4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
I have this weird issues where the pictures of all the girls in my camp are really small and they seem to keep getting smaller every time I update the game. I have about 11 or so of them in the camp and I'm using the anti-grind version of the game. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be great.
okay tested it out. everything okay here. those pics are totally fine. all pics have the same "height" and look exactly like yours on the screenshot you provided.

btw. @Beornwahl ma buddy, didn't you say that your anonfile download is an all included download? 'Cause i can clearly see that the jungle patch is not included ;).


New Member
Jan 12, 2019
Is there anyway to reset a Matriarch or Broodmother quest?

I fear I gave a wrong answer to Nut's question on one of my playthroughs.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Whoops ... :confused:
__''Bunny Brood Mother''__ \
<<if $bunnyMatriarch is 1>>
    <<if $LepoChildren gte 5>>
        <span class="micro"><<='<<showImageOrVideo "img/People/Creature/bunny/Lepo/lepoTeen" >>'>></span>
        <span class="micro"><<='<<showImageOrVideo "img/People/Creature/bunny/Lepo/lepo1"">>'>></span>
Should be:
<<='<<showImageOrVideo "img/People/Creature/bunny/Lepo/lepo1">>'>>
Founds and fixed!

There's three ways to do it;
1) Using your browser's built-in console to modify the css that way (though this means you have to redo it every time)
2) Using stylish/stylus to create a theme that applies to the opened file.
3) Modifying the html file, line 100 has the best places to enter the values.

Here is a screenshot of where I entered the values in for method 3, though depending on monitor size they might not be ideal for you.

View attachment 253419
Is there any way this could be included as a setting in game? Anyone???

How do you gather information about the crystal please?
This is AMAZINGLY beautiful! Someone caring about the lore of the game! *sniff No, I'm not crying, you are!

On the off chance you merely want to get into more elven panties, you'll have to have more encounters with the redhead elf.

took a real long time to download this but it seems like it was probably worth the trouble, real cool so far.

Is there any downside to cutting down sacred trees and stuff like that? It sorta feels like there could be but I don't know if it's really just a free-wood exploration with a bit of lore attached.
The download is indeed rough at the moment, looking into that. Glad you like, and remember - if you think anything is cool, it's all based on actual myths and legends just waiting to be read! Sorry for sounding like an awful student counselor/librarian.

meh, all the bugmenot accounts for pornhub still don't work. as long as i don't have an account to use i can't work on the next patch :/.

Hey, I have an issue with the downloading of the 002 file. I can't open it, as Windows tells me that "the file is not valid" and that "it can't open the file". I tried a trick I found above suggesting to merge the 001 and 002 files, then extracted them. Problem : it only extracted the 001 part. Could someone give me a solution ? Cuz Windows doesn't give any explanation on the issue.
Cthulhu will be sure to reward you in the distant future should you provide a way to fix it to this humble cultist
I remember this! When you extract the 001 file it automatically extracts the 002 file. So it should work as it is, just get the Player file attached to the front page.

Could you post a screen? Or upload a savegame?

All gear uses Boolean variables (afaik), mean it may be true or false but never 3 or 4. Even if a bug causes the game to repeat the initial sword giving, it sets the variable to true again. There is no code to add numbers. So I really wonder how you get more than 1 sword.

Edit. Looking at the code another time : <<set $swordGram.owned to true, $Player.ownedSwords.push($swordGram)>>
it set the sword true, no matter if it was true before or not. But as mentioned before that shouldn't become a problem since there is no 3 times true and $swordGram will be initialized as false so Twine is supposed to understand it is a Boolean.

@Mori369 would be nice if you can upload screenshots, savegame and maybe the html you are using.
I've change the sword passage, now it shouldn't give the sword if already owned. At least I hope so...

haha no that's not what i meant xD. did ya hear about the incident involving redtube? german lawyers (paid by a swiss agency) began to sue and warn people who were only visiting the site and watching videos there. the reason for sueing was, that watching those videos would violate copyrights. so far it's not clear whether or n ot streaming is illegal in germany. no one knows how they got the ip adresses, but i sense, that the german state helped out a little there as there is a special law where the german state can get personal information out of a website without having to tell the victim (it really wouldn't surprise me if the state and the agency were in the same boat). the software in use was . at the end redtube did win... partly... against the suing wave, yet a lot of damage was done already leaving victims with quite a bill to pay. now i do know that i living in austria i most likely won't get involved in anything the german state will do (well that is if they don't help each other at finding culprits). and i also know that i already downloaded, watched and even shared videos already. yet there is one critical thing i didn't do so far, that's making an account. and that's the thing i try to avoid and where i don't know if a proxy could even help me there: an account saves, stores and tracks everything you do on that certain website, including stuff you download there. talking yaself out ther might be really difficult xD. as an anonymous user i could just shred all the datas and say hey look, i didn't do anything you said i did. might be someone else using my ip. i didn't download anything, as seen on my pc.

