Ren'Py - Academy34 [v0.24.1.3 Public] [Young & Naughty]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the art style of this game. I think it's a bit too much to wait an entire week for some interactions, though. One could maybe remove the lessons on Thursday and Friday and put some more Events in there. Or just add Events for Friday and Thursday at all.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's amazing how this game was able to go from a mediocre one-route game to a normal VN with multiple routes. It's nice to see how the drawing of the characters and the environment has become better, and the romantic quests with the main LI's of the player have ceased to be straightforward, simple and stupid as a cork. Also, game has some really funny easter eggs, alongside with not so funny bugs and errors. Considering that the developers directly stated about the upcoming reworking of too simple, old quest lines (tracer and mercy), this only adds points to the game. In the meantime, in this game, old quests and new ones do not quite harmoniously coexist, so as the new art and old ones, and total amount of quests is really small, which may scare off some new players. Overall, in my opinion, the game right now, deserves a four. Over time, if the developers do not catch the ICSTOR syndrome, and if they manage to do the redrawing/reworking of old quests, adding new ones, expand the gameplay, they will be able to earn solid five.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked playing this game !

    There is room for improvement by making the game less grindy or by adding more scenes to make it more rewarding. In my opinion, the game has potential to be a 5 stars, but I find it alreadyquite enjoyable in the current build (v0.10.1.2).

    I liked the good humor, the writing and the characters, and the fact that the MC is not a douchebag. I even found the game wholesome in overall, and that's rare !

    I find the sex scenes quite good, but I think it might be a matter of taste, because I often find 3dcg game soulless. Yeah, I like when characters seem human and not f*ing robots.

    I recommend you try it, reader ! What do you have to lose ? It's free and the game is better than a lot that you can find here !

    I just hope that more scenes will be added (and new characters too).
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2596230

    The art is nice, with a good variety of different types of body styles. The gameplay is a little tedious, with certain story progression requiring to happen only on a certain day, and you have to cycle through a whole week to take the next step.

    I've never played Overwatch, and only know about the game and some of its characters from what I've seen online. So I didn't really get all of the references through the story, which feels like over 50% of the content. So if you're an Overwatch fan, I'm sure you'll enjoy the parts of the story that were big and small references to the game - I didn't understand them, so I just kind of glossed over them.

    It also seems like the MC already has established affinities, like with the nurse. He first meets her and acts as though he's already known all about her and considers her to be the pinnacle of sexual attraction. For me, the nurse was meh and it just felt like a weird disconnect between my agency as the player, and an established universe I knew nothing about. Not a huge gripe, but just my experience.

    Overall, not bad, even in its incomplete status right now, but seems like it can only be fully enjoyed by Overwatch diehards.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: Review done for the current version as of writing (

    TL;DR right at the front: The game in its current form just feels overly ambitious for what it currently entails alltogether and thus gives a much stronger feeling of losing focus in favour of mass appeal. While there isn't anything inherently wrong with the choices made, the current systems in place don't work in tandem and instead string the player along a linear grindfest that utterly marred down the experience as you'll be staring at blank, yet quite nicely drawn spaces most of the time.

    So, a game featuring the Overwatch setting while throwing in the player character to enjoy some of the available hotties, pretty unique, if only for the setting. But how does it all hold up?

    Time to point out all the good things first and foremost:
    • The Artstyle is probably the most striking feature. Handdrawn 2D art that actually deserves such a title in the first place. The characters' look is for the most part really damn good and only rarely I ever felt like something looked a bit off at first glance, so it holds up exceptionally well and in my opinion carries the entirety of the game.
    • The characters, while having pre-existing materials to draw inspirations from, do feel quite nicely rounded regardless. Another great point this game has for itself...
    • ...Combined with the sometimes quite funny, sometimes witty and sometimes outright bizarre dialogue it got a chuckle out of me more than once.

    To cover the scenes, as that's probably why you are also here: There's as of right now some variety in characters and scenes with some great artstyle to go with it. However, if you don't enjoy the artstyle, you most likely won't enjoy whats for show here, so you'll have to take it or leave it. The reason it's in neither the good nor bad category is simply that while I personally enjoy the artstyle, the scenes are however quite sparce in animation and overall amount I reckon. Quality in art takes time, and that shows here quite well.

