Others - Aesthetic Life [v1.0] [nonhumans]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Very barebones, this is more like tech demo.
    3 scenes that are just really short, 1-2 seconds animations on a loop, drag to an NPC and just click for a scene, one scene in the intro so 2 scenes in the actual "game". Nothing more. That's the whole game.

    Technically there is also needs system (that's bad), warderobe (mostly empty and annoying to use, it kicks you out of the clothing menu after clicking any clothes), room building menu (you start the game with an empty room, first few days in game are just spamming the same scene to earn enough for a bed, bathtub and a fridge).

    On the other hand, there are pop ups to get premium version, promising more content.