I don't mind if people post saves but people generally don't share them. It doesn't make a lot of sense for this game and if you play it for yourself you will quickly understand why. There is no grinding, no real barriers of entry, no huge maps to explore, and there's not even a convenient gallery feature anyway. If you want to do something in this game, you just go to that location and do it yourself. Receiving a "completed" save file is essentially just asking to receive the game in a state where the scenes have already been played and you missed the chance to play them.Can someone please post a save befor this patch?
Q: Can you make the game full screen? Or increase the resolution? A: You can make the game full screen by pressing Alt+Enter, or using F1 to access the settings. Changing the native resolution at this point is a very rigorous effort that is very unlikely to happen.Is there any way or changing the resolution of the game? It's kinda tiny.
You can run the game through mkxp which is an opensource RPGMaker implementation that allows for resizing the window to whatever size you want.Is there any way or changing the resolution of the game? It's kinda tiny.
Where would I get that? Is it something the user can use, or is it for the developer?You can run the game through mkxp which is an opensource RPGMaker implementation that allows for resizing the window to whatever size you want.
question are you ever going to update the polymorphing/exil/kill options for the king and others like him. just keeping them around as a slave to tourture with different things or jobs would be fun and add a bit of flavor to the world. that or turned them into woman (since you didnt add that to begin with am i not wrong in asuming you dont like tf games) thouse choices alwase felt rushed and bland to me because they alwase end in death of some typeHey, version 0.58 is out.
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There's lots of small art and map updates in various locations. Polyquin has some more player focused content as well as one additional wandering monster that can fuck her. And the Green Eyes student NPC now has a semi-finished quest line. Enjoy it!
EDIT: TheYou must be registered to see the linkshas been updated.
Awesome, I'll try this on Linux (WINE), when i ry to full screen it on Linux my desktop resolution get changed to 640 x 480 which was not ideal LOL, complete pain in the arse to switch resolutions as that RES. I suppose I could have used a desktop container... butHere's a copy of MKXP with the proper config. Copy the RTP files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Enterbrain\RGSS3\RPGVXAce) and the game files into the same directory and run mkxp.exe.
Directory should look like image.
Thanks for the reply. I noticed the guide some time after I posted the comment, and should really have updated it.No. Check theYou must be registered to see the linksfor more information on what is currently possible in the game.