VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Abroad [v1.0.0] [NeoKnow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm way late to this non-event I'm afraid but, the cadaver is still here to be picked over which I've just duly, as every self-respecting vulture does, done. I have to say I was really getting into a pleasant little groove with this until the plug was, for whatever reason, so sadly pulled on this beginning-to-be-quite-promising project.

    Anyway, first up, contrary to very popular and highly understandable opinion, whilst I would have loved to have had a beautiful night with favourite, be she Naomi's henchperson or not, is odd girl-next-door out, Cécile.

    I'm also in total allegiance with Fenix34's opinion, in making a by no means consolation shout-out to the delicately diminutive An who is, needless to say I think, absolutely gorgeous, cute and sexy too.

    Cécile though was the one I would have been after, no doubt in my pants at all about that. I fully appreciate the unpretentious simplicity of her figure, her plain yet defiantly gaping bathing suit and the creator's pretty decent attempt at the emotional vibes (whether contrived solely to dupe this dumbass of an mc or not) and increasingly unsubtle hints she put out. She also looked hot as hell to me wearing nothing but that simple white vest too. I guess my heart's a fully converted minimalist.

    Changing tack, the only really positive outcome for me, of the early termination of this project is not having to face dodging that simp Rapha's obvious attempts to make the mc his bitch. I mean, really, apart from an outright public confession, could he have concealed his gender preference any less convincingly? His actions, reactions and overall behaviour made it plain as day, yet not one of those dumbass "future leaders" could arrive at four from all of that number two.

    On balance though, regardless of what I just said about this project's premature etermination, the broader mystery and the likes of Cecile, Naomi, An and Katya (sans the black ****, please, all over her pretty face) would have nevertheless made this an intriguing story to follow and, who knows, maybe even support in Patreon.

    It would be so "absolutely fabulous" if Mr/Ms NeoKnow (I do hope you are okay at least) were ever to wake up refreshed and motivated one morning, inhale the aroma of that hot, fresh coffee and decide to come back and give us all, especially our multi-billionaire dumbass mc, a very happy ending. I plan stubbornly to continue, for a little while longer at least, scanning the skies for pigs.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A Good Start

    I finished the short first part and I must say this was very nice. The models are good though the facial expressions are weird sometimes. But let's see how does this turns out to be. All the best to the developer.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Just completed the first version. It has some good qualities to it. Good story, good imagery, and what I like most is that all the girls have normal sized figures and not some 5 year olds version of a good time. Over all I look forward to the next part of the story. I wish the dev well and gods speed to completed the next update.