If you already did the 3some scene with her a few versions ago, is there a way to reset your progress with Sylvia so you can have the solo scene be your first time with her?
Yes, there is actually a way, but it's a little strange. You have to view the scene once. Then, when you choose to repeat the scene, choose "First Time." This will completely reset Sylvia, remove any pregnancy or any content you've done with her after having sex, and she will treat the scene in Raptor's room as being her first time having sex with Raptor.
Probably the most misogynistic game I've ever played, lol. Someone show this to Anita. In all seriousness, good stuff for a 1-person game. I love that it gives you options on how to proceed, but the one I'd like the most is disabling rape content. I hate pregnancy, but this game gave me a pregnancy risk fetish.
Out of curiosity, and at the risk of sounding awkward, what was the idea with "Flat?" Why have a depressed pushover in the game?
In all honesty I can't really deny that this game is intended to be pretty offensive. I don't particularly think of myself as a good person, nor do I think readers should be getting their sense of morality from a porn game creator. The game is intended to have a really absurd sense of humor that shocks and amuses the reader by saying things that no sane person should ever say. Does it succeed in being funny? I dunno. I have a strange sense of humor and I think most people don't really "get" me.
As for Flat, I just thought she was an interesting character. I don't think characters in porn have to be 1-dimensional and unrealistic. It's a little bit tough because I don't like making the content in this game TOO realistic. That makes the problematic content hit even harder and I think one of the strengths of this game is that it treats the offensive material in a very lighthearted way that makes it feel less "bad." That being said, my natural instinct as a writer is still to try and create realistic characters, like having someone who struggles with depression and lack of agency -- something a lot of real people go through.