    But sadly this is where I have to stop giving praise and have to point out the bad stuff the game (as of time of writing) has to deal with and it will most likely coincide with what prior reviewers stated. I'll give out explainations from my perspective as to why it doesn't work the way it currently is laid out as well - which is why these points look so long - so here we go:
    • The sandbox aspects the game has as of right now are entirely unnecessary. Meaning a big map to navigate around, technically all the time in the world and gradual exploration - this might be fixed in later versions, but as it stands, many things in place feel like unnecessary filler. You have (as of right now) very few actual characters to interact with and thus half the map has no use whatsoever, except to open up a location for a specific character. This means you'll be strung along a linear path with barely any room for exploration, as there is nothing existing to explore yet. While it is nice that certain characters are specific to a location for sake of memorizing and familiarizing them, it means that a lot of the transitioning screens (to this date) offer no value whatsoever, no exploration and barely any interaction, except a nice background to look at. This is intertwined with the next point...
    • that the grind is abhorrently bad. Not only is the potential weekly monetary payout you can reach limited (for what little use money has as of right now with there being overpriced shop items), but certain character progression events are tied to specific dates of the week and even then they span multiple weeks worth of progress. In itself not a problem, but with how little there is to do for some characters, you'll quickly find yourself skipping through the irrelevant weekly fluff just to progress a tad for a specific character. In short, there's nothing worth doing in this and what you have to actually do either needs to be cut down by at least half, or other things need to be expanded by an equivalent amount to make it worth your time in the first place.
    • It can basically be summed up by something like this: The progression and design is all over the place. While this has been adressed by the dev's in that the characters felt too quick to get to and with Tracer more or less throwing herself at you it now showcases a strange incongruity in designs, especially for other concepts entirely: You have something resembling a sandbox with barely any sand in it. You have a rigid schedule, but are supposed to explore character arcs. You have barely any characters, but are supposed to spend multiple weeks to finish their respective routes with nothing in between to break up monotony. Some characters feel rushed and short, some feel drawn out to breaking point.
    So, as it stands, it's all potentially there. The game has lots of empty space that just needs to be filled properly now, with characters, options and something else besides your weekly routine so you can have a sense of actual progress. While I have to say that it's nice to see systems being in place before they are used so they don't have to be patchworked in later, it's on the other hand no use to see a ton of empty space (that you can actually enter) not being used for anything remotely interesting except as a transitioning screen to get from A to B, if that.

    So, to conclude: All we can do really is sit down and wait for the development to continue. What exists is great but it just leaves you wanting more, as there's barely anything to explore in the first place, meaning you have a mediocre experience, impaired by a whole lot of unnecessary grind that is carried by some (in my opinion) stellar artwork.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I hate it when the Devs use a map, so they can call it a "Sandbox Game" because that's what will get them the most donations, but then the story is linear as hell.

    I tried to play this, but spent my time clicking on every place on the map to try and find the one spot that might move the story forward, only to do the same thing over and over again, all while watching the task list stay blank. If someone thinks it's "fun" or "challenging" to actually find the story in their game, they missed me as an audience.

    I suppose the graphics are nice, but I hesitate to comment because I was a little click-happy going through this tedious design. All the while, I am trying to figure out why they didn't make this a VN, and suspecting that it is because that would showcase the lack of content,

    I wish them luck, but I can't waste my time clicking in the hopes I accidentally run across something entertaining...
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring game with repetitive scene and over and over again.Also,there is no guide in this game..I dont even know what im doing.The art also meh and the sex scene are repetitive..Most girls are ThoT.Im dissapointed with Tracer,she cheaping herself in this game..


    -Mc is bland and boring..
    -Terrible gameplay
    -No main plot,i dont know whats the point of this game
    -No guide
    -The art is meh
    -Boring game,you keep doing the same shit everyday and waiting some shit to happen.And if its happen,its really unsatisying
    -This game really downgrading the Overwatch character,they really acting like a slut in this game..especially my favourite girl Tracer..the others also thot..Boring as fuck
    -No story or character development.Do Tracer homework,nect day she ask to go to the pool for sex..without any effort.

    No,i dont recommend this game,unless you play for a quick fap which i doubt it with that meh art.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an authentic overwatch game. Characters and environment are absolutely in the original game universe. Only with two addition which are school setting and humor. Gameplay is kind of sandbox. I only have two problems with the game. First is sometimes you roam through the map without help. You don't know what to do and your guide a to do list is usually empty. Second is the lack of content. Day to day concept sometimes boring couse hard to reach story events and school sometimes feels static. Artwork is pretty nice but lewd scene animations could be smoother. My rate is advanced because I have faith this will be a fantastic game with some development and correction.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Haven't played this game in a while but here's what I remember

    * Good artwork

    * Decent amount of places to explore, developers seem to have a plan for how to utilize the map and integrate it with the story. Looking at the changelog it seems like they take a while though

    * Not many ~good~ scenes yet (maybe like 2-3 per character) but at least they're somewhat repeatable.

