About pregnancy...

Jul 9, 2017
Hello! I usually lurk around the Games forum and occasionally write a review or post something.

I know that the general rule is "If you are not interested in the fetishes the game offers, don't post on it." but something has been happening lately that is kinda... the 'opposite' of that. Whenever a somewhat popular game is posted, there will inevitably be at least a couple of posts from users rambling about there being no pregnancy in the game. I'll preface this by saying that I don't care for pregnancy, but it's getting old having to scroll past posts like that which add nothing to the discussion just to get back to the conversation about what the game does have. (Just for reference, a new game was posted merely hours ago and the first comment is someone mentioning the lack of games involving pregnancy they have found while using certain sets of tags...)

Is there something that can be done about it? And not only applying to pregnancy but to any fetish. Some sort of addendum that would read "If a game doesn't feature a fetish, complaining about the lack thereof doesn't contribute to the conversation" or anything of the sort.

I don't want to come off as whining, I honestly am aiming for a civil conversation about it.


Dec 17, 2018
I think we've already had this same exact conversation, the scapegoat in the other case being NTR. Ignore and move on was the consensus, or at least that's what I got from it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Asking if pregnancy is going to be added makes sense given it can happen very late game or in the epilogue as a goal to strive towards.
The whole idea of patreon business model and devs interacting on the forums is that you can influence the games development and many devs beg for people to say what they want to be added in the game. This gets players more invested into the game and more willing to pay for it. The more you pay the more influence you have.
Some devs have very clear outlines for what will be in the game and interacting with them wont change anything, but not all.
I haven't personally seen people inquiring about future fetishes to have derailed any thread. It seems very insignificant overall.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Shouldn't any comment past the first already count as off-topic at least for completed games? Another big one is people begging for saves, walkthroughs or help with a common crash when the full solution can be found on the first three pages and the game hasn't been updated since. Basically unless you can prove malicious intent it's all repetition and clutter.

Honestly I'm just thankful the format of this site works well with post previews and "titles only" in searches. The absolute worst of this I've encountered is artists on other sites making "commissions are open" posts and listing off every damn fetish under the sun they won't draw ensuring their post pops up in EVERY DAMN SEARCH FOR ANY OF THOSE FETISHES!

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
As previously stated, this is more of a problem with fetishes/people in general, rather than a single fetish in particular. Go to any NTR thread and you will find 15 comments on the page saying something like "Shame, would have tried if not for NTR" or "Could we get non-NTR version?"
Go to a thread about a game which features female protag, and there will be comments asking for a male protag to be added. Lesbian scenes will have people asking to turn it into a threesome with the male player. The list goes on.

People are NEVER satisfied. More wants more. Greed produces more greed. Rather than blaming it on a specific group of people (which I am part of, since I really like pregnancy) it would seem more fair to blame it on the internet and people in general.

Just my 2 cents.


Feb 7, 2019
Really? I thought the tags were there to identify the games. I am the opposite with you in that I do love pregnancy fetish, but I always go by the tags on the games and unless there's a "clear consensus" on what the game direction will be headed by both the developer and audience (think life simulations type), usually I just assume if fetish x is not there, then that developer is probably not interested in it and move on.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
If by some chance the dev come to this site, reads the comments and adds a fetish to their story... then the person who suggested it gets to do a little happy dance "I trolled the dev into adding pregnancy"

It's just a game. If the gay couple getting pregnant is what the dev wants in his story, what's wrong with that?


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
If you prefer blonds, don't be afraid to say so. Dev might listen if you say "i love ______ fetish.
When people say "I hate ______" they get ignored.
100% - if the dev wants it in their game, they're probably not taking it out even if everyone says they hate it! (though devs should think seriously about making controversial kinks optional).

I've been persuaded into adding a whole bunch of kinks by players, though - mainly where someone's put the request in a way that inspires me. Heck, I even added pregnancy in the last one :LOL:


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
100% - if the dev wants it in their game, they're probably not taking it out even if everyone says they hate it! (though devs should think seriously about making controversial kinks optional).

I've been persuaded into adding a whole bunch of kinks by players, though - mainly where someone's put the request in a way that inspires me. Heck, I even added pregnancy in the last one :LOL:
optional is best
To make a game for the broadest audience = zero fetishes
each fetish you add reduces fans by about 10%
20 fetishes in your game = negative fans
nobody likes every fetish


