About pregnancy...


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I agree with the two people that said the whole point of a forum is DISCUSSION !! If all we wanted were damn links to the game, a site like "piratebay" would be more popular than this one... the vast majority of us are here for the games, but stick around for the discussion... especially with your "clique"...

However I cant fault the OP either... its basically the reverse of the dreaded 3-letter fetish stuff... and yet that one gets defended by the mods and staff like crazy !! Why should the reverse not be allowed then ? I understand humans are biased creatures by nature... but when its your job to provide order and stability, you CANT pick sides...

If the mods are so upset about having to defend the 3-letter fetish fans all the time, due to the "same attacks"... why cant they see that people with other fetishes are just as sick when they come to our games demanding and pleading non-stop for their fetish to be included ? The difference from these types of posts is a basic "we want", and a "we dont want"... if your going to shut up one side, the other side should be as well...

The pregnancy people thankfully are very few... but they do this stuff too... they go into a game and ask for a pregnancy path.. and not one where at the end the girl is pregnant, and you get an ending with kids... They want her body to 'bloat" during gameplay and stay like that for the remainder... making tons of people that played the game for that specific girl, bounce out... If the dev says "sorry, I dont want to deal with making two sets of renders (pregnant, and non-pregnant paths)... and they continue to harass the dev to add it... with no one telling them to "any further complainst of the dev not adding stuff he doesnt want to will be deleted, I am sick of this always being an issue. my god I cant see straight"...

Before you ask, a mod recently did this tantrum on one of the newer games... yes the thread was turning into a dumpster fire... but a mod coming in clearly on one side of the argument and waving his "ban hammer" while clearly being biased doesnt help... if he was that upset, go clear your head, and pass it on to another mod/admin...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Not in a porngame. I am not against it thou in my opinion, no.... No big discussion here just I'm lookin' for fantasy here not knockin' up girls that I would feel responsible for in my head.. JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!! No I don't do it in any game


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Not in a porngame. I am not against it thou in my opinion, no.... No big discussion here just I'm lookin' for fantasy here not knockin' up girls that I would feel responsible for in my head.. JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!! No I don't do it in any game
For me the asthetic is the only issue. I don't care if she's pregnant if it doesn't show. Just knowing that she's pregnant if it doens't show doesn't add or subtract anything for me. As soon as it starts to show then it becomes a negative for me. The threat of it as a consequence later on doesn't matter to me either if the game ends before she starts to show.

Most of the people I've seen commenting about wanting it are specifically wanting it to show. So we're back to body type issues again for me. Play a game that focuses on fucking pregnant women if that's your thing, but it's pretty common for men to temporarily lose interest in fucking their wife when she starts to show. Doesn't mean he doesn't love her, he's just not attracted to that look. It would be the same type of deal if the woman was into the bodybuilder type and he suddenly loses 50 pounds of muscle and looks like the wimpy little computer nerd type. That's fine, but she likes the muscle bound type and he no longer matches that asthetic.
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Jul 9, 2017
Guys, please, I'm not attacking anyone. I stated my original point as a question for a reason. I checked the rules and found no closure so I came here to ask about it. I want to say a few things.

I never mentioned that the game threads where I saw these types of comments were for games in development; in fact, in the threads of games in development I don't see this type of whiny comments most of the time. The example I had given on my original post was about a game that had just released, was complete and from a Japanese developer, so there was no way in hell that a post stating the low number of games featuring pregnancy and other specific tags this user found in the forums would achieve anything in the development of the game... Or about discussing the game! Complaining about stuff that isn't in a completed game does not further discussion.

Someone brought the same point about NTR loving folk and it's true. I have seen some posts that simply complain about there being no NTR content in a game and it's the same story, doesn't lead to anything. This might just be a case of the threads I check, but I haven't seen as many for NTR as I have seen for pregnancy, but my original question could apply for both, or any number of posts that are simply there to express discontent about a fetish not being included.

And someone very smugly asked what I want a game discussion thread to be about, how about discussing what IS IN the game? There are a myriad of threads with people talking about different things they discover, references, easter eggs, solutions to puzzles and people helping those who are stuck. In the case of games in development, people asking the developer about adding certain fetishes, posts worded as requests, mind you.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
The funny thing about the Pregnacy tag is that comprehends, both "[The act of impregnating a woman or having sex with a pregnant one.] ", and that means quite different things gameplay wise (as some of you state, the like or dislike of a pregnant body has nothing to do with just the act of cumming inside without protection and that "omg could this have happen I'm pregnant" in a game, doesn't need to mean there is gonna be sex with pregnants for 20 updates or never (Game may end before, miscarrige, abortion...)

Is like NTR, there are different types and not everyone knows the difference, and some people just call NTR to cheating of any kind. So they gonna ask/complain with more or less reason.

I think the problem (-SOMETIMES-) with the "bad discussions" that may be generated, are more about the obscurity of the tags, or, as said by many users, the lack of difference between "Main Focus of The Game Tags" and "Tags of everythings that is included even if is inside for a minute"
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
There are a few people that go around and ask "is there pregnancy" "is there incest content" "is there NTR" etc.

I don't necessarily have a problem with people asking, but they should read the tags and look under the genre spoiler. Its 99% laziness IMO. They have their specific kink/fetish, and only want to play games that have that kink/fetish in it. Now, sometimes the tags aren't accurate but generally things like that are in the tags and aren't missed in the game.


Game Developer
Apr 6, 2018
That's exactly the right approach - making the sort game you like to play will almost always be better than some of the devs who chase the market and come up with something soulless or derivative. You can actually play mine with no sex ( :LOL: I think only one player does! ) because every character is optional too.

Unless you're not ready for public details, what sort of game are you making, and what kinks are you adding?
I'm almost ready to release chapter one. Most likely end of December. Actually I will soon start a development thread to share a lot more about the game....but in short:
Futuristic techno-fantasy setting, exotic girls like elves succubi demons et, VN/dating/harem/sandbox management game.
No grind - I hate pointless grinds
Lots of characters, lots of side quests lots of options with nothing forced on the player and of course lots of sex (mostly avoidable if the player so chooses but yeah some vanilla stuff might be needed to advance some storylines).
And lots of variety: races body types personality etc. Some girls will be easy to get, others much harder.
And of course world building.

Kinks.... well emphasis on straight sex, lesbian sex, group sex, bondage (no rape but some role play is possible)
I plan to add more as the game progresses but supporters will have polls to influence that. Depending on demand I could add things like pregnancy/futa/ntr/dub con scenarios but any of those would be easily avoidable and never the main focus.

No incest rape bestiality or scat. Not interested and forbidden by patreon TOS.
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Game Developer
Aug 3, 2021
There's recreational sex, and then there's sex for reproduction. I must admit history shows that both are pretty significant in our lives.

I tend to agree with kytee in that consequences of sex are fun, and a good source for all kind of story complications. That's why I'm working on a game where the main goal is to impregnate as many women as possible. Hopefully, I won't loose potential gamers ...