sex?
In principle, the number of participants in group sex is not limited by anything. As they are split into pairs or small groups, and the MC has the ability to join any NPC partner, except in some cases. So up to 100 NPCs can participate in orgies. The only limitation is the number of groups the MC observes in close proximity to himself. The implication here is that when an NPC interacts with her, the MC cannot move around at the same time to view all the members of the orgy and her view is limited.
If we are talking about an MC having sex with a group of male NPCs only, there can be up to 35 of them at the same time. In this case, the sex can be in two variants. The MC can satisfy them one by one or simultaneously. It is clear that when satisfying them simultaneously, only the NPCs that are interacting with the MC at that moment are displayed.
When the MC has sex only with female NPCs, she can only interact with two at a time. Hopefully, if we have the financial ability, we can hire artists and make the right visual that will greatly expand the number of female NPCs.

It is also worth remembering the consequences of a large number of partners. NPCs obsessed with passion care little about the state of the MC. And if the MC is not ready to have such an experience, it may result in suffering and physical damage.


Jun 30, 2019
Больше 6 месяцев нет возможности поддержать проект, на сегодняшний день Patreon закрыт провайдером, а так же при попытке оформить подписку карты банков РФ отклоняются.
Другого способа получить игру кроме, как здесь бесплатно - нет.
Наверное единственный нормальный сервис для РФ это только boosty.to, но вы наверное не сможете выводить от туда деньги.
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Reactions: MAMONT1990


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
You can support the project and download this update here:

About it v0.94.3_19.11

- After receiving your comments about the bug pedicure MC at home, began to look into it and found a very long and confusing condition, which was made at the beginning of the project. We did not fix it, and completely rewrote the entire game mechanics. Pedicure and manicure MC at home is now divided into different actions. In addition, MC got the ability to apply nail polish at home. We did not introduce into the game separately purchase of nail polish, making in this case more consumption of manicure products, which MC can buy in the supermarket in the cosmetics department. Also increased the term of the applied nails and manicure in beauty salons compared to similar services rendered in conventional hairdressing salons or performed by MC at home. Also at home MC can keep their nails in perfect condition after the services rendered by the master, thus saving their time and money.
- Continuing the theme of nails, we have completely redone the process of tidying up the apartment if the MC does it himself. We didn't add separate household gloves to protect your hands, but instead redesigned "dishwashing detergent" to "cleaner and household gloves." Now by buying detergent, the MC automatically gets hand protection and can save his nails. Also, the presence of detergent now affects cleaning time. The amount of dirt and debris in the apartment affects detergent consumption and the wear and tear of household gloves. We've also made a notice when we run out of cleaning supplies so the MC doesn't miss that point. You can buy cleaning supplies and household gloves at the market or in the supermarket in the appropriate departments.
- Now, if the apartment has a dishwasher and detergent, the MC no longer spends time washing dishes. Only the time she spends cleaning the kitchen is taken into account.
- Fixed a bug where the MC could continue taking foreign language courses at the city's culture house after she finished them. In this case, she would get congratulations on completing the courses every time, but her level of foreign language skills remained the same. Recall that these courses are required for admission to the stewardess school.
- Thanks to your comments, fixed the bug, when after an NPC spent the night in the apartment of MC, a date with other NPCs became impossible.
- Thanks to your comments, the bug with roommates' gluttony, when they ate any number of cooked portions of food in a day, was fixed.
- Solved the puzzle of crashing into a white screen when having group sex with male NPCs. Bug fixed.
- After studying your wishes, we fixed the spontaneous change of price tags in the supermarkets. Now the prices in the supermarkets change once a day. Spontaneous price tag change during the day remained only on the markets. We also changed the ratio of prices in the market to prices in the supermarkets and significantly reduced the time MC spends on shopping.
- After receiving messages from you that MC stopped receiving rewards for providing escorts, we discovered this bug and not only fixed it, but actually rewrote the entire escort location. A lot of work was done, the results of which you can see for yourself.
- We added an escort agency to the game, partially redesigning the initialization of dates with sponsors, which MC periodically (with high status model) offer in the photo studio "Glossy". After her acceptance and a successful date with a sponsor, MC has the opportunity to inquire about such assignments herself. As a result, she receives an escort agency business card, which she can turn to if she has free time. Thus, she can continue to receive orders for escort services in the photo studio and look for part-time work at the escort agency on her own. Please note that the frequency and cost of MC's services directly depends on her photo model rating.