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
optional is best
To make a game for the broadest audience = zero fetishes
each fetish you add reduces fans by about 10%
20 fetishes in your game = negative fans
nobody likes every fetish
Well, I've got a fair few more fetishes in mine than 20 :LOL: - and the fan base is holding up pretty well. Then again, every fetish in SpaceCorps is optional (even the vanilla options). What I like as a player is the maximum possible control over what content I see, so I built that into the game from the start... the last thing anyone wants is something they actively find gross thrust in their faces.
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Game Developer
Apr 6, 2018
Well, I've got a fair few more fetishes in mine than 20 :LOL: - and the fan base is holding up pretty well. Then again, every fetish in SpaceCorps is optional (even the vanilla options). What I like as a player is the maximum possible control over what content I see, so I built that into the game from the start... the last thing anyone wants is something they actively find gross thrust in their faces.
Interesting comments. I'm heading in the same direction with my game. There will be quite a few fetishes in the end but pretty much everything will be optional.
Some vanilla sex will be kind of necessary to advance some of the stories but I don't see why anybody who doesn't want any sex at all would play these games so it should be fine. But yes, the player will have a lot of options but won't be forced to do anything really. I'm making the kind of game I like to play myself.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Interesting comments. I'm heading in the same direction with my game. There will be quite a few fetishes in the end but pretty much everything will be optional.
Some vanilla sex will be kind of necessary to advance some of the stories but I don't see why anybody who doesn't want any sex at all would play these games so it should be fine. But yes, the player will have a lot of options but won't be forced to do anything really. I'm making the kind of game I like to play myself.
That's exactly the right approach - making the sort game you like to play will almost always be better than some of the devs who chase the market and come up with something soulless or derivative. You can actually play mine with no sex ( :LOL: I think only one player does! ) because every character is optional too.

Unless you're not ready for public details, what sort of game are you making, and what kinks are you adding?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
These are forums designed to discuss the games posted.

Whether that be talking about content in the game or content they would like to see it doesn't matter, you can't pick and choose what people talk about it's ridiculous.

We had 1 guy yesterday trying to cherry pick reviews and now someone trying to shut down talk about topics they don't like.

That isn't how things work.

You can't shut down conversation just because scrolling past them inconveniences you.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
These are forums designed to discuss the games posted.

Whether that be talking about content in the game or content they would like to see it doesn't matter, you can't pick and choose what people talk about it's ridiculous.
At some point "discussion" turns into whining or trolling though. Most requests or statements of preference don't but every now and then someone can't be bothered to read the dev's replies explicitly confirming the requested content will never be added, or complain on a game titled "NTR agony! Husband cuckolded by his best friend!" about the presence of unavoidable NTR.

That and lazy buggers, basically if a question has been answered before in an easily identifiable/searchable way asking again no longer really promotes "discussion".
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
To me pregnancy falls into the same category as any other body type that is outside the norm. People that try a game get a feel for the body type and art style that the dev is using when they first start playing the game and whatever that is, that's what they like or they would have moved on. So if it didn't have a bunch of fat people right off the bat, don't add them later. If it didn't have pregnant women right off the bat, don't add them. If it had people with normal body proportions initially, stick with it, don't suddenly start adding horse dicks and basketball sized tits mid game.

The wrong body type is a turn off to most people. If you like a body type that is outside the norm that's fine but focus on that from the beginning. There are other people who like that as well but people who want a normal body type probably won't be into it. When I see the pregnancy tag I just move on. Women may not like to hear that but it's just a big turn off for me. I would actually rather bang a fat chick. I'll still tell her she looks great and I wouldn't mind some foreplay type stuff if she wants to do that but unless she's force feeding me Viagra or something my dick is on vacation til after the baby is born.
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Dec 17, 2018
To me pregnancy falls into the same category as any other body type that is outside the norm. People that try a game get a feel for the body type and art style that the dev is using when they first start playing the game and whatever that is, that's what they like or they would have moved on. So if it didn't have a bunch of fat people right off the bat, don't add them later. If it didn't have pregnant women right off the bat, don't add them. If it had people with normal body proportions initially, stick with it, don't suddenly start adding horse dicks and basketball sized tits mid game.

The wrong body type is a turn off to most people. If you like a body type that is outside the norm that's fine but focus on that from the beginning. There are other people who like that as well but people who want a normal body type probably won't be into it. When I see the pregnancy tag I just move on. Women may not like to hear that but it's just a big turn off for me. I would actually rather bang a fat chick. I'll still tell her she looks great and I wouldn't mind some foreplay type stuff if she wants to do that but unless she's force feeding me Viagra or something my dick is on vacation til after the baby is born.
I'm sorta in the same boat as you. I find pregnant women less physically desirable than the same woman that isn't pregnant. However, I feel that loss of physical attractiveness is counterbalanced by the emotional desirability from fucking the mother of my future child. Even more so when the mother isn't my significant other, although in a different direction.

Edit: What turns me on the most about pregnancy, when it comes to these porn games, is the presence of consequences. It's pretty boring fucking a girl 10 times in different positions strictly for physical pleasure. What exactly is the point in that?


Active Member
May 10, 2017
I'm not sure the thread creator really thought about this one.

What do you want game discussions to be for? You may only point out what's in the game, do you get banned for guessing about content? If someone who doesn't like anal, ask that people stop asking for it?

As baneini says asking about things is what many creators want.