Unity - Completed - Adorable Witch 2 [Final] [Lovely Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its the gameplay from those super shitty mobile ads, but you actually get to play it its not clickbait. Its like 30 of those levels none too difficult, unlocking one of those animated scenes every 3 levels.

    Thats it. No story. Just those puzzles and some alright animated scenes with no dialogue.

    Try it out if you've wanted to see what playing those shitty ads would be like. I was actually kind of curious and this satiated my desire. Thats it tho.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game!

    Art 5/5
    I love the art and characters' design. Each "reward" is nicely animated. My only wish is to have more "rewards" with red-eyed witch.

    Gameplay 3/5
    Nothing much - just pull some pins and water the plants. Each stage is rather simple and mostly no-brainer. You won't find a challenge here. But it's more fun with it than it would be without. I found no bug during gameplay, so from technical point there is nothing to b*tch about.

    Time spend 5/5
    Not even an hour. You will spend much more time at the gallery then in the game part.

    Enjoyment 6/5

    Repeat? I doubt, maybe only for gallery.