VN - Others - Acumen [Build 0324.7f] [Wild Tirki Fiction]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Acumen is a great game that feels a little bit too David Cage inspired (the games not the other things). The game has a lot of weirdness in regards to the mix of sex and death that feels very off.

    The first part of the game has you loop the first 2 days as you are repeatedly killed, or unlock new sex scenes. This part was pretty solid but I would recomend the text speed fix otherwise replaying things won't be so palitable.

    Day 3 forces you to make a choice out of the main cast, to pick your 'harem' and adds a lot of minigames and mechanics that feel a uneeded, however you can skip them HURRAY.

    TLDR: Good game with a fair amount of sexyness. Little too much focus on death for it very sexy.