VN Advice for my incoming game in developement


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
Don't fall into these common mistakes:

Everyone enjoys fantasy but keep the story and characters somewhat realistic. Don't ruin the game with an unrealistic fantasy. The most common one is "I have a huge dick and everyone worships it and throws themselves at me for no other reason."

Don't turn all females in the game into sluts. Make it a challenge to score with the main characters in the game! But also, don't tease for so long that the player loses interest.

Keep everyone's body proportions realistic. Don't give females all H cup breasts and guys horse dicks.

Give the NPCs in the game realistic personalities and varied personalities.

The story and characters are the key to a game's success! Make the story and characters meaningful!

If you give the player choices, make most of them matter. In far too many visual novels, nearly all choices follow the same path. There is only the illusion of choice.

As already mentioned, set realistic goals and expectations. Break the game up into small pieces, days, or chapters.

There needs to be some sort of struggle that the players has to overcome in the game. It can't all be rainbows and butterflies (looking at you WVM).

There needs to be consequences for some choices. The harder the choice the better. The choice needs to be more involved other than the common, "who do I want to fuck today."

As already mentioned, if you aren't good with English or aren't a native English speaker, find a proofreader to fix all the mistakes you make. I can't tell you how many games have been tainted by poor English. If you get a proofreader and use one from the start, it will be much easier to maintain. Once you are half way through the game it is very difficult to go back and correct all the bad English.

Good luck!

Just, thanks for the tips !

Clear and accurate.


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
Keep it up! 400 rendering is an amazing start. I personally love VN's with well done music and sounds. They can really set the scene. Music can tell you about characters without explicitly spelling it out for the player. It's great you already know how your game will end, that's a part I'm particularly suffering with in my own endeavors. It's good that you aren't getting too ambitious, there is nothing wrong with a standard choice threaded VN. In fact, I usually enjoy them more than the ones that try to create an open world. Keep at it!
Thank you for the encouragement!
I'll continue to do my best!


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
Hi everyone or just myself depending on whether this article from my development review will be read or not!

I was supposed to release it in early January but the content seemed too poor and not clean enough.

The gameplay is definitively fixed and is articulated like a Timestamps, Dream of desire etc...

There are not a lot of sex scenes compared to the already produced content, two to be exact, but I reserve the right to implement a third one. All the sex scenes are animated, even if I don't have the talent of Motkeyz or Lewdlab since it's my first game and I've never coded in my life before.

I'm going to focus on the finishing touches to make the game pretty and the interface nice and appealing.

I also have to create My Patreon and my F95 page, which I'm not very happy about but well...

Thanks for reading me (or not) and see you soon for a release, I hope, early March.

Ciao :D

Papa Lewd

Game Developer
Oct 12, 2019
Don't fall into these common mistakes:

Everyone enjoys fantasy but keep the story and characters somewhat realistic. Don't ruin the game with an unrealistic fantasy. The most common one is "I have a huge dick and everyone worships it and throws themselves at me for no other reason."

Don't turn all females in the game into sluts. Make it a challenge to score with the main characters in the game! But also, don't tease for so long that the player loses interest.

Keep everyone's body proportions realistic. Don't give females all H cup breasts and guys horse dicks.

Give the NPCs in the game realistic personalities and varied personalities.

The story and characters are the key to a game's success! Make the story and characters meaningful!

If you give the player choices, make most of them matter. In far too many visual novels, nearly all choices follow the same path. There is only the illusion of choice.

As already mentioned, set realistic goals and expectations. Break the game up into small pieces, days, or chapters.

There needs to be some sort of struggle that the players has to overcome in the game. It can't all be rainbows and butterflies (looking at you WVM).

There needs to be consequences for some choices. The harder the choice the better. The choice needs to be more involved other than the common, "who do I want to fuck today."

As already mentioned, if you aren't good with English or aren't a native English speaker, find a proofreader to fix all the mistakes you make. I can't tell you how many games have been tainted by poor English. If you get a proofreader and use one from the start, it will be much easier to maintain. Once you are half way through the game it is very difficult to go back and correct all the bad English.

Good luck!
These are all fantastic tips that more devs need to take note of!


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
Hi guys!

I finished V0.01 of my game!

I spent a lot of time on the million little details that still had to be fixed.

The story doesn't go very far at the moment and the plot is only just beginning, but the base is there, solid and the continuation seems to me to be a highway!

Unfortunately I have not yet found a trustworthy English-speaking proofreader (English isn't my native language) but I have some contacts who had their game tested and who know some.

Come the tricky part...
I don't know how to organize my Patreon and I'm stressed at the idea of publishing my work on F95.

Anyway, I still have to upload it on the different hosting platforms.

Considering my internet speed, 2 more days.

Anyway, thanks for reading me so far, there is a good chance that the next publications will be on my F95 page.

Bye guys !