Unity - Completed - Adorable Witch 3 [Final] [Lovely Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    So imagine your typical puzzle game. You've got a basic mechanic that you run through a tutorial level or two with them you run a couple puzzles of increasing complexity using whatever the mechanic is. As you progress, the game adds a new mechanic or two and starts to mix and match to challenge you.

    Adorable Witch 3 is an example of what a puzzle game can look like without any of that. No tutorial, no complexity, a new mechanic without explanation and no real increase in complexity. The game took me about five minutes. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and the game to get harder, but it just never happened.

    This game is honestly hilariously bad. The music is obnoxious, the few lines of text are broken engrish, and the animations are clunky and uninteresting. The art is decent, but not worth interacting with this dumpster fire.