- Various minor improvements and edits.
Thank you so much for YOUR support !!!
Last edited:


New Member
May 23, 2022
You can support the project and download this update here:

About it v0.94.3_19.11

- After receiving your comments about the bug pedicure MC at home, began to look into it and found a very long and confusing condition, which was made at the beginning of the project. We did not fix it, and completely rewrote the entire game mechanics. Pedicure and manicure MC at home is now divided into different actions. In addition, MC got the ability to apply nail polish at home. We did not introduce into the game separately purchase of nail polish, making in this case more consumption of manicure products, which MC can buy in the supermarket in the cosmetics department. Also increased the term of the applied nails and manicure in beauty salons compared to similar services rendered in conventional hairdressing salons or performed by MC at home. Also at home MC can keep their nails in perfect condition after the services rendered by the master, thus saving their time and money.
- Continuing the theme of nails, we have completely redone the process of tidying up the apartment if the MC does it himself. We didn't add separate household gloves to protect your hands, but instead redesigned "dishwashing detergent" to "cleaner and household gloves." Now by buying detergent, the MC automatically gets hand protection and can save his nails. Also, the presence of detergent now affects cleaning time. The amount of dirt and debris in the apartment affects detergent consumption and the wear and tear of household gloves. We've also made a notice when we run out of cleaning supplies so the MC doesn't miss that point. You can buy cleaning supplies and household gloves at the market or in the supermarket in the appropriate departments.
- Now, if the apartment has a dishwasher and detergent, the MC no longer spends time washing dishes. Only the time she spends cleaning the kitchen is taken into account.
- Fixed a bug where the MC could continue taking foreign language courses at the city's culture house after she finished them. In this case, she would get congratulations on completing the courses every time, but her level of foreign language skills remained the same. Recall that these courses are required for admission to the stewardess school.
- Thanks to your comments, fixed the bug, when after an NPC spent the night in the apartment of MC, a date with other NPCs became impossible.
- Thanks to your comments, the bug with roommates' gluttony, when they ate any number of cooked portions of food in a day, was fixed.
- Solved the puzzle of crashing into a white screen when having group sex with male NPCs. Bug fixed.
- After studying your wishes, we fixed the spontaneous change of price tags in the supermarkets. Now the prices in the supermarkets change once a day. Spontaneous price tag change during the day remained only on the markets. We also changed the ratio of prices in the market to prices in the supermarkets and significantly reduced the time MC spends on shopping.
- After receiving messages from you that MC stopped receiving rewards for providing escorts, we discovered this bug and not only fixed it, but actually rewrote the entire escort location. A lot of work was done, the results of which you can see for yourself.
- We added an escort agency to the game, partially redesigning the initialization of dates with sponsors, which MC periodically (with high status model) offer in the photo studio "Glossy". After her acceptance and a successful date with a sponsor, MC has the opportunity to inquire about such assignments herself. As a result, she receives an escort agency business card, which she can turn to if she has free time. Thus, she can continue to receive orders for escort services in the photo studio and look for part-time work at the escort agency on her own. Please note that the frequency and cost of MC's services directly depends on her photo model rating.

View attachment 2179410

- Various minor improvements and edits.
Thank you so much for YOUR support !!!
I want to support the project, but it is impossible to make payment from Russia, what should I do?


New Member
Jan 19, 2020
I have bought laptop and webcam - is there an option to start earning as webcam model? I do not have such option so maybe have not met the necessary condition?
3.40 star(s) 34 Votes