Adult media enthusiast looking for friends maybe

Prince Vevit

Jul 5, 2021
Hello, I'm Vevit, 27 years old at the time of writing in 2022. I'm male, on the Ace spectrum, and I would say I am an aspiring adult artist. I enjoy writing and drawing and dream of creating my own adult game one day, probably in something relatively user friendly to make up for my lack of technical skills. Compared to most people, I probably spend a disproportionate amount of time following adult artists and content creators. I have been this way since before I should have been, maybe 13 years old, so you could say its a special interest of mine.

I however, do suffer from depression and executive dysfunction. I sit for hours, staring at the list of games I want to play, but cant bring myself to start, or opening dozens of tabs that I never actually engage with. Its crippling honestly! So my adult game creation dreams sit dead in the water until I can eventually afford to visit the doctor and stuff, but it doesn't mean I cant engage with a community that enjoys the same stuff I do.

I'm pretty much open to all fetishes and themes, aside from scat, although I do have a preference for shortstacks and sleep sex. I tend to like simple, western art with bold lines and bright colors. Think Captain Kirb or Gerph. In regards to games, I think Selebus's Lessons In Love is my favorite adult game of all time, and is phenomenally groundbreaking in its mixture of adult themes, psychological horror, and comedy, and a meta narrative aimed at the realities of what would happen in the type of made up scenarios these adult games are set up in. Try it sometime, foreal. A runner up would be Princess and Conquest.

I support LGBTQ+. Absolutely loathe any racists or homophobic types, or anyone who supports the capitalist hellscape that has sunk its teeth into much of the world. Anyone who really goes against the general idea of humans helping other humans can probably just fuck off. Being free from Censorship and bigotry is really important. Unless you are a hate group, then you deserve to be stomped out.

Also, in regards to this site specifically, I probably wont get along with the type of people that comment "if its (mosaic) censored/ doesn't have penetrative sex/ is tagged no sexual content, its garbage" types. Because I really appreciate the content creators creating works of art, and they certainly don't have to exist solely as a masturbatory aid. I genuinely appreciate the naked form, and all the work that goes into creating narratives centered around a subject that is often taboo or hidden behind closed doors, and all the effort done to add to the world of adult media. It's just really fuckin cool okay?

If you have any questions about me feel free to ask! If our views or tastes align, I would love to try and be friends.


New Member
Jul 15, 2021
Hey dude, I think you might have a combined internet/pornography addiction. Yeah, I get it, that's an awfully hypocritical thing for someone who's also on the same sex game forum as you to say. But, if that interest has been what your life revolves around for over a decade, and to the point that you've been reduced to seeking friendship online with others within that community as your only option, you might have a serious problem. However, if given proper professional attention it could result in a serious improvement in your quality of life. There is little doubt your depression and executive dysfunction have not only exacerbated your porn consumption but have also been made worse by it, leading to a perpetual cycle of increasing despair where your life increasingly falls apart until your reach a boiling point. I really think you might need a short break from the internet, if not anything else. For the time being it appears that its role in your life is actively harming you and your mental health more than helping.
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Prince Vevit

Jul 5, 2021
Hey dude, I think you might have a combined internet/pornography addiction. Yeah, I get it, that's an awfully hypocritical thing for someone who's also on the same sex game forum as you to say. But, if that interest has been what your life revolves around for over a decade, and to the point that you've been reduced to seeking friendship online with others within that community as your only option, you might have a serious problem. However, if given proper professional attention it could result in a serious improvement in your quality of life. There is little doubt your depression and executive dysfunction have not only exacerbated your porn consumption but have also been made worse by it, leading to a perpetual cycle of increasing despair where your life increasingly falls apart until your reach a boiling point. I really think you might need a short break from the internet, if not anything else. For the time being it appears that its role in your life is actively harming you and your mental health more than helping.
Not really a fan of pornography. Any real people is an immediate turn off for me. I understand sex work is important, and I totally respect the field, but I, personally, cant consume something that I feel directly harms society such as the industrialized porn complex. I do enjoy the stuff that's entirely in the realm of fiction, however, I wouldn't call it an addiction that needs fixing though! It would be like telling someone who enjoys horror movies, who watches mainly horror, and mainly plays horror games to get therapy for their hobby. And I certainly have friends outside of this hobby, haha. People I've known for years, who I love and trust, and I engage with about the other things I enjoy out of life. I maybe think it might be a case of projection or something, but I'm certainly not in need of any sort of internet break nor, are my problems caused by a perpetual cycle. Its honestly kind of telling of peoples opinions towards enjoyment of Adult media if that's your first impression. Enjoyment of Nsfw doesn't have to be inherently hyper sexual, or contribute to unhealthy habits. I can go on a tangent about how I enjoy group calls and watch films and play group games, or spend time with my family and play with my cat and basically do what literally every other person on this earth does, but like, cmon. Despite already having friends, Including a best friend who IS an adult content creator and artist, I don't thinking making more friends who also enjoy adult media would* be a bad thing. People who can analyze media and mature themes, but also go "those boobs are drawn great!".