Any news on when you plan to finalize the rework of all of the old art? I know the Queen's birth art is still the original art, but I don't remember if anything else remains.
Sometime between now and the release of version 1.00
I got Hstrvx covering my screen. Tried to teleport out and it stayed. Is this the witches house debug thing you are speaking of?
If I have playing this for awhile, should I restart every few updates because I think my file is from .3 or before that... lol
Go to your inventory and use the new item which removes visual glitches from the screen. Alternately, if you talk to any character with a portrait, the visual glitch should go away on its own after the conversation ends.
Regarding your save... No, it's fine. I have gone through great lengths to make sure that older saves will always be compatible with newer versions. If you're ever unsure about this just use the Spellbook item in your inventory. This runs the game through a series of checks based on a variable that gets updated in each version, and causes your game to go through the changes, in order, that were implemented with each version update to make sure your game won't have any glitches from using an old save.
Just here to give a shoutout to the dev for the incredibly consistent frequency of updates and activity on the thread. Massive fucking respect. Plus your art improved a hella lot, so that's nice to see.
Thanks, but I would say the credit for the art should go to jh. He has been a massive help to this project and is the one responsible for all of the updated art produced over the last 7 months. Honestly I think this project would have been pretty dead without his help. I would have kept working on it, but nobody would have cared to play it without the updated art.
There was also recently a second artist who joined the team who has been a huge help in the last two updates. Since I have a second person to help out with adding minor visual upgrades as well as producing extra CG to make each update feel more substantial.