    * Days of the week are a bit boring, sit through the same lessons, see the same dialogue, etc. Becomes stale quickly.

    * McCree being your roommate gave me a chuckle
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    Clicked around in this game for about 30 minutes. I'm sure there are good H Scenes somewhere and the art imo is pretty good, but I just don't have the patience to click around in this relatively small game for an hour. Art is still good though.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Like some other reviewers, I wanted to like this game so much more. It's a bit of a grind, with a flow that just doesn't keep me in a zone. My favorite games usually end up with me wondering where the time went... that wasn't a problem with this game. I do like the art style, but the writing and everything else just never clicked for me.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Gotta say, i want to like this game a lot more than i do. The images are nice, and the story is okay.. Well, it's the beginning of a potentially interesting story. Thing is, it's a huge grind! So little to do, and many characters who look like they will have a purpose, but currently don't.
    There are a couple of repeatable events, but they're rather short.
    This seems to be a more VN style game, as choices don't seem to impact the story.
    I think there are a few missed opportunties, such as a weekend, repeatable event, or having the "do your own homework" or "do someone else's homework" have a consequence, like dropping grades.
    It is a bit weird. The game is structured like a choice-consequence game, but there are few choices, and no consequences.
    Still, i think it's early days, and the game does have potential. I'd keep an eye on it, but i wouldn't say it's a must-download, right now.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    In a word... Disappointing
    I was looking for an overwatch based game and found this one.
    At first, the graphics looked "MEH" to me, and I didn't want to try the game
    But after reading a lot of positive comments, I decided to give a try, hoping for an interesting and funny game.... but... NOPE. Nothing like that.

    ---- Characters : :unsure::unsure::unsure:
    ---- Renders/Graphisms : (n)(n)
    Considering it is handmade and 2D, it is a commendable effort. Not to my taste, but not an issue neither.

    ---- Story/Writing : (n)(n)
    ---- Background/Atmosphere : :) :) :) :)
    The background is based on overwatch, and it does match pretty well. Probably the selling point of this game.
    The dialogues are well written and sometimes funny
    The story is non existant. You just spend days and days...

    ---- Animations : :sleep:
    ---- Sex scenes : (n)(n)
    Well... that is to be expected with a 2D game, can't do miracles.

    ---- Gameplay : :poop:
    ---- Contents/Updates : :poop:
    Nope, just nope. I don't see the point on spending days and days doing nothing or repetitive actions, not once or twice, but more like 40 times.
    Extremely grinding and boring. The lessons are uninteresting. You can spend weeks with nothing happening.

    To sum up, the repetitive gameplay buries the game which was not even good to start with.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Concept Amazing art work the grind for money is a little annoying but not horrible with time this game could become ever more amazing the art is fantastic and the content is decent with future updates this game keep improving and as a request add more dva content and and the character ashe
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Fantastic artwork and a well put together game. I haven't experienced any bugs and the UI is intuitive and easy to navigate.

    My only gripes with the game in it's current state is it's general lack of variety between days. The weeks play out in the same manner with little variation beside the quest points. I'm sure this will improve as the game continues development however.

    Also, while the writing is decent there is definitely a disparity between the characters personalities in game compared to their official counterparts. While it is to be expected I would like to see some of the traits that makes people interested in the original characters woven into the writing.

    TL;DR - A well made game with fantastic artwork, but, needs more meat on the bones and the writing could use more characterization.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game. I'm actually pretty impressed with the idea that this might actually be the only 'proper' Overwatch game out there and on this site. Art style is decent. Writing isn't really a factor to this game, since it seems like the approach is to put stories under a girl's path. Which it thankfully does better than games like Chloe 18, and other similar ones where days pass by with nothing happening. It's pretty polished overall, but I had expected the public build to have had more content than just Tracer, seeing as how this thread was posted in January.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't own Overwatch, although I know a lot about it, due to the net and the characters being inserted into Heroes of the Storm a lot lately, so honestly I wasn't really a major fan, of the characters normally or erotically... until Academy34.