now i don't know if i talk fucking bullshit here and all my concerns are fucking trash as everything regarding network is my weak point (i suck at questions regarding network, i truly suck at it xD). if all my concerns are for nothing, well ok good for me and i might as well just get thje registration and all that stuff rolling. i just wanted to let ya know why i hesitate to make an account on pornhub. i just wanted to be safe than sorry ya know.

oh and if ya wanna read the infos about redtube for yourself, here ya go (it's in german btw.):

on wiki there is a small article about the case:
Uh! IP law, that's my thing! In my country we had some similar cases, and let me just tell you: these are mostly empty or pointless threats by the law firms. There is next to zero chance of upholding the case in court should the IP address be home to more than one person. Though I still vote in favour of keeping safe and using TOR.

Weird, my comment was removed, got a stupid bug, everything is squished up really small and displays on the left of the browser, I don't know how to fix it. Anyone know how that stuff works? The sample pictures on the 1st page all show a much wider version of the game than I have, better quality gifs just ends up being really tiny gifs for me.
No your comment is still there, just a bit further behind. The smaller picture thing is answered below.

Okay, fix for Gram bug:

Works for me as intended now in my test setting, of course I tried to check it in a real game and of course I wasn't able to trigger the encounter at all for about 15 minutes before I gave up. Fixed version is uploaded as for testing. Please report back if you run into more Gram troubles...
Would this code work too?

<<button "A wild fuck">><<goto "Mountains">>
<<if $swordGram.owned is false>>
<<set $swordGram.owned to true, $Player.ownedSwords.push($swordGram)>>
<<set $Exp += 9>>

Got a strange error at bunny home. Anyone else?

@FA80 - I found that earlier in the week when someone reported it, this Has the solution in it.
And implemented!

I have tried to download the first part from anonfile for over 30 hours. My internet sucks, and something happens and it stops and anonfile does not have an option to resume. Is there any possibility to have a mirror link? I would personally rather download ten 2 GB mega links than two 7 GB anonfile links, just because of this.
By Odin's beard! I would suggest using the torrent still on the front page, and then applying the patches yourself, the Anonfile is just a collection of these. I am working on the download options though.

They are supposed to be smaller here, to give better overview. One could argue, that it would be better if the pictures were furthest left, with their name following, instead of this...

okay tested it out. everything okay here. those pics are totally fine. all pics have the same "height" and look exactly like yours on the screenshot you provided.

btw. @Beornwahl ma buddy, didn't you say that your anonfile download is an all included download? 'Cause i can clearly see that the jungle patch is not included ;).
No, I was capped at MEGA before I could get Jungles, by the god of justice and irony for my own uploaded mega files. It will however be in the next mega upload, since I've gotten it since. The Jungle patch of yours really is the creme dela creme after all!

Is there anyway to reset a Matriarch or Broodmother quest?

I fear I gave a wrong answer to Nut's question on one of my playthroughs.
I think I cheat mod once could do that, since it replayed events. Otherwise remember to save lads![/spoiler]


New Member
Oct 7, 2018
I'm having trouble finding Morrigan. I've explored the mountains for about ten seasons, with the "Strength of Gaia" blessing, without encountering her. Is there some prerequisite I'm missing?

EDIT: Nevermind. I had dismissed the start of the quest without knowing it. Saw the error of my ways after looking through the .html file. Out if interest, is there any way to set $morriganQuest to 0, without having to start all over? I'm not good with html and the developer tool in Chrome :p

EDIT 2 - Electric Boogaloo: Figured it out. The whole SugarCube thing was throwing me off. SugarCube.State.variables.morriganQuest = 0 did it. Set morriganDone and morriganDead to 0 as well, since I didn't know which were changed when you dismissed the quest. Got the event to fire, so I'm happy. Yay redheads!


