RPGM Absolute Power Corruption (Game Development Thread)


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Hey all, I'm MoriA.

I'm developing my own hentai game called Absolute Power Corruption. Right now I am writing, coding, designing, and even making all of the art myself. It's quite a challenge.

I'll be releasing version 0.1 in February 2020.

Best of all it will be completely FREE. I will never charge money for anyone to download this game. If you do wish to support me, I'll likely create a patreon around the time when I release the first demo. I already have some cool ideas for rewards, like giving Patrons the ability to vote on which type of character design I should work on for each new release.

About the project:

Absolute Power Corruption is a game where you gain an assortment of spells that give you access to absolute power. As we all know, absolute power has a tendency to corrupt people. Especially hentai protagonists! These spells can filter content off/on depending on your preferences, and there are lots of choices to make during the sex scenes.

I think I'm really good at writing, I'm pretty good at coding. I think my art is just okay. If you like it, let me know. I'd be really flattered. I haven't done any CG yet, so all I have to show off at this stage are some character portraits. If I can find a way to get some higher quality art later on that will be even better. These placeholders are fine for now. The main appeal is going to be the writing, the tag filtering ability, and the freedom to go around and have some fun in this little hentai sandbox!

I sent it to one of my friends and he came twice before I even added any art. Now that's an endorsement!

Current Details

  • Right now there are four female characters in the game. Two sample portraits for each character have been posted below. You can find more art on my Pixiv account.
  • I've currently written and coded one really long, intense hentai scene with MANY choices. There is also another minor hentai scene that is finished.
  • The tag system is currently implemented and works. Some examples:
    You can have Incest on, or you can enable the 'Hide Incest' feature if incest isn't your thing. This feature will change specific characters and lines of dialogue so they are no longer related to you.
  • Are you into impregnation? When lurking f95 for a while now I noticed that a very common request in game threads was impregnation. I've added a filter where you can have mentions of pregnancy turned off, mentioned during scenes, or even turned up to the maximum level! I'm working on pregnant portraits for some of the characters, and some of them are technically already done... just not ready to share quite yet.

I want to add a bit more content before I release the first demo. Everything still looks really sloppy and unprofessional, and I think I'll hurt myself more than help if I release it in this state.

Feel free to tag this thread if you're interested and join in on the discussion. You'll want to be alerted as soon as the first demo is released!

My MAIN GOAL for this game is to get the community heavily involved. Do you have specific character types you want to see more of? Is there a scene that you feel is missing from the game? A specific fetish that isn't explored? Tell me about it! I can't promise that I will please everyone, but I will definitely read your feedback, requests, and comments.

A question for readers to maybe start some discussion: Which of the characters below do you find the most appealing or interesting? Right now, Kath is the most popular character on my Pixiv page. I wonder if F95 will have different tastes?


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
I just finished making another scene tonight. It's an exhibition scene where you can grope Kath and even do some public sex stuff with her while she is working behind the bar. A nice little preview below.

I'll be writing up an overview tomorrow of all the scenes that I plan to have for version 0.1, maybe a nice little summary of each character, and the tags in each scene.


Spark Of Life
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
The first thing that called my attention was the art. It is indeed curious yet it has its charismatic touch. Buuuut... This may be a little bit of personal opinion, but I'd like the nipples to be bigger, since they look way too small (or maybe it's because I like big nipples, haha!)

What else, what else... Maybe try making a custom window skin for your dialogs? The default one looks very basic and overused. I won't say anything about the RTP graphics as they're a good choice for begginners.

And that's that! Try working on your mapping skills, and most importantly, try to not do "another RPGM game of the bunch"!


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Thanks Zachy, that is some great feedback! Art and Design are the two big areas where I am still learning as I go. I've really had a lot of fun drawing the nipples of the characters, trying to give them different shapes and sizes, but it sounds like I made them all on the smaller side without realizing it. What I'll do is go over some more reference pictures before I finish version 0.1 and see if the flat portraits need to be updated. All of the characters are EVENTUALLY going to be updated to more refined art anyway. It's just a matter of when I finish organizing, cleaning my room, setting up my new desk, and taking my better digital drawing tools out of storage.

