It's a fun start, the character art is beautiful. Dancing friend seems very sweet, practicing with her was interesting (though you don't recover health after combat unless you skip a day of practice, which seems like an oversight). I'd say the mansion's maps are a little too heavy with fast pursuing (and respawning) enemies, especially since there's no way to heal between battles. And with some rng on their side, one random mob of three can gang up on a character and kill them right away. Making it impossible to win. Running's not guaranteed (or even likely) to work against the mobs, either. And leveling's very slow. So the mobs are just a real pain to deal with in general. To balance that...I'd suggest not having mobs in the first place. Because they don't add anything fun to begin with. But if they must be there, try to make sure they can at least be dispatched more reliably. And that there's some way to heal outside of combat, especially before something like a boss.