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Uh! IP law, that's my thing! In my country we had some similar cases, and let me just tell you: these are mostly empty or pointless threats by the law firms. There is next to zero chance of upholding the case in court should the IP address be home to more than one person. Though I still vote in favour of keeping safe and using TOR.
eh don't worry my dansk pervert friend. i started working on the next patch yesterday (12.5% is done alr.- should be 25% at the end of today). unfortunately i couldn't download with TOR as the download button on pornhub simply doesn't work and i couldn't find out why. but i don't give a fuck anymore, i wanna work on. i know i said better be safe than sorry, but i don't care anymore. i also doubt i will receive anything, due to pornhub being in the united states and me not living in germany xD (still, curse those traiterous courts for harassing innocent perverts!). i'm just pissed and wanna finish the next patch ASAP. if i will ever get a letter, i will face the consequences, end of story. next patch should be done in... wellll, maybe this weekend, who knows ^^.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Would this code work too?

<<button "A wild fuck">><<goto "Mountains">>
<<if $swordGram.owned is false>>
<<set $swordGram.owned to true, $Player.ownedSwords.push($swordGram)>>
<<set $Exp += 9>>
Probably. I just put it in the text (and after some testing it seems to actually work) but that shoudn't matter at all. Hope you fixed all the owed typos into owned too. You checked the spoilers? ( )


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
Hi, i just downloaded the game and it works fine but the daughters pictures, animations or anithing about them, wont show in the game. I took a look on the img. file and cant find the images for them. What am i dong wrong ? any help ?


May 7, 2017
Is there any way this could be included as a setting in game? Anyone???
I don't know what sugarcube/twine gives you in regards to editor but if you want to get it to work on most browsers it should just be:
Remove body css margin: 2% 22% 0 0;
Remove passages css width: 55%

I can't give a line number for this because the html file resolves it all in line 114 so im sure it appears differently for you, if not then line 114 column 1277975 for margin and column 1278196 for the width.

Then if you can add the stowing button back into ui-bar that should work for everything.
Right now when the page width goes below 768px the css acts like the ui-bar can be stowed so the text moves behind that bar.

Making those changes then the only restriction is 54em max-width on passages.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Hi, i just downloaded the game and it works fine but the daughters pictures, animations or anithing about them, wont show in the game. I took a look on the img. file and cant find the images for them. What am i dong wrong ? any help ?
You downloaded all the 15 GB of images? If not please do so (links and manual @ 1st page)

If you already downloaded the content please make sure the html is on top of img folder (or check install manual)


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
You downloaded all the 15 GB of images? If not please do so (links and manual @ 1st page)

If you already downloaded the content please make sure the html is on top of img folder (or check install manual)
I downloaded PART 1-Anonfile, althoug it only downloaded 7.8 GB... what else do i need to download ? i also downloaded part 2 but could not open it. Is there another file im missing for the daughters images ?


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
I downloaded PART 1-Anonfile, althoug it only downloaded 7.8 GB... what else do i need to download ? i also downloaded part 2 but could not open it. Is there another file im missing for the daughters images ?
...eh? you do know that part 1 and part 2 are dependent on each other?
just if you don't know what "part" actually means:

what ya gotta do ofc. is have both parts in the same folder and unpack the first part with 7zip. the program will automatically jump over to part 2, once part 1 is unpacked. you can't ofc. do it the other way 'round as datas that begin in the first part can't be unpacked if you start with the second part first. or to tell ya more clearly: if you build a house, you first start with the foundation and not with the roof.

so far only the patch jungles is missing.

...don't forget to download the newest html file that can be found in the attachment of OP.
Mar 8, 2017
Has anyone gone through the trouble of replacing/adding bug girls that aren't absolutely grotesque? I wouldn't wanna condemn the entire species to extinction but about 9/10 of the pictures are firmly into "Hell naw" territory. Just a handful that aren't ridiculously abominable would suffice, so I'm just curious if anyone has done so. I have seen some incredible bug girl art on the internets so I know they exist.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Has anyone gone through the trouble of replacing/adding bug girls that aren't absolutely grotesque? I wouldn't wanna condemn the entire species to extinction but about 9/10 of the pictures are firmly into "Hell naw" territory. Just a handful that aren't ridiculously abominable would suffice, so I'm just curious if anyone has done so. I have seen some incredible bug girl art on the internets so I know they exist.
Not to my knowledge. And yes, bugs are usually the only species that get's the axe...... well sword, in my games. Although spiders are a treading on thin ice. But if I had to guess, it's not Beorns cup of tea, so his effort and available material, is low. I'd welcome you to find a load of good pictures, and ask one of the modders or Beron himself even, if they want to use them.


Jul 31, 2017
Does anyone know who this is? It's one of the daughters and it's been bugging me who they are since I first played... xD Tried to find something based on the tattoo but no dice.
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4.20 star(s) 57 Votes