As for the text box thing that really is something I would not have noticed or thought of on my own, but I can see how it makes a big difference. I'm going to have to learn how to design a new text box, but I have already added it to my list. I don't think it's something I will worry about too much for the first 0.1 release, but I do want to make sure that everything looks sleek, unique, and professional by the time I'm ready to finalize version 1.0

To answer your final point...

What sets this apart from other RPG Maker Games?
Okay so I've played about a dozen, maybe several dozen, RPG Maker hentai games as well as a ton of flash games and adult games that used other engines. The common complaint I've had about RPG Maker games is the pointless grinding and forced events/activities that aren't very fun. So I'd say one of my major design goals was to reduce grinding and pointless activities.

I can't speak for every porn enthusiast in the world. For me, as a player, hearing that alone would be enough to make me want to give it a try. And while I've been designing scenes, events, and quests I always stop to think whether I'm having fun writing it and if the player would have fun reading it. If the answer is no I will almost always scrap the event or find a way to rework it.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
And here's the thing I promised I'd write today.

Version 0.1 Design Overview

Kath: [Charm: Very Easy. Corruption: Not Implemented.]

The owner of the inn and pub in Horn Village, where the player grew up. If you have the incest filter turned on, she is actually your mother. If you hide incest she is simply an older woman the player has known since childhood. Either way the game makes it clear that the MC and Kath have already been in a relationship since before the game started. The player can convert the bar into a sex club where lots of exhibition activities take place. You may also send other women (like the Queen) to work at the bar after you've captured them.

Break Room Scene: If you ask Kath to take a break, she'll go to her room and wait for you. Scene is done and will be in the demo.

Behind the Bar Scene: If you talk to Kath behind the bar you can flirt with her, grope her, and even perform some public sex acts depending on your choices. Turn the Exhibitionism filter up to High if you want the bar patrons to get more involved. Scene is done and will be in the demo.

Piney: [Charm: ???. Corruption: Not Implemented.]
A girl from Bayside who got stranded in Bellute Kingdom. She isn't sure how she will get back home, or if she even wants to go. She mostly hangs out at the bar and can be recruited as a worker there. She'll be involved in the quest line where you change the bar into more of a sex club. I don't think any of her scenes will be ready for version 0.1. If people find her interesting I could make her a higher priority for scenes in version 0.2

Cherry: [Charm: Medium-Hard. Corruption: Not Implemented.]
A lazy, greedy girl who leeches off of her family to support her. If the incest filter is turned on, you will know that Cherry is your sister. If it's turned off she would still be Kath's daughter, making her a childhood friend of yours. Winning Chery over will be more difficult because you will have to go on several dates with her before she even considers getting physical. Since she is very cunning she can easily take advantage of the player if you're not careful. If you're into the girlfriend experience, this could be fun. I'll later give her some Corruption options where you can use magic to win her over more quickly -- with the trade off that you'll miss out on the dating scenes along the way.

Date 1: I'm planning on adding the first date so it can be played in version 0.1. This is one of the last major scenes I still need to write.

Queen: [Charm: Not Implemented. Corruption: Easy.]
So if you've been wondering about this Corruption tag that all of the other characters are missing. Each girl will have a normal path where you win her over, and the ability to 'corrupt' them more quickly with magic. For the demo, the Queen will serve an example of how a Corruption event should go. It's actually easier than you might expect to overthrow the Kingdom and steal the Queen, but don't let that fool you. The game is more about what you do AFTER you've captured the Queen. Plus, being a Queen doesn't make someone special -- a normal girl like Cherry could be more difficult to win over than a Queen. I will later add a Charm quest line where you can win the Queen over through charm instead.