    The story itself is simple enough, but the game has beautiful artwork, and the developers seem keen to deliver on the sexy side of things, which there isn't a lot of right now, but they seem to have some big plans. I especially like how they are adamant about doing away with the "grinding" that dating sims seem to painfully suffer from.

    The game is still relatively new, but they seem to be pretty passionate about making it, something that is heard often with these games, so hopefully they mean it enough to deliver further, because it has recently shot to the top of my watchlist.

    I can easily see this game getting a full five stars from me maybe a couple months from now, but there isn't exact much to explore at the moment. That said, I have found myself playing quite a bit lately, as the story available right now is short, but fun and sexy (Tracer is pretty hard to resist). And isn't that why we play these games in the first place?
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A-class content so far..not much in game yet, but original drawings take time, so it is understandable.. also kudos for an original idea and realistic looking characters.
    Looking forward to the future updates...
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through the first demo and I think this one has a lot of potential. As is obvious with early demos, there's just not a lot of content. Understand that going in.

    Now as to what there is, I have to admit I'm rather impressed. The art style is consistent, clean, and a wonderful change from yet_another_cgi_rendered_incest_story_0428189. Further more the coding is solid and works very well. I didn't notice any bugs or errors playing through the whole thing and trying to find them. Finally I feel like the whole thing fits very well into the theme presented. Characters actually feel like they have a taste of the characters who inspired them, but with a young lusty vibe. An alt universe overwatch as it were.

    The only real issue I have with the game is that when you're going to make a parody / fan game around something, you need to decide how close you're going to stick to lore or established cannon. As such it would make sense for Mei, Reinhardt, Torb, etc to be older teachers, but be younger than they are in OW, however that then precludes someone like D.VA. Now of course as a porn game you can just throw all this out the window and say fuck it.... no problem. But where this breaks down is when there is a certain expectation for a character and it doesn't quite fit. Reinhardt as a literary professor? I suppose if you stretch your logic, it kind of makes sense, like... maybe he grew up on stories of heroism and bravery. But overall it feels very weird at time. McCree lacking any sense of gravitas? Genji being a peeping tom?

    It's not a minor point, and of course there could be some changes coming down the line, I just don't know. I think that over all the game has a lot of potential and would suggest that anyone check it out, especially fans of OW.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (01/18/2018 - Original Review - v0.2.3 Demo)

    Not a bad game/visual novel parody of Overwatch...

    The visuals are all 2D Hand Drawn, and look pretty darn good... The blue highlight for clickable things is a really nice feature... Very creative visuals with humor in mind...

    The script had very few spelling/grammar errors, but there were a few times when the wrong word was used, almost like broken English... The plot so far in this demo is really simple, revolving around a male protagonist student attending an Overwatch Academy... He then has to attend classes and interact with other characters... This game is definitely a humor based parody of the Overwatch game, with an adult twist... Since it's a Demo, there isn't much actual content, and the author's let you know ahead of time when you've reached the end... The current content is very linear, but not sure if future content will be that way...

    Overall, I think this game/VN shows a lot of promise, as this is definitely humor based... The visuals are awesome... I can see this one has a lot of potential... I'll definitely have to check this one out again, a bit later into it's development...

    (03/30/2018 - Review Update - v0.4.3)

    This game is still doing pretty well with the humor... Most parody games I play tend to go with parody type visuals but yet the story text isn't always that funny... This game is doing a little better on that front compared to most... I don't play the game it's poking fun at, but I've watched it being played, so I have a decent clue as to some of the references...

    The visuals and text are still going strong... Even some of the dialogue pokes fun at the game development itself, which is cute... The game is definitely giving off a more grind vibe with the more recent content... Needing to spend a lot of time raising money to push the progression along... Once you open up the shop, the spy camera is really the only item that appears to do anything for the moment... There are achievements that you can gain by spying on Tracer doing yoga in different poses...

    Beyond the spying on Tracer, the two sex positions with Tracer in her room, and opening the shop up, it appears you hit a content wall at that moment... Since you can't see stats at all and the task menu doesn't ever show anything yet, there is no way to really tell if anything ever really opens up beyond that... I tried spending a few in-game weeks messing around, but nada...

    Overall, the game is still trucking along, and I still feel it shows promise... Hopefully once all the functions work, like the task menu, and so on, we'll begin seeing the content train moving forward a bit faster... I look forward to seeing how this game continues to develop...