Throne Scene: This is the first implemented Major scene in the game, with lots of choices and paths to take during the action. I won't spoil too much about all of the things you can do but it contains more sexual content than both of Kath's regular scenes combined. Scene is Done. It's one of the first things I wrote and coded for the game.

Tower: After you capture the Queen, you can send her to the Tower. In the future you'll have options like trying to win her affection, putting her back in charge in the castle, or taking some more evil actions. Right now you can't do anything with her in the tower, but she will appear there and you can check her status (corrupted, still resistant, pregnant -- it's based on whatever you did in the throne room)
Last edited:


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
I've been working on a redraw for Kath anyway, and so I decided to look into the nipple size thing. I could almost immediately see what Zachy was talking about. Some women with large breasts can have nipples that were almost 30% the size of their breast. Even the 'larger' nipple size I was drawing was much smaller than that.


Her hand still needs work but I think the breasts look better now.

I also made her hair a bit more blue and more vibrant to match her personality.
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Spark Of Life
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
I've been working on a redraw for Kath anyway, and so I decided to look into the nipple size thing. I could almost immediately see what Zachy was talking about. Some women with large breasts can have nipples that were almost 30% the size of their breast. Even the 'larger' nipple size I was drawing was much smaller than that.

Her hand still needs work but I think the breasts look better now.

I also made her hair a bit more blue and more vibrant to match her personality.
Hey that looks great! I can't wait to see the final model.

Keep up the good work!


Dec 2, 2019
Just wanted to stop by and say I think you should stick to the route of drawing your art rather then using CG. I think you have some artistic abilities waiting to be unleashed and your drawings aren't bad. I don't know if that's something that you would want to expand on or not. Looking at that example of your drawing overlaying the game just makes it look like it fits. Like that art belongs. You're gonna get less of this feeling if you go to CG.

Original art has a very specific charm to it, and if it's something you thought of doing but might lack the confidence in your drawing skills, I bet with more and more practice you could get pretty good at it.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Thanks a lot, kinder. That's really nice of you to say! To be honest one of my dreams in life has always been to get good at drawing, but I always felt like no matter how much I practiced I was never getting any better. It's only in the last month or so that I've started making progress to the point where I can look at my own work and feel good about it.

Here's the character design I've been working on:
Meradis. I'm still cleaning up some of the lines and I have to figure out what outfit she should wear. Or maybe she'll just walk around naked. She is a Demon, after all.

I think my goal for today and tomorrow is to work on the script and code for the Tower events so they're all ready for the demo. The sooner I get that done the closer I will be to a release date.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
As it turns out, finalizing the Tower event caused me to notice some more underlying issues with the Queen in general. The way I had it set up before you could get the Queen's Heart (love) or Queen's Mind (mindbreak) items by making specific choices. Unfortunately I think this made it way too easy to provoke extreme reactions and outcomes from the Queen in just one short scene. Rather than making it so easy to completely mindbreak her, or turn her over to your side, I'm changing it to an Affinity system where you get a total aggregate score based on positive and negative actions. In addition to toning down her dialogue in the more extreme reactions toward the end, I'm making it harder to get those one-sided responses.


It will take a little bit of work to overhaul her event but I think it will be much better in the end. This will also allow the player more incentive to go and do stuff with her in the Tower since she won't feel like you've already completely corrupted her after one scene.


Spark Of Life
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
As it turns out, finalizing the Tower event caused me to notice some more underlying issues with the Queen in general. The way I had it set up before you could get the Queen's Heart (love) or Queen's Mind (mindbreak) items by making specific choices. Unfortunately I think this made it way too easy to provoke extreme reactions and outcomes from the Queen in just one short scene. Rather than making it so easy to completely mindbreak her, or turn her over to your side, I'm changing it to an Affinity system where you get a total aggregate score based on positive and negative actions. In addition to toning down her dialogue in the more extreme reactions toward the end, I'm making it harder to get those one-sided responses.

View attachment 538647

It will take a little bit of work to overhaul her event but I think it will be much better in the end. This will also allow the player more incentive to go and do stuff with her in the Tower since she won't feel like you've already completely corrupted her after one scene.
Looks good so far.

Maybe you should try improving your mapping a little, by avoiding cube-shaped rooms, and not making them so big/empty. This is one of the main reasons why people get bored at RPGM games. A gift mechanic would be gud as it may create a level of difficulty for the game where the player will have to search for a certain item.

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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
I got a lot of writing and coding done today, which is a bit weird since it was raining. Normally I'm tired and don't accomplish much on rainy days. I've also been working on my art but I really want to focus on getting everything written and coded first before I focus too much on new character designs or even polishing up the existing art.

I will share some more of my WIP art if people are interested, though. If not... I'm trying to keep it to myself so I'm not constantly spamming this topic with an update every time I draw a picture or add one little scene.

Looks good so far.

Maybe you should try improving your mapping a little, by avoiding cube-shaped rooms, and not making them so big/empty. This is one of the main reasons why people get bored at RPGM games. A gift mechanic would be gud as it may create a level of difficulty for the game where the player will have to search for a certain item.
Gifts would be cool. I'm still figuring out the money system, since I know it will be used for dates and certain other things. I think gifts could definitely add to this, although they might be restricted to certain characters like Cherry where the dating and romancing aspect is more of a focus.

Also thanks for the explanations on quoting posts and stuff like that. I was trying to figure it out on my own the other day and I couldn't... haha.


May 17, 2017
Wow, this looks really fine. I really like yours art! The advice about nipple/areolas size was excellent one, I'll keep observing this thread! Hope you'll make great game, and learn a lot while doing it! :)
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New Member
Dec 2, 2017
Looking good so far! Can't wait for those scenes. Superb choice of kinks by the way, really pushes the right buttons. Absolutely delicious. The fact that some of them are toggleable is also a nice touch since it allows the player to choose what they want especially if you're planning to invest this project heavily with community input as tastes don't always overlap. Oh, and if you need any assistance just give me a shout, I'd be happy to help.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Thanks again. The positive feedback always makes me feel encouraged to work a bit more, and a bit harder.


I'm making really good progress on the demo. Right now I would say...

Queen: 95% Throne Room is done, 100% of Tower is done.
Cherry: Still at 0%
Kath: 90 or 95% Done

Basically I just need to finish editing the existing material for Kath and the Queen, and then write/add the few Cherry scenes that will be in the demo, and it will be ready to share! I got a lot of work done again today, too -- that's the reason why the Queen is so close to being finished when she has more material than anyone else (so far).


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Okay I finished editing all of the throne room scenes this morning. It took way less time than I thought it was going to -- a little under 3 hours.


Now the next major thing I need to do is fix Kath. Her events are all written and coded but I need to add her ability to react to how the player has treated her (does she have positive or negative affinity), and at least if I'm not going to add the repeat variants of her scenes I need to put placeholder events there that can tell you've already viewed the scene before. Plus editing!

I want to say the demo should be ready before next weekend, but I also don't want to make any promises. But I'll at least say that, if I was going to make promises, that is what I would want to say!


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Hm, so if anyone might be able to offer suggestions here...

I'm looking for an incredibly simple, free option for a "website" where I basically won't do anything except post links to the most recent version of the game with version notes, and a link to discord. I was originally intending to use blogspot for this but I found out you have to make a google account and for me that's not really something I wish to do. Something that was similar to blogspot but did not require a google account would be the best.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
Well, I will figure something out. Queen, Kath, and Cherry materials for the demo are now all written and coded.

All that's left now is:
1. A little bit of editing for Kath
2. Make a website
3. Compile version 0.10 and share it


Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2018
the game is running afoul of the input device bug from the engine. my mouse is wireless with a docking station and that alone makes the game receive UP+LEFT all of the time. To play i need to disconnect my